Where the fuck did Martyn Kinder come from?
"bikeulike" <> had a sudden rush of blood to the head and wrote in berlin.de: Mars apparently http://www.czd.org.uk/moto/mk-hon550.jpg -- Ash ([:]) UKRMFBC#8 BOTAFOT#82 BOTAFOF#41 HMC#5 FTB#0 ETV1000 Caponord RD200 http://www.theredline.co.uk "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." -- Mario Andretti
net stop servicename and net start servicename (Just 'net start' lists running services) should do the trick, IIRC. If the service is *really* unresponsive, it might require some extra persuasion to stop, but cygwin comes with a 'kill' command, doesn't it?
Yes, I did. I don't /think/ there are any CLI tools to get PIDs, that come as standard with a vanilla installation of XP, but there are some that are readily available. I can't remember whether they come with the "resource kit" or "support tools", or something like that. Ummm... 'plist' rings a bell, you might start by looking for that.