Our Wimmen (a 'sorta Joke)

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mr. JayT, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Precision said earlier: Referring to some crap RGDon said: ''Mr
    louie, what does this mean.
    You better take charge before Jerry fucks this guy up.
    Houston stomp coming North.

    -----The RGdon responds:
    Heh, heh. Hey Pender/Precision (or whatever you are today). Ya'll come
    on up, ya hear? Should I tie one or both of hands behind my back to make
    it a contest?
    After we're done I'll treat you all to some real beer. the canuke Don)

    ===== Hey Precision:''one nice 'thang about the Dons up there in
    Canader...they'll treat you nicely, if you really did ride 3,000 miles
    up there to ''meet 'em'', now aint that nice...those are some ' good old
    boys'.And let me tellya', I've heard some good shit about their kinda
    ''beer'' yes....<g>..MrJayT-
    Mr. JayT, Oct 25, 2008
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  2. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Our own Texas Gent, Biff responds to The RGDon, about
    drankin'------''Ok, beer thread now. Do Canadians make any beer that
    doesn't come in a green bottle and taste like ass, or have a french
    name? La Face Cachée de la Pomme Neige Éternelle? The face of the
    eternal snow apple?? Seriously? Do you have to hold your pinky out when
    you drink that shit? I'll drink piss warm Natural Light that's been
    rolling around under the truck seat so long that the paint has worn off
    the can before I'll drink something with a name like that.
    You come here, we'll tour the Shiner brewery, or even better, the St.
    Arnold's warehouse bay/brewery. Then you'll know beer.
    Pender, where ya at? There's some dinosaurs outside that say they know
    you. Looks like they brought their own Pepperidge Farms this time.

    ======I love it......I enjoy a ''thread'' that can go ''ever which a
    'way, but loose''...
    Now that was a good Clint Eastwood movie.........Biff, above is 'wurth'
    a good old Texas country boy...LMA0''acronym...
    (;>/ JayTLaffaLot.====
    Mr. JayT, Oct 25, 2008
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  3. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    RGD: ''Really? Don't tell me... That's how BJ got his name, right?

    ===Hey, that's the way to sneak in a little ''keep the flame
    going''......and in gentlemenly fashion......too! That will help keep
    this ''Variety of things to come'' thread alive.....good
    Mr. JayT, Oct 25, 2008
  4. Mr. JayT

    Rogue Rider Guest

    Umm, the air is getting "stiff" in here. When some of the
    testosterone clears the air, I'll come back.

    Meeting up with Joe in Breckenridge. Catch you boys later. Ta!

    Rogue Rider, Oct 25, 2008
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