Paging AnthonyE

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lozzo, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    I have on my desk a large quantity of genuine Ducati stickers (part
    number 984150048), 79 of them to be accurate. They are red with white
    Ducati text and the split circle in black, approx 110mm x 30mm.

    Do you want them?
    Lozzo, Nov 30, 2004
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  2. Lozzo

    antonye Guest

    Thanks mate but I already have a ton of those along with
    the nice(r) Ducati Motor ones as well. Plus a 3" thick
    stack of MonsterMob ones I *ahem* borrowed from the
    hospitality truck at MotoGP...

    Stick 'em on ebay - people will buy them. I saw 6 of
    those go for about 11 quid with postage I think!

    PS. Did you go for that thing I emailed you about?
    antonye, Nov 30, 2004
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  3. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    antonye says...
    Heh, best way to acquire that kind of thing.
    I thought of that, but also thought I'd give you first shout. Ebay here
    we come then.
    I didn't. I decided to stay with what I have for the time being, but
    thanks anyway, it was appreciated.
    Lozzo, Nov 30, 2004
  4. I wouldn't mind a few - three or four, if you're offering.
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 30, 2004
  5. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    The Older Gentleman says...
    I forgot you had a Ducati. Can you email me a snail-mail address to the
    one in the attributions and I'll pop some in the post.
    Lozzo, Nov 30, 2004
  6. You have mail :))
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 30, 2004
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