Paging Ant and the Ducatisti

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TOG@Toil, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. TOG@Toil

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Ebay item 150419533524

    Is this worthwhile? I've heard of the flywheels working loose, but £35
    for two nuts seems silly.
    TOG@Toil, Mar 2, 2010
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  2. TOG@Toil

    Dave Emerson Guest

    Ebay item 150419533524

    Is this worthwhile? I've heard of the flywheels working loose, but £35
    for two nuts seems silly.

    If they've got you by the nuts....
    Dave Emerson, Mar 3, 2010
    1. Advertisements

  3. TOG@Toil

    antonye Guest

    If they're done up right in the first place, they don't come
    loose anyway. It seems they're praying on the "think of the
    chil^H^H damage" scenario as a scare tactic.

    Nichols stuff does come highly recommended, but I wouldn't
    bother as it takes minutes to check the nut during a service
    and any good Ducati mech will do it anyway.
    antonye, Mar 3, 2010
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