[QUOTE="SP"] Ooh, do I get to do star-jumps too? I think I'd best get some ankle support sorted, as the L ankle still isn't feeling too clever although it has been feeling a bit better of late. I almost managed to run (in a fashion) without looking like a cripple last week.[/QUOTE] Yep star jumps are warm up staple... Be careful with your ankle though [QUOTE] It was only a short run, mind, the sort of thing you do when your work colleague drives his car at you for fun. [1] Care in the community really works, doesn't it? <G> Strangely enough, when I think back to all the hours of training at Judo, I seem to recall the actual Judo specific stuff and not the warm-up and down bit, yet I probably did do about 1/2 warm-up beforehand. And a decent warm-up is a good idea, otherwise it is very easy to have part of your leg muscle go <ping> from the top of your leg when attempting to show the NW squad how much you really want to be picked.. That was painful. ouch! Hmm, I suppose arm-locks and strangles aren't part of TK..they're my fave.[/QUOTE] Well, actually they are - we do self defence stuff too. :-)