Hi mate, all that chat of mountain bikes etc etc and the fact that the physio says a bike would be excellent in helping my leg heal as fully as possible has led me to the inexorable conclusion that i need to get a bike. I was just wondering what you had got and where from as i remember you saying it was an inexpensive one, thats all i need. -- Donegal Paul - On the mend Maico Letta 247cc - We have the technology. Zundapp Bella r203 - Watch out for ze Germans! Bajaj Chetak 125 - Wannabe Vespa Lambretta Li186 - stripped. Vespa T5 Millenium - intact www.thepilgrimssc.co.uk
"The Older Gentleman" said to Donegal Paul yup been looking there but want to keep options open -- Donegal Paul - On the mend Maico Letta 247cc - We have the technology. Zundapp Bella r203 - Watch out for ze Germans! Bajaj Chetak 125 - Wannabe Vespa Lambretta Li186 - stripped. Vespa T5 Millenium - intact www.thepilgrimssc.co.uk
"Rope"replied to The Older Gentleman spoke: Aint got one nearby and want to see the bikes before buying preferably :-/ -- Donegal Paul - On the mend Maico Letta 247cc - We have the technology. Zundapp Bella r203 - Watch out for ze Germans! Bajaj Chetak 125 - Wannabe Vespa Lambretta Li186 - stripped. Vespa T5 Millenium - intact www.thepilgrimssc.co.uk
"steve auvache" said to Donegal Paul wrote Nope i dont, i use 'tinternet when looking for stuff rather that a big yellow book. so logically the store locator for the big w's would have been the place to go, however, it was bringing up an error page. So, logically yell.co.uk should have provided the answer, however, no luck there either. -- Donegal Paul - On the mend Maico Letta 247cc - We have the technology. Zundapp Bella r203 - Watch out for ze Germans! Bajaj Chetak 125 - Wannabe Vespa Lambretta Li186 - stripped. Vespa T5 Millenium - intact www.thepilgrimssc.co.uk
Donegal Paul wrote Why just Big W, there are prolly a dozen or more well stocked bike shops within a mile or two where you live?
Bike shops won't carry anything as cheap as he's looking for. Normal bottom of the range in a bike shop will be around 250 quid.
Ben wrote 250 quid? For a bloody push bike? Oi DP. As much as I hate to say this: join a gym, it will be cheaper.
Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Donegal Paul Bear didn't take the free one from here. If you want it, drive the Volvo over and collect it. Mountain bike. Scruffy. Some gears. Saddle (somewhere). Red. Free. -- Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets WS* GHPOTHUF#24 APOSTLE#14 DLC#1 COFF#20 BOTAFOT#150 HYPO#0(KoTL) IbW#41 ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner", Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
"steve auvache" said to Ben wrote Already done, works one is only £6 a month. Thing is, I don't mind going, i just dont get the time, plus, part of the reason for a bike is that the kids are learning ot ride a bike at the mo so come summer, we can all go out. That way, I get them to cycle, and it helps me get fit(ter). -- Donegal Paul - On the mend Maico Letta 247cc - We have the technology. Zundapp Bella r203 - Watch out for ze Germans! Bajaj Chetak 125 - Wannabe Vespa Lambretta Li186 - stripped. Vespa T5 Millenium - intact www.thepilgrimssc.co.uk