Ow.. my nads hurt.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Muck, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. Muck

    Muck Guest

    Feckin hell, those brakes on the FZR250RR are much sharper than my
    Bandit brakes. I rolled it down the hill, put on the front brake and
    squashed my nads on the fuel tank.
    Muck, Oct 2, 2004
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  2. Muck

    Lozzo Guest

    Muck says...
    Some people pay good money for that kind of thing.
    Lozzo, Oct 2, 2004
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  3. Muck

    Donegal Paul Guest

    "Lozzo" said to Muck says...
    yes but be careful out there, some are using counterfeit!!!
    Donegal Paul
    Lambretta Li186 - crashed and bashed
    Vespa T5 Millenium - Wifey's (technically)
    www.a4c.co.uk - What are YOU doing?
    Donegal Paul, Oct 2, 2004
  4. Muck

    Steve Parry Guest

    Cue Panda "Ooooo me conkers"

    Steve Parry



    K100RS SE
    (not forgetting the SK90PY)
    Steve Parry, Oct 2, 2004
  5. Muck

    Muck Guest

    Heh, that's not what I said at the time. :)

    I'm just wondering how I'm going to get my tent and everything else on
    the bike, when I take it to BOSM as it's tiny.
    Muck, Oct 2, 2004
  6. Muck

    Muck Guest

    Hmm... I get that for free now. :)
    Muck, Oct 2, 2004
  7. Muck

    Buzby Guest

    Classic case of BB [1]


    [1] Bikers Bollocks
    Buzby, Oct 3, 2004
  8. Muck

    WavyDavy Guest

    Well if you carry on the way you have, then you'll be able to strap them all
    to your swollen 'nads.......... HTH


    PS. Am well chuffed they still actually work, btw. I know they've got
    decent 4-pots and braided hoses and 1000cc bike size discs, but I thought
    rthe brakes, being Yamaha, would be a bit seized by now...
    WavyDavy, Oct 3, 2004
  9. Muck

    Muck Guest

    That'll be what Buzby was talking about. That tank pad doesn't make much
    difference, or is that to protect the tank? :)
    I'm going to change the brake fluid, infact, I'm going to change all the

    Yes, something that weighs half as much again as my CG125 with 1000cc
    sized brakes... looks like I'll be doing random stoppies for a while. Eeeek!
    Muck, Oct 3, 2004
  10. Muck

    Lozzo Guest

    Muck says...
    I've recently bought a GPZ500S caliper that will go on the CB250RS with
    some molishment of bracketry. Should be fun, in an over the handlebars
    Lozzo, Oct 3, 2004
  11. Muck

    Muck Guest

    Sounds like fun, braided hoses too? Really must get some of those for me
    Bandit, as the old hoses are out of date, and shite.
    Muck, Oct 3, 2004
  12. Muck

    Lozzo Guest

    Muck says...
    Yep, braided hoses, not that it made any difference to the original
    shite Honda caliper. I think half the problem is the brake pads in the
    CB, I've done close on 50K miles on that bike, and the pads that were in
    there when it got it are still like new. I think they're made of stone.
    Lozzo, Oct 3, 2004
  13. Muck

    Muck Guest

    Or you've got a brake disk made by Tefal. 50k miles on one set of pads,
    that's just silly. Is the RS going to come along to the next BOSM, I'm
    planning on bringing the FizZeR.
    Muck, Oct 3, 2004
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