OT.. The Democratic National Convention Begins

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Last evening was the opening debut of the weeklong Democratic National
    convention in Boston.. Despite all the somber and dire warning of impending
    terrorist attacks, the convention hall was filled with delegates, alternates
    and their supporters.. The city of Boston, prominent in the history of this
    nation, welcomed the delegates from across our country, with open arms..

    The convention was opened by Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico..
    Familiar faces and some not so familiar contributed eloquently as the
    evening wore on.. As to be expected, the focus of this convention is in
    support of the apparent nominee for president.. John Kerry..

    The Reverend Alston, who served with Kerry during Viet Nam, was most
    impressive as he recounted and remembered the service they shared.. This
    remarkable veteran delivered a sermonlike endorsement of a man whom he
    admires and respects.. Only one of the many who spoke eloquently in support
    of John Kerry..

    Without a doubt, the highlight of the evening was when Hillary Clinton took
    the podium to present and introduce Bill Clinton.. Her address to this
    convention was impressive... She captured the audience and mesmerized the
    nation as she prepared the stage for Bill Clinton..

    When he took the podium, it was obvious that Clinton was filled with purpose
    and determination to compare the failures of George W.Bush to the career of
    John Kerry.. While Kerry has always stepped up to the plate and voluntarily
    served his country, Bush has always been AWOL, in pursuit of his own
    ambitions of wealth, power and self ingratiation..

    As this convention wears on during this week, the opening night sets the
    tone.. If the opening is any indication of the rest of the week, any
    justification to support Bush and his policies, will be hard pressed..

    Our own delegates and alternates from Texas consist of our brothers and
    sisters from all walks of life, in our state.. Motocyclists amonst us are
    there and they will be instrumental in the influence of our future
    govenment.. Many of these delegates are well known by many of us.. They
    deserve our utmost support and well wishes as they represent us at this

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 27, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    I saw a little bit about the convention on the news. I'm glad that
    most people don't let the terrorists run our lives and that we can
    still get out of the house, fly on a plane, etc.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Jul 27, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I didn't get to listen to Carter while he spoke.. Clinton did emphasize that
    Bush, Cheney and himself made choices other than "stepping up to the plate"
    and serving during the Viet Nam conflict.. I am given to understand that
    Carter was a bit more explicit in his description of Bush's failure in the
    military choice that he made..

    My understanding is that it was a very subdued and hardly noticeable
    reference to that issue.. Delivered in a monotone with no emotion attached..
    I'm sure there will be a transcript somewhere of what Carter actually said..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 27, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    True. Just think of all the hookers that came to town for the convention
    and how disappointed they'd be if no one showed.
    Bownse, Jul 27, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Heaven forbid.. Just think.. they will probably be consuming beverages that
    contain alcohol and everything.. Likely .. there will be motorcycle
    advocates involved in this democratic process... Damn.. what is the world
    coming to..

    Fortunately for us all, we have defenders of principle like Mark Johnson,
    who carries on his campaign against drinkers and pseudo non sexual virtues..
    We are truly blessed by his gun totin'.. anti booze advocacy .. We can rest
    assured that his Masonic principles will carry strong influence in ALL the
    Prince Albert lodges around the state.. LOL..
    Bill Walker, Jul 27, 2004
  6. Actually saw our delegates from El Paso on the news last night. It was on
    the local Channel 8 station here in Dallas. They had their 15 seconds of
    fame. They were easy to recognize with thier somberros and legislative
    warrior t-shirts. It makes it a little more interesting / personal when you
    recognize common people you can associate with rather than just the big
    Elmer McKeegan, Jul 28, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hehe, I heard he made Grand Wizard of his chapter in the Prince Albert
    lodge he attends!

    Next year, he might have enough in his savings account to buy that
    34th degree he's been saving for!

    And one day, he might retire that "kiss the cook" apron he wears to
    lodge conventions and actually get one of 'em tassle one's with the
    fringe and pockets!
    Brian Walker, Jul 28, 2004
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I have noticed the Texas delegation in quick scan-overs.. There have been
    several faces, I could recognize.. You are right, Elmer.. it does make it a
    more personal experience to know that people you respect and have worked
    with, are working hard to represent us all..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 29, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The transcript of Jimmy Carter's fine speech didn't emphasize the remarks
    directed toward George Bush's lack of performance in the military..

    The trascript of Al Sharpton was also incomplete when I read that one..
    LOL.. The good reverend digressed and virtually threw away his scripted
    speech while he delivered a "barn burner". in his usual fire in the gut

    His comment in the response to the questions asked by Bush before the Urban
    League, was most notable.. When Abraham Lincoln signed the Proclamation of
    Emancipation.. the black slaves were promised 40 acres of land and a mule..
    Rev. Al.. noted the fact that they never received the 40 acres nor the
    mule.. That is the reason black voters have decided to ride the democratic
    donkey, as far as it will carry them..

    Regardless of any sentiments for or against Al Sharpton, he certainly fired
    up that convention and said many things that needed to be said.. So typical
    of his behavior..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 29, 2004
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