OY: UKRM Book club

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Champ, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. Champ

    Champ Guest

    I finished my first Evelyn Waugh book last night - "A Handful of
    Dust". I'd picked it up in a 2nd hand book sale, and tho I'd not read
    any Waugh, I knew that "Decline and Fall", "Vile Bodies" and "Scoop"
    were renowned inter-war novels, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    Jesus, what a depressing book! I thought Waugh was meant to be witty?
    Have I just picked a bad one?
    Champ, Nov 10, 2004
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  2. Champ

    darsy Guest

    haven't read a single one, sorry.
    darsy, Nov 10, 2004
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  3. Champ

    Champ Guest

    <disappointed> And I was relying on you. Bet TOG has read some.
    Champ, Nov 10, 2004
  4. Champ

    darsy Guest

    I've read very little mid-C20th fiction, actually.
    darsy, Nov 10, 2004
  5. Champ

    AndyW Guest

    Champ muttered:
    I think the Waugh I've read are witty - but they're also very dark.
    Not necessarily "happy reading".....
    AndyW, Nov 10, 2004
  6. Champ

    AndrewR Guest

    I've enjoyed both "Time" and "God" by Alexander Waugh, what do I win?

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Nov 10, 2004
  7. Champ

    Champ Guest

    "Handful of Dust" was *really* dark - basically a fairly decent chap
    has his life taken apart (loses his wife, then son) and ends his days
    the prisoner of a psychopath in the Amazonian jungle!
    Champ, Nov 10, 2004
  8. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I haven't read any.
    Ben Blaney, Nov 10, 2004
  9. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I enjoyed The War Zone by Alexander Stuart, what do I win?
    Ben Blaney, Nov 10, 2004
  10. No. IMV only "Scoop" has any semblance of wit, and even that is pretty
    laboured - made more tolerable by William Boot 'being' William Deedes, who's
    still going strong-ish at the age of 163 or whatever. Equally, I am totally
    impervious to the supposed wit of Jane Austen. That comes of being taught
    English by a determined Jane-ite, who seemed to find something to giggle at
    in virtually every comma. Lawrence Durrell's 'comic' novels of embassy life
    are also a hard grind, although I'm sure they were hilarious at the time.
    Comedy's a tricky creature, which has a very limited shelf-life. In film,
    Charlie Chaplin has always left me cold whereas Buster Keaton's more
    physical comedy still makes me laugh.
    Toby Augh-Nottoby, Nov 10, 2004
  11. Champ

    flash Guest

    I enjoyed winning the officer raffle, what do I read?
    flash, Nov 10, 2004
  12. Champ

    darsy Guest

    I enjoyed "Granny made me an Anarchist" by Stuart Christie, what do I
    darsy, Nov 10, 2004
  13. Champ

    AndrewR Guest

    Um, some sort of hand grenade, maybe.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Nov 10, 2004
  14. Champ

    flash Guest

    I was thinking more of "Coming up for air".
    flash, Nov 10, 2004
  15. Champ

    AndrewR Guest

    "Luck of the draw" by Ned Manning

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Nov 10, 2004
  16. Champ

    flash Guest

    He went to catch those fish didn't he - admittedly they weren't there
    anymore but that was a gripping bit. Plus he won the office sweepstake IIRC.
    flash, Nov 10, 2004
  17. Champ

    AndrewR Guest


    Have you ever read it? On of the least eventful books ever, IMHO.

    Pages and pages devoted to a beautifully drawn character, waiting round for
    something to do.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Nov 10, 2004
  18. Champ

    Champ Guest

    Ah. Well, I still like to read "Scoop", if only so that I can quote
    "Up to a point, Lord Copper" from the original.

    Mind you, according to
    http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/896/Handful of D.htm
    it might be his greatest novel! I think Waugh must have been on a bit
    of a downer when he wrote it.
    I really can't get on with any 19th century literature; I've never
    read any Austin, and I'm unlikely to, either.
    Champ, Nov 10, 2004
  19. Champ

    AndrewR Guest

    He did win the office sweepstake, yes. Ten pounds or something, wasn't

    Anyway, don't forget the childhood sweetheart plot ... that was a real

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Nov 10, 2004
  20. Champ

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Or maybe a shag from a close relative.
    Ben Blaney, Nov 10, 2004
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