OT.. Relax.. He's Been Indicted

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    This thread is politics, for sure.. Word just came down that Tom DeLay has
    finally been indicted.. The Grand Jury in Travis county came back with the
    indictment this morning The specific charges aren't detailed in the
    information I received by telephone.. Rumors of the indictment were all over
    the place since yesterday, but no one was sure about it..

    The local media in the metroplex hasn't reported the indictment, as far as I
    know, but what's new about that ? Coming so soon after the past few weeks of
    humiliation over the corruption in his administration, Bush will be a busy
    beaver, just trying to spin a positive face on this one.. DeLay has access
    to so many of the skeletons, this should become a feeding frenzy..

    Whoops.. spoke to soon.. Channel 8 just did a 5 second clip and reports that
    DeLay has been indicted for Criminal Conspiracy and will temporarily step
    down.. It's about time..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 28, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well.. Surprise.. Surprise..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 28, 2005
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  3. Predictions for Delay. He'll take some heat, but he'll come out punching
    Since this has been an ongoing process for the past 2.5 years and the
    indictment came out on the last possible day I would say that the evidence
    at best will be flimsy and based on a singular interpitation. Someone with
    only have a brain will be able to beat this in court and Delay is just the
    man, and besides if he doesn't measure up he can always hire someone with
    half a brain.
    He only has to temporarily resign as the majority whip, but he still keeps
    his seat and still serves in congress.
    He will retain his seat at the next election because Delay will come back
    with damn the topedos, lets ram that opponent.

    So what's my predicition.

    1. Delay beats the charge
    2. Delay wins the primary (no republican opponent)
    3. Delay wins the election (60% margin), Texans love a fighter, right or
    Elmer McKeegan, Sep 29, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    <grin> You sure know how to rain on a parade, don't you, Elmer... LOL...
    Isn't that attorney deGueron (?) or whatever his name is, the one the
    defended McVeigh ? Sheesh.. Elmer.. look on the bright side.. Tomothy
    McVeigh isn't amongst us anymore.. hmmm.. I think I'd have, at least made
    another choice of lawyers to defend me, if I was Tom DeLay. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 29, 2005
  5. The reps that left the state never got paid for not being there. They sent
    the letter to the speaker stating that they were leaving and they would
    forfeit their pay. The rules were violated so many times during that mess
    that both parties are responsible for it. Perry called 3 special sessions to
    get it passed when he was told the senators would leave the state if the
    rules were changed again. So Perry called another session and had the rules

    As a side note the dems that left the state got re-elected. The dems that
    didn't leave the state and had primary opponents no longer have a job.
    A couple long time republicans threw up their hands at the mess the parties
    created and resigned.

    Now put that together with 3 more special sessions that the republicans
    controlled and still don't have a school finance bill passed. I think the
    party in charge has more problems right now than complaining about dems who
    aren't in control at this point.

    Yep, that's right, so lets do the right thing and vote them all out. Lets
    start over brand new. See if the next lot is willing to work together.
    Elmer McKeegan, Sep 30, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I dont see what the problem is. Delay is not in my district, I dont know
    what he does or did. Seems he worked himself up into a position of
    leadership which says a lot for a person, whether demo or republican. There
    are a lot of indians but not too many chiefs. Neither I nor bill have ever
    voted for him. So you dont want me to bring my dead lab into the
    discussion? At least my poisoned dog rode on the back of my motorcycle
    once. All this political shit doesnt have anything to do with tx.motorcycles
    and belongs in tx.politics.

    that doesnt make him a theif. You called him a thief, back it up. the
    fucking corportions gave GAVE G-A-V-E him the money. The unions can give
    money to demo, moveon and their rich billionairs can give money to demos,
    but Sears Robuck cant give 20k to help people they like get elected?

    Hey! I was just kidding. You can call anybody a thief, I dont really give a
    shit what you say to anyone, especially here in tx.moto. I think Delay is
    just a counterfeit thief. He got all that money and you dont want him to
    spend the money to get rid of the demos so he must have stolen the money,

    i know about the DUI, didnt know he was busted for cocaine possession. got
    any proof that doesnt come from a bushhater?
    then I guess you cant blame the republicans if they did the same thing:
    lose elections, lose constituent base, try to keep their lock on the
    legislature and avoid facing the truth that texas is turning into a demo
    stronghold. They can throw as good a party when losing as the demos.
    not everybody can be educated. that is a fallacy that liberals hold, keep
    people in school and eventually they will learn something. Doesnt cost me
    anything to try to educate anyone here, but I sure would not want to thro
    any money at educating ppl that are uneducatable.
    those people didnt get into congress believing shit like that. if you think
    or congressmen and women are ignorant and dont think for themselves you are
    indeed mistaken.
    So not finding WMD made it a lie? So If they found WMD it would not be a
    lie? So then the war would be OK? Is that what you are saying? The war
    would be o.k. if WMD were found. Geeat. Shoot, a lot of people evacuated
    houston because they thought the hurrican would hit them. Everybody said
    so, all the way from the dogcatcher up thru the govenor. So the weatherman
    was mistaken and that made liers out of everyone.
    I am sure that ol shrub can give them a call and they will come around.

    Next thing I know.. you are going to divorcing Bill Fright, George Bush and
    ol' Indicted Tom. LOL

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 30, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoo Hooo...Couldn't have said it better, myself.. Now, we got to work on
    IceMan.. sheesh.. Shouldn't be too hard.. we already got him out of that
    damned Ford .. IceLady is putting the britches on him .. We got a lot going
    for us.. Let's get that sucker.. Regards..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 30, 2005
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