OTish - Classics and Horology

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by Ovenpaa, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. Rusty Hinge 2 said:
    It's lovely, too.
    Richard Robinson, Mar 7, 2006
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  2. Ovenpaa

    Dave Gee Guest

    Ducati may have made a few watches, they produced some cameras IIRC.
    As for the dreaded pingfuckit?
    Work semi-blind, under saran wrap, during the "danger zone". Of course
    you loose the challenge that way.

    Dave G.
    Dave Gee, Mar 7, 2006
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  3. And Jesus springs...
    Dave Larrington, Mar 7, 2006
  4. Ovenpaa

    Guy King Guest

    The message <>
    Oooh, I found the pingfuckit from the washing machine! The one that went
    under the suspension spring which I replaced with a spare 8m socket. It
    was in the sink under some washing up - turned up a few days later.
    Guy King, Mar 7, 2006
  5. Ovenpaa

    A.Clews Guest

    Likewise for me when I replaced the drum bearing on a Servis automatic
    washing machine (back in the days when I was happy to DIY rather than pay
    someone else to do it). The bearing turned out to be exactly the same as
    for the rear wheel of a Mk1 Ford Fiesta (which by sheer coincidence I had
    also replaced weeks earlier), but which had cost me about four times as
    much. Even after replacing the bearing the machine was never the same, and
    was replaced by a new Bosch within months.
    A.Clews, Mar 7, 2006
  6. Ovenpaa

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Well, one cunning trick I have used for *really* fiddly stuiff is to
    do the job inside a transparent poly bag.

    Unfortunately I can rarely be bothered to find such a bag, with
    inevitable results....

    Actually, has Sheddespace become linked with SOBspace, perhaps by some
    sort of word-hole, or are the Sheddi using a SOBspace transmitter?
    Pip Luscher, Mar 7, 2006
  7. Arr...

    I found Zanussi drum bearings were 2quid from BSL but 20quid from the
    local washing machine bits stockist.
    GS850x2 XS650 SE6a
    I demand nothing of you except that you amuse me.

    Folding@Home Team UKRM
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Mar 7, 2006

  8. Good question.

    One certain way to check - have any old bike bits been turning up in
    people's sheddes?
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 7, 2006
  9. I just found a pingfuckit I lost a few months ago - I saw something
    glinting amongst the study carpet, and there was the little
    piston-with-a-spigot-on-the-end dooferwotsit from the barrel of that
    wossname thingummybob you hang your watchstrap on.

    I'm ever so pleased. Now I'm trying to think of something ro do with it
    since I threw the rest away.

    Suggestions on the back of a postage stamp please.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Mar 7, 2006
  10. The message <1hbuinx.t54jczhs8yt2N%>
    from (The Older Gentleman) contains
    these words:
    That's hardly a fair test.

    Rusty Hinge 2, Mar 7, 2006
  11. Ovenpaa

    Gid Holyoake Guest

    >, The Older Gentleman generously
    decided to share with us..
    I wish a starter motor for a Honda CX500 would turn up in mine..

    Gid Holyoake, Mar 7, 2006
  12. Ovenpaa

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Good question.

    One certain way to check - have any old bike bits been turning up in
    people's sheddes?[/QUOTE]

    Or, have odd tqt and elderly lawnmowers that one hasn't got round to
    fixing been turning up in bike garages?
    Pip Luscher, Mar 7, 2006
  13. Ovenpaa

    Guy King Guest

    The message <>

    One on eBay.
    Guy King, Mar 7, 2006
  14. Or, have odd tqt and elderly lawnmowers that one hasn't got round to
    fixing been turning up in bike garages?[/QUOTE]

    Funny you should say that.

    Does anybody claim a non-functioning petrol lawn strimmer I found
    recently, hiding behind some paint pots?
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 7, 2006
  15. Ovenpaa

    Lozzo Guest

    The Older Gentleman said...
    Me, I'll be first in the queue.
    Lozzo, Mar 7, 2006
  16. Ovenpaa

    Lozzo Guest

    Guy King said...
    There are thousands in breakers yards, if you look. There are also
    people who rewind them and recondition them, if you look.
    Lozzo, Mar 7, 2006
  17. No lawnmowers in my garage, I have a rule about that. Any such presence
    must be temporary.

    But there are some substantial portions of GS1000 engine in my shed.
    Courtesey of a previous lodger, and mate, who doesn't exactly want them,
    as such, as he has nowhere to put them, but doesn't want rid either.

    I have this theory that the shed, being of flimsy construction, would have
    blown away if it weren't weighed down by these bits, so I tolerate them.

    And there's a whole GS1000 in the garage, property of another lodger. It
    doesn't need any engine bits, but could do with a straight frame..
    Unfortunately the shed doesn't contain one of these.

    Regards, Ian
    Ian Northeast, Mar 8, 2006
  18. Ovenpaa

    Sena Guest

    I'm not particularly comfortable hfrvat the latter part of the worm so
    they'll be pingsoddits here. Same thing though.
    Sena, Mar 8, 2006
  19. Ovenpaa

    Br n Guest

    A hyuge jnfuvat chamine?
    Br n, Mar 8, 2006
  20. Ovenpaa

    Guy King Guest

    The message <4E0423B3B7%>
    No - just the usual portal into sockspace.
    Guy King, Mar 8, 2006
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