Americans from coast to coast are beginning to see some of the results of this war in Iraq..We're not seeing much being broadcast.. There isn't much fanfare to welcome home these members of our military forces.. You see.. these are the ones that are virtually invisible.. They are the ones coming from the military hospital facilities in Germany and other countries, where they've been housed .. There will be more than 7,000 men and women transferred stateside during the next few weeks and months.. They have to make room for the casualties which are occurring daily.. Some of these wounded are coming home without limbs.. Some are horribly burned .. Some have been torn open and will never be whole again.. Some are blinded and some are suffering from mental incapacitation.. A few have commenced arriving in VA hospiatals and military hospitals across the country.. These hospitals are ill equipped to receive these courageous men and women.. Their budgets have been promised and never funded.. General Myers has announced a massive call-up, shortly after the election in November.. The administration, of course is denying any knowledge of such a call-up..Army Reserve Units and the National Guard are reporting shortages in their recruiting efforts.. Enlistment in the Regular military branches are experiencing shortfalls in their recruiting efforts..Selective Services boards across the country are gearing up to re-institute the conscription policies that make deferrments for normal reasons, all but impossible.. Draft is no longer a "possibility", but a "probability".. The "madness" of our world is spreading .. We can no longer feel safe and protected on our own soil.. We DO NOT have to live this way.. We do not have to tolerate the madness amongst leaders who institute policies that have brought us to this crisis.. WE are a free nation that has the ability to choose and elect.. That is OUR responsibility and duty.. Our vote is the only tool that we have, to make the changes that are necessary, to take back our government .. Visit the military hospitals that are near to you.. Visit the VA hospitals in your area.. Listen to those veterans who are patients in those facilities.. Listen to them with your minds as well as your hearts.. After you've seen the horrible wounds of their bodies, your blood will run cold, when you consider their lives, forever after.. Each of us, have nieces, nephews, grandchildren and cousins who will be affected by the policies of our government.. Our sons and daughters can expect to put aside all our hopes and dreams for those policies... The options that justify deferrment, are being eliminated .. Our young ones will surely serve.. Fear... Terror...Panic and Hysteria are becoming the diet of America .. We are sacrificing our freedoms and liberties for the sake of non-existent security.. We are sacrificing our economic futures for security.. We are sacrificing the very lives of our young ones for that same non-existent security.. Your friend in Irving Bill Walker