OT : Slightly bumpy touchdown....

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Brownz \(Mobile\), Mar 2, 2008.

  1. Brownz \(Mobile\)

    Pip Luscher Guest

    I'd say that relative to the air, sure it's going straight ahead
    (ignoring wind shear) but it's not /looking/ as though it's going in a
    different direction to which it's pointing; relative to the ground and
    therefore the camera, it really is. Given that the camera/ground
    viewpoint is the 'obvious' one, that's the way I'd naturally interpret
    Pip Luscher, Mar 2, 2008
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  2. Brownz \(Mobile\)

    Buzby Guest

    Dave Emerson wibbled:
    Not necessarily

    I reckon it was binned 'coz the sceptics couldn't compete
    Buzby, Mar 2, 2008
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  3. Brownz \(Mobile\)

    Tosspot Guest

    I'm no expert and I'm knoppixed as well, but that looks like a fuckup.
    He approaches nose into wind, and everything is looking fine and dandy,
    then, he kicks it straight miles up in the air, the x-wind drifts him
    off line, he then rolls the starboard wing down, having lost height
    already, then thinks "Oh ****!", tries to level it and nose back into
    wind, then makes a landing. 'Course at this point everyone is thinking
    bollicks to that and we go around again.
    Tosspot, Mar 2, 2008
  4. Brownz \(Mobile\)

    Dave Emerson Guest

    This is more on-topic...
    Dave Emerson, Mar 2, 2008
  5. Welcome to relativity :)
    Kevin Gleeson, Mar 2, 2008
  6. Brownz \(Mobile\)

    geoff Guest

    Coming in to Heathrow the night of the big storm of 1987 was not far off
    that ...

    quite a x wind
    geoff, Mar 2, 2008
  7. Brownz \(Mobile\)

    deadmail Guest

    It looks like riding home around 10:30PM on Friday. Parts of the A46
    are open with nothing to stop the wind, it's a bit of a blackspot with a
    local reputation for high winds and lorries are 'often' blown over (ok,
    maybe not often but it isn't uncommon.) I guess it was pretty bad
    'cos the laybys were all packed with lorries.

    On the exposed parts I *really* had to fight with the bike to keep it
    going in a straight line. I've never ridden in wind that bad before, or
    at least had to fight a bike that hard.

    The forty odd miles of motorway I'd done prior to this weren't much fun
    either. Still, it didn't get me that time.
    deadmail, Mar 2, 2008
  8. Brownz \(Mobile\)

    Beav Guest

    Ok, have it your way.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Mar 2, 2008
  9. Brownz \(Mobile\)

    Lady Nina Guest

    Ah maybe it was a lorry that caused it to be shut around 1am Saturday
    when I tried to get down it. There was a sign on the M4 saying A46
    accident but nothing about it being shut, so tanking down the first
    couple of miles only to find a line of cones across the road was
    something of a surprise.
    I was really, really glad that I'd gone to Brum dancing first or I'd
    have been on the bike. It wasn't fun in the borrowed car.
    Dents in the tank from the knee gripping?
    Lady Nina, Mar 3, 2008
  10. That was the pilot's doing, not the wind. When he applies a bootful of
    left rudder too "kick it straight" the right wing travels further than
    the left (being on the outside of an arc) and therefore generates more
    lift. Right wing goes up, left wing goes down.

    The pilot should have compensated by applying right stick along with
    the left rudder (a process known as "crossing the controls" - an
    essential part of any crosswind landing, even a crabbed approach like
    the one in the vid), but that's obviously much easier said than done
    when it's all kicking off and you're trying not to kill people.
    Slower Than You, Mar 3, 2008
  11. Brownz \(Mobile\)

    platypus Guest

    <nods> - hence my comment about pilot competence.
    platypus, Mar 3, 2008
  12. Yup, sorry. I posted that without doing a "Get New Messages" first -
    looks like you ginged me by some considerable margin.
    Slower Than You, Mar 3, 2008
  13. Or on this one, I've no doubt.

    GS850x2 XS650 SE6a

    "A scone and tea at half past three
    Makes the day a little brighter
    Keep your cakes and fancy tarts
    And stick them up your shiter."
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Mar 4, 2008
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