OT..We Been Had

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, May 26, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    American voters all over this land has been lied to and led
    down a path of deceit.. Our politicians in Washington, DC and
    Austin have betrayed us over and over again.. From the toll
    road fiascos that Rick Perry, David Dewhurst and their crew
    are perpetuating on the Texas public.. to the price of gasolene
    at the pump.. and then to the perpetual disgrace of a war in
    Iraq, which is daily taking the lives of sons, daughters and loved

    We've been lied to by the Bush Republicans from the get go..
    Many of those lies are so obvious and transparent, they defy
    all common sense.. Then, we've been lied to and deceived by
    the very ones who were elected to challenge and resolve the
    corruption that exists within our governement.. It would seem
    that the corporatism that is gripping our Nation, has indeed got
    a stranglehold on our governement leaders that is near imposs-
    ible to relieve..

    The war continues in Iraq, unabated.. Bush has gotten the fund-
    ing he needs, to prolong and drag it on and on.. September is
    no magic date.. There is no "magic date" while this war is fin-
    anced by American taxpayers.. Want a solution of resolve to
    this disgraceful disaster that takes the lives of our sons and
    daughters, daily.. then.. CUT OFF THE FREAKING MONEY..
    Want to "support our uniformed men and women" BRING 'EM
    BACK HOME... where they belong.. They sure don't belong in
    a CIVIL WAR, in such a distant land..

    The major oil corporations who have consolidated their own
    stranglehold on that commodity, have consistently given us
    reasons for the prices at the pumps and the costs to heat
    and light our homes, have lied to our representatives at each
    and every hearing they've appeared before.. None of those
    "reasons" have held water and have been disputed at every
    increase that we've (the public) have had imposed on us..
    While those sincere executives sit in our governmental forums
    and lie through their collective teeth, they are stealing vast sums
    of money from the taxpayers, while they are gouging them at the
    pumps and the monthly utility bills.. The ones we elected for the
    relief we needed.. sit there and allow the lies and deceptions to
    go unchallenged..

    I can go on and on and on.. health care, insurance.. both medical
    and vehicle.. etc.. etc.. Our entire system of government has been
    hijacked by the corporate interests and we'll be paying the price
    for generations to come.. while we.. the voters enable it..

    As long as we tolerate the two faced deceit from our representatives
    that's what we'll be subjected to.. We voted for men and women to
    go to our capitols and represent us.. to disrupt the corruption that
    is so evident in our government.. There's no simple solution to our
    problems.. the Immigration Bill that is being debated is a perfect ex-
    ample of that.. But, the solution isn't as complicated as we are led to
    believe, either.. The corruption in our government systems must be
    defeated.. The dangers to our democracy isn't the terrorists around
    the world.. our immediate dangers are the corrupt corporations and
    corrupt politicians that are destroying us from within our own gov-
    ernment.. That is where the real battle for democracy must be waged..
    While we tolerate and rationalize that corruption, we must also face
    the prospects of America as we know it.. is a country of the past..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, May 26, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Nice narrative of your thoughts and opinions. Have a safe MemDay.

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    BJayKana, May 27, 2007
    1. Advertisements

  3. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Speaking of gas prices, I was reading the latest rags with motorcycle
    specs. There's quite a number of bikes being on the market these days
    getting under 30 miles to the gallon.
    Brian Walker, May 28, 2007
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