OT : Webcams as Security Cams.... ?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Brownz, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. Brownz

    Brownz Guest

    So there appears to be a huge amount of claptrap returned by google.

    What I is after is something that can serve pictures and activates
    when something moves in front of it when attached to a PC.

    I have a basic webcam, just after the software, free of course.

    Cheerz - Brownz
    Brownz, Jul 27, 2009
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  2. You could just have it capture a webcam shot every, say, 20 seconds and
    store the picture in a folder. Shouldn't be too difficult using the human
    eye to scan through thumbnails to spot when something changes in the images
    And disk space is incredibly cheap these days so a few thousand webcam
    images isn't going to make much of a dent.

    A simple script could probably do that. Image based movement detection can
    be complicated and might be a bit unreliable too.

    I'd recommend looking at freshmeat.net, loads of free software on there for
    just about everything.
    Andrew Halliwell, Jul 27, 2009
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  3. Brownz

    prawn Guest

    <Derek Turner>

    fswebcam for time based capture or motion for motion detected capture.

    </D T> <rummages> Ah-ha. fswebcam setup below.


    To re-enforce the other point, there must be gazzilions of simple
    applications that do this.
    prawn, Jul 27, 2009
  4. The first hit for "webcam motion detection freeware" returns:
    which seems quite sensible. HTH. :)
    Leszek Karlik, Jul 27, 2009
  5. Yes, there's lots out there that look sensible, but I was after
    something that someone knows, loves and trusts, rather than the first
    google hit.

    Ta Prawn !
    Brownz (via Gurgle Gruppez), Jul 28, 2009
  6. Un-Ta Prawn.... OK, should have specified - Windows OS, not some pikey
    freeware geek OS that replaces a mouse click with a paragraph of line
    commands ;-)
    Brownz (via Gurgle Gruppez), Jul 28, 2009
  7. Brownz

    CT Guest

    heh. Were the <Derek Turner> tags in prawn's post not a clear enough
    clue for you? :eek:)
    CT, Jul 28, 2009
  8. Brownz

    Simon Wilson Guest

    Windows OS > Vmware (free) > Ubuntu (free) > fswebcam (free)

    If you don't like CLI then use right click copy, right click paste using
    the mouse.

    All boxes ticked.

    Job done.

    Bish bash bosh.
    Simon Wilson, Jul 28, 2009
  9. Brownz

    prawn Guest

    Sheesh. Kids today, eh?
    prawn, Jul 28, 2009
  10. Brownz

    ginge Guest

    Maybe he's after decent Windows freeware...
    ginge, Jul 28, 2009
  11. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Jim
    Oh look, a Linux junkie talking bollocks.

    How unusual.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest"

    I have already made the greatest contribution to the fight against climate
    change that I can make: I have decided not to breed. Now quit bugging me and
    go and talk to the Catholics.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jul 28, 2009
  12. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Jim
    I don't, I've never had the need for any so I've never looked. But to
    say that most free Windows software is "spyware infested shareware crap"
    is bollocks.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest"

    I have already made the greatest contribution to the fight against climate
    change that I can make: I have decided not to breed. Now quit bugging me and
    go and talk to the Catholics.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jul 28, 2009
  13. Brownz

    ogden Guest

    He's definitely wrong about the spyware infestation but he's spot on
    with the rest of his assessment.
    ogden, Jul 28, 2009
  14. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Jim
    Do you know, I think that's really probably true.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest"

    I have already made the greatest contribution to the fight against climate
    change that I can make: I have decided not to breed. Now quit bugging me and
    go and talk to the Catholics.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jul 28, 2009
  15. Active Webcam is fucking excellent for that, and doesn't cost a lot,
    about 25quid. There are other free ones, of course.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 28, 2009
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