{OT} You Know You're Getting Old ...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Desmond Coughlan, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. Le Thu, 11 Sep 2003 20:13:42 +0100, Simon Atkinson <> a écrit :

    { snip }
    Oui, mais quand un homme s'ennuie en attendant la rentrée, il n'y a pas
    grand chose à faire ... :-(
    Desmond Coughlan, Sep 11, 2003
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  2. You ****, you were there !!
    Desmond Coughlan, Sep 11, 2003
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  3. Desmond Coughlan said:
    Je pense que monsieur a besoin de Viagra pour réduire l'attente.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 11, 2003
  4. Desmond Coughlan

    Ginge Guest

    They'd say something polite, then later ask "who's the old ****?"
    Ginge, Sep 12, 2003
  5. Desmond Coughlan

    ogden Guest

    You are old, you thick twat.
    ogden, Sep 12, 2003
  6. *quality* post formatting there.
    William Grainger, Sep 12, 2003
  7. Le Fri, 12 Sep 2003 09:06:58 +0200, Cab <> a écrit :

    { snip }
    'mec' means 'mate' ?

    Blimey ... you live 'n' learn .........................
    Desmond Coughlan, Sep 12, 2003
  8. Le 12 Sep 2003 10:23:07 GMT, William Grainger <> a écrit :

    { snip }
    I made the mistake of using TAB instead of 'SPACE' ...
    Desmond Coughlan, Sep 12, 2003
  9. Exactly, as it's not part of the National Curriculum for primary
    schools. They can offer a language if they have the capability, but
    they don't have to. I wonder if Des learnt French at primary?
    Yebbut, things like "hello" and numbers and stuff are done to death in
    'lower' sets because you *might* actually get to use them in real life
    (as opposed to, say, describing your school uniform or saying what
    your ideal job would be).
    'Policy'? 'Common practice' more like. The argument is, if you're crap
    at your first foreign language, then you'll probably be crap at all of
    them, so why waste everyone's time? Of course it doesn't work like
    that - you might actually be crap at one, and pick a different one up
    much more easily (say, because French is nothing like English at a
    basic level: bread=pain, water=eau, school=ecole, whereas basic German
    vocab -bread=Brot, water=Wasser, school=Schule, etc - is much more
    recognizable). Or you might just have had a crap teacher. Or your
    transition from primary might have meant you were behind others in
    your year at that time, and then you never quite get to catch up.

    I believe (though I could be wrong) that some schools deliberately get
    kids who are struggling at the first language to scrap it for a bit
    and start a second.
    Power Grainger, Sep 12, 2003
  10. Heh. *Nice*
    Power Grainger, Sep 12, 2003
  11. N'importe quoi.
    Steve Uzochukwu, Sep 12, 2003
  12. Le Fri, 12 Sep 2003 13:13:06 +0100, Power Grainger <> a écrit :

    { snip }
    At the age of primary, yes, but not in the school itself. It wasn't taught
    at that time. I started to learn it here in France, first on family
    holidays, and second as there was a family member, uh ... 'involved' with a
    French person, so I spent a fair bit of time here (cf. Angers, Nanets).
    Desmond Coughlan, Sep 12, 2003
  13. Desmond Coughlan

    Ace Guest

    Just Des' normal attention seeking, I think.

    Me too. But then we're (relatively) normal, well adjusted people who
    don't go round looking for imaginary personal insults.
    **** it. I've deleted three replies already, so I won't bother.
    Suffice to say you're going straight back in the kf.
    In your case you seem to do neither...
    Ace, Sep 22, 2003
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