OT Speed cameras on A420

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Colonel Tupperware, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. Lozzo wrote
    In truth I didn't realise my eyesight had deteriorated until I went to
    the quack complaining of headaches and shit and he told me to visit an
    optician. Problem sorted.
    steve auvache, Dec 23, 2004
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  2. Colonel Tupperware

    Lozzo Guest

    steve auvache says...
    All you have to do now is learn how to ride a bike.
    Lozzo, Dec 23, 2004
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  3. Lozzo wrote
    riding is not the issue, I can do that with ease, not falling off is the
    trick I am still working on.

    Kin damn near dropped[1] the fucker unparking it in Chelmsford
    yesterday. How embarrassing is that for a riding god eh? my excuse is
    that I wasn't actually/riding/ it and I am sticking to it.

    [1] Did any fucker come to my aid? Did they fucking ****.
    There I was half up, half down, fighting with, a very tastefully blue
    coloured if consequentially slightly slower than yer average, bindit.
    Ball muscles pinging, sweat dripping, curses emanating and the bastards
    just walked past and laughed. Fuckem I thought as two minutes later I
    ruined their ear drums[2].

    [2] I fucking *love* that can. Just a shame it is just the one on a
    nasty screaming inline four and not two of them on a full throated V-
    twin. Still you have to make do with what you have really I suppose.
    steve auvache, Dec 23, 2004
  4. Colonel Tupperware

    rb Guest

    HM revin-u up are we?
    rb, Dec 23, 2004
  5. Colonel Tupperware

    platypus Guest

    Corrected, obviously. Uncorrected, I can read newsprint at about nine.
    It's a bit fuzzy, but that's the astigmatism. If it wasn't for the
    astigmatism, I wouldn't wear glasses at all.
    You were supposed to snort it.
    platypus, Dec 23, 2004
  6. Bear wrote
    I would but I am pissed.

    I like being pissed. I don't do it often these days, it is nice to do
    it and get it together iykwim?

    By the way do you happen to know if the tricks that work for keyboards
    are the same for an optical mouse if you spill wine over it and it sort
    of does odd things after?
    steve auvache, Dec 24, 2004
  7. Is that all you have to declare?
    Patrick Evans, Dec 24, 2004
  8. Colonel Tupperware

    MikeH Guest

    I happen to know that all the posts on UKRM (apart from mine [1]) are
    generated by the microsoft newsgroup wizard installed as part of XP
    service pack 2.

    [1] I also know my posts are a figbox of my imagination
    MikeH, Dec 24, 2004
  9. Its not a new law, but it is a new policy. They never bothered
    anybody doing over 40 on that road until 3 weeks ago. The only way you
    know how they are going to enforce it is _when_ they do.
    Of course I realise I could be caught. I'm not so much worried about
    being caught as the whole so called 'road safety' aspect of the idea.

    spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997
    Usenet FAQ at
    UPCE FAQ at http://upce.org.uk/ UKRM FAQ at http://www.ukrm.net/faq/
    Colonel Tupperware, Dec 24, 2004
  10. Brother of friend of mine managed on the morning after a nights heavy
    drinking to swig down the glass with his contacts in whilst topping up
    his fluid levels before fully awake.
    Boots Blakeley, Dec 24, 2004
  11. Colonel Tupperware

    Lozzo Guest

    Andy Bonwick says...
    About time you got rid of that scabby old 9R then.
    Lozzo, Dec 24, 2004
  12. Colonel Tupperware

    Ben Blaney Guest

    13+ will be "non-driving work".
    Ben Blaney, Dec 27, 2004

  13. Ah. Removing the tacho fuse; changing tacho charts, and the like.... ;-)
    Dances with Men, Dec 27, 2004
  14. Colonel Tupperware

    Lady Nina Guest

    Oh her. That was ages ago wasn't it. I have no idea about the
    manufactured celeb stuff.
    Punk girl when Eastenders started. Back when I watched it and thought
    in my (naive teenager way) it had something worthwhile to say. Maybe I
    imagined that, but I seem to recall that, like Grange Hill, it tackled
    subjects that simply weren't getting any exposure elsewhere and
    certainly not in main stream TV. All added to my ealier political
    awareness, be interesting to see what sweller thought of it then and
    if it had a similar effect.
    Lady Nina, Dec 28, 2004
  15. Colonel Tupperware

    Lady Nina Guest

    I've never broken specs but I've had one contact lenses come out (my
    eye was itching, I rubbed it, the lens popped out) in fog on a narrow
    welsh country lane at a speed a little too fast for the conditions in
    a mini with crap brakes. Closed the eye quickly, normal vision
    returned but that second or so was enough to cause a distinct
    In this case, given my usual anti state interference line I'm
    surprising myself by thinking it is a good idea.
    Lady Nina, Dec 28, 2004
  16. Colonel Tupperware

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Lady Nina
    Paging Matt! Matt, you might want to note this.

    Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Nigel Eaton, Dec 28, 2004
  17. Colonel Tupperware

    MattG Guest

    Nigel Eaton says...
    What makes you think there is any need for additional clenching?

    Might snap it off.
    MattG, Dec 29, 2004
  18. It's probably all for the best.
    Simon Atkinson, Dec 29, 2004
  19. Colonel Tupperware

    Lady Nina Guest

    Of Eastenders once having something to say.
    I don't think this is just the descent into curmudgioness (it's a real
    word in my universe) that comes with age. I'm sure from the limited
    times i switch it on that it is far worse now.
    I came to that decision over 10 years ago. If it wasn't for sprogs I'd
    not have a TV.
    Lady Nina, Dec 29, 2004
  20. Colonel Tupperware

    sweller Guest

    Lady Nina wrote:

    No. I didn't like soaps in 1985 and I don't like them now. I find most
    television shallow; inane; manipulative or worst of all: boring. Some
    programmes cause a severe and instant reaction in me.

    As to political awareness? Contemporary events, work and training.
    sweller, Dec 29, 2004
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