OT : RIAT 2005

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by dwb, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Anyone going to the Royal Air Tattoo at Fairford?

    Contemplating going on Saturday - is it usually any good ? :)

    See they do a £115 VIP ticket... perhaps not.
    dwb, Jul 10, 2005
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  2. dwb

    Carolyn Guest

    I`m going on Saturday. Be interested on folks views on it, as I haven`t
    been before..Then again, I`ve already got the (£30 adult advance) tickets,
    so no choice!! Mates kids will prolly love it anyway
    Carolyn, Jul 10, 2005
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  3. dwb

    Tim Guest

    It's normally very good. Don't be tempted to take the cage. Do, if you
    have the spare time, hang around the car park at the end of the day for
    the muppet car driver versus the Battery Sergeant Major organising
    traffic flow. The last time I went I was sure that the BSM was seconds
    away from pulling out a firearm. He'd already banged his swagger stick
    on the twerps bonnet twice.
    Tim, Jul 11, 2005
  4. dwb

    frag Guest

    dwb scribbled:
    Shall be going along tomorrow. In car. Complete with huge rucksack of
    grub and camera stuff.

    £35 on the gate.
    frag, Jul 16, 2005
  5. dwb

    frag Guest

    Tim scribbled:
    Nah, I'm taking the car. Walking there from MKs a bit too far and a
    taxi'd be expensive.
    frag, Jul 16, 2005
  6. dwb

    dwb Guest

    I took the train, £29.95 at the bus station + £5 for return bus ride.

    Complete breeze on public transport :)

    And I really dont understand why people bought along their houses - I mean
    FFS, there were tents and things. One lot even had a bloody _picnic table_.
    dwb, Jul 16, 2005
  7. dwb

    frag Guest

    dwb scribbled:
    Was no problem in the car. Used my Mitac PDA GPS wi TomTom 5 for the
    first time and it got me there no problem (odd routing round north of
    Buckingham, missing Bicester but it worked).

    There was maybe a mile of traffic into the car park at 10.30am. Leaving
    at 4pm no queues at all.

    Main pain was the wait whilst everyone was metal detected and bags
    searched on entry.
    Heh, I know. I was tempted to spend £5 on a chair but they didn't look
    that comfy, and even if I did I'd have just left the thing there.

    I asked how much to get into the FRIAT stand, £150 for a 5 day ticket,
    but only available pre booked. £150 FFS!!! I would have paid £5~£10.

    Good day though.
    frag, Jul 18, 2005
  8. dwb

    dwb Guest

    I didn't think that was a pain at all. Though they missed the kitchen knife
    I didn't how I had with me in my backpack. But anyway.

    I saw those - more interesting was the Jubiliee garden with deckchair, but
    that was an extra £20 odd.
    5 days?
    dwb, Jul 18, 2005
  9. dwb

    frag Guest

    dwb barfed:
    Well it was literally a pain for me to stand around holding the camera
    bag for a while, me leg hurts if I stand for any length of time.

    The security was totally understandable though.
    Err, that *would* have been interesting if they'd found it. Unless you
    had an uncut loaf and a side of ham in there as well :)
    Thats what I thought as I wandered off. I presume it included practise
    day (friday), sat, sun and two others getting pissed in their private
    tent or something.
    frag, Jul 19, 2005
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