
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Elmer McKeegan, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. Don't know if the story is true, but the picture sure looks painful.

    "This is an actual emergency room photo of a gentleman who lost control of
    his motorcycle on a country road in West Virginia. Troopers believe that he
    was traveling at a speed of approximately 75 mph at the time of the
    accident. He was unable to negotiate a curve in the road. Unfortunately for
    him, upon striking the ditch and being ejected from the bike, he landed back
    end first on a fencepost from an old barnyard fence that was downed on the
    side of the road. You can probably picture what happened next, but the
    attached picture says it all. This picture was obviously removed from the
    trooper's files without permission. The good news is that after about 6
    months, this man made a full recovery after suffering a shattered hip,
    broken leg, several broken ribs, internal injuries, and "soft tissue"
    damage. Doctors credited his recovery to the fact that the post lodged
    itself so tightly that there was little or no blood loss."

    Elmer McKeegan, Feb 15, 2005
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  2. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    I hope the dude had all the kids he ever wanted....because by the looks of
    the picture, I'm sure having sex is the last thing on his mind for awhile!
    Brian Walker, Feb 15, 2005
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  3. "Bownse"
    I saw this picture a while back on another list.
    Judging by the lack of caregivers actively
    involved(none) this is a post-mortem shot before
    the patient was removed to the morgue. Very bad
    taste AND unethical to post the deceased's face.

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Feb 15, 2005
  4. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. these reeky idiots don't even know what I'm talking about when I
    claim that "I own them"... ain't that a hoot ? Of course, since they've all
    got me "killfiled" .. that is understandable...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Feb 15, 2005
  5. Elmer McKeegan

    Mike S. Guest

    Mike S., Feb 15, 2005
  6. Elmer McKeegan

    BJayKana Guest

    (Keith Schiffner)

    http://rightwingconspirator.com/splinter.htmlI saw this picture a while back on another list. Judging by the lack of
    caregivers actively involved(none) this is a post-mortem shot before the
    patient was removed to the morgue. Very bad taste AND unethical to post
    the deceased's face.--------bjay--------
    You think the person is deceased?
    Dern, I guess one of the ''personell'' around the ER area, what? took
    the photo.?And you don't think it was staged some way or another, you know these
    there are some talented nerds out there in WWW land.But, if it was a real accident, It makes me realize & or, think that
    most of the MC accidents, that I hear of, and read about, happen in the
    ''curves'' out in the rural areas. I think even more than the
    involvement with Cages! --Now, this is just an opinion, that it seems,
    to be that way(!)----- ----bjay------ -----

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Feb 15, 2005
  7. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    (Keith Schiffner)

    http://rightwingconspirator.com/splinter.htmlI saw this picture a while back on another list. Judging by the lack of
    caregivers actively involved(none) this is a post-mortem shot before the
    patient was removed to the morgue. Very bad taste AND unethical to post
    the deceased's face.--------bjay--------
    You think the person is deceased?
    Dern, I guess one of the ''personell'' around the ER area, what? took
    the photo.?And you don't think it was staged some way or another, you know these
    there are some talented nerds out there in WWW land.But, if it was a real accident, It makes me realize & or, think that
    most of the MC accidents, that I hear of, and read about, happen in the
    ''curves'' out in the rural areas. I think even more than the
    involvement with Cages! --Now, this is just an opinion, that it seems,
    to be that way(!)----- ----bjay------ -----

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--

    LOL.. Bjay.. I think you'd have to know Elmer McKeegan to understand why he
    even posted this thread.. Don't get carried away on this one...

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Feb 15, 2005
  8. in message
    True, but I GENUINLY have Bill KF'd. To be honest
    the only time I EVER see anything of his is when
    some one else posts all or part of his lies.
    Scary isn't it? That's what being a real
    motorcyclist is about. Laugh and scratch, bust
    each others balls on occasion and in between share
    good usefull imformation.
    Oh that's just great rub it in why don't you! 8^)
    I'll survive...
    I never ever SHART whilst riding...turned the air
    a few shades bluer on occasion but never have I
    SHART whilst riding. Bicycles don't count!

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Feb 15, 2005
  9. Elmer McKeegan

    Bownse Guest

    I was replying to someone else's posts.
    Bownse, Feb 15, 2005
  10. Ah, mea culpa. just looked at the snopes link
    also. Follows pretty much my summation except they
    are saying he died a few days later...
    Keith Schiffner
    History does not record anywhere at any time a
    religion that has any rational basis. Religion is
    a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up
    to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff,
    most people do have a religion and spend time and
    money on it and seem to derive considerable
    pleasure from fiddling with it.
    Robert Heinlein
    Keith Schiffner, Feb 15, 2005
  11. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Okay, but the story you give also said it hasn't been able to verify it's
    own story. So which is it?

    Personally, I don't care about which story is real...it still looks painful
    as shit (no pun)
    Brian Walker, Feb 15, 2005
  12. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Good grief .. Albert... You are getting more infantile all the time...
    Bill Walker, Feb 15, 2005
  13. Elmer McKeegan

    Calgary Guest

    Hey Bill, good to see ya. I am glad to see you have been pinned at
    your keyboard all day, again! LOL

    Sorry but I don't have time to read all your stuff, but keep up the
    effort. You're gonna have to work hard to surround this group again
    so no time off now. Stay at that board. Don't be riding that bike.

    I'll check in later tonight to make sure you are on the job.

    I gotta ask though, if we have you pinned to that board, occupying all
    of your time, making sure you don't ride your bike, how exactly is it
    you own us?


    Don Binns
    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck

    Calgary, Feb 16, 2005
  14. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO.. to complicated for a dimwit to grasp. Long as you are jumping
    though.. try to keep up... OK. No need to try and keep tabs on me.. LOL..
    I'm a retired gentleman without worries about some fool in Calgary trying to
    punch my clock...

    BTW... I snipped the cross posting.. and how's the trip to Texas coming
    along.. Those couple of friends of yours (?) still planning the visit to
    Irving ? LMAO... sure made it easy for you boys.. and I've already talked
    to the park manager here to make sure that you guys don't have a problem
    getting access.... Just curious .. though .. hero.. just how many of you
    guys do you think will be needed to deal with this old dude... huh ? Seems
    like you had the feeling that three of you wouldn't be quite enough.. I

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Bill Walker, Feb 16, 2005
  15. Elmer McKeegan

    Tim Guest

    Don, Don, Don.... Tsk.

    Bill hisownself checked the odo on his bike and dutifully reported back to us
    all that he'd ridden all of 70 miles today. We didn't keep him at his computer;
    hell, that's probably the IBA calling him for documentation of his Iron Butt
    right now!
    Tim, Feb 16, 2005
  16. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Wow! You mean *you* did an Iron Butt yesterday? Wow! That's pretty good for
    a weekday!

    I'll be looking for a ride report and a new mention on the IBA site from
    Brian Walker, Feb 16, 2005
  17. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    That killfile of yours is acting up again....you probably got tight on money
    and decided since we were "on to you" about your healthcare insurance, you
    paid that instead of the renewal on your patent for the killfile.
    Brian Walker, Feb 16, 2005
  18. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. maybe so.. Tim Morrow has posted a list of his certifications and
    motorcycles he's owned and ridden, that would make Bates Motorcycle Salvage,

    Tim has been engaged in a thread on Reeky headed "Emergency Braking" or
    something like that.. The thread has been running now, for at least a week..
    Tim and his buddies are all wizards on the theoretical braking procedures..
    hmmm.. The problem is.. that most of those guys have also reported that
    they've been involved in collisions with other vehicles on two or more

    That's one way to "stop fast" alright.. When all else fails.. "hit that
    sucker".. that'll stop you...ROTFL.. That's sure true, I guess..

    Maybe I should put Tim in touch with El Negrine in Guadalajara.. El Negine
    always is on the lookout for access to parts bikes .. he's always building
    one or two, down there..
    Bill Walker, Feb 16, 2005
  19. Elmer McKeegan

    BJayKana Guest

    BELOW, I see Dandy Don has made an appearance, cyberly, speaking.Dandy Don, how have you been? it has been a while since you were over
    here visiting our group.You might want to take a survey of my post. I have really been typing
    some good
    comments lately. I think, I am a head of Bill Walker, if not, It could
    be a close race.Like I informed you B4, this NG is part of my entertainment. I can name
    about 6 or 8 others in here, that probably count this as a big part of
    their entertainment.So, you can rant and rave, all you want too, little buddy, but, it
    doenst bother any of us, about what you think of how we spend our
    leisure time.I don't know if you have read any of our Motocycle Interest Post lately,
    if you have, you will see, we discuss motorcycle topics a great deal. I
    wonder if Ya'll discuss motorcycle topics much? I have not visited your
    group since December, I wouldnt know.
    --------bjayKANA-----------bill walker below----
    ROTFL.. these reeky idiots don't even know what I'm talking about when I
    claim that "I own them"... ain't that a hoot ? Of course, since they've
    all got me "killfiled" .. that is understandable...------------calgary aka Don Binns------
    Hey Bill, good to see ya. I am glad to see you have been pinned at your
    keyboard all day, again! LOL
    Sorry but I don't have time to read all your stuff, but keep up the
    effort. You're gonna have to work hard to surround this group again so
    no time off now. Stay at that board. Don't be riding that bike.
    I'll check in later tonight to make sure you are on the job.
    I gotta ask though, if we have you pinned to that board, occupying all
    of your time, making sure you don't ride your bike, how exactly is it
    you own us?
    BJayKana, Feb 17, 2005
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