OT Politics - party political broadcasts.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lady Nina, Apr 17, 2005.

  1. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    The Lib Dems is on BBC2 at 6.25.

    I'm interested in seeing how they're going to play this but some sense
    of fair play says that if I watch this one then I 'ought' to watch the
    others. But Michael Howard would give me nightmares. Mind you do
    actual real politicians appear in them anymore or are they all shiny
    pretty marketing tools? I can't remember the last time I actually
    watched a PPB.
    Lady Nina, Apr 17, 2005
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  2. Lady Nina

    Jackie Guest

    The Labour one that was on in the background last week only had
    Michael Howard in it.
    Jackie, Apr 17, 2005
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  3. Lady Nina

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Each of the three main leaders get Paxman next week. Should be worth
    Colin Irvine, Apr 17, 2005
  4. Lady Nina

    Dan White Guest

    Really, cool. I wonder how Paxman vs. Howard will go, after that Prison
    Service interview years back...
    Dan White, Apr 17, 2005
  5. Lady Nina

    Colin Irvine Guest

    <g> We'll find out on Friday (7:30 p.m. BBC1). CK on Monday, AB on
    Colin Irvine, Apr 17, 2005
  6. "Mr Howard you may recall a discussion we had from a few years ago. I'm
    still waiting for you to answer the fucking question I asked you."
    Paul Corfield, Apr 17, 2005
  7. Lady Nina

    Nidge Guest

    Not hexakerly a 3 way debate (it would've been but the Tory prospect figured
    she's won the seat anyway so why bother to turn up) but I went to a two way
    debate locally with the Labour and Lib Dem candidates last week.

    Well the labour bloke wasn't doing too well already when the pair were asked
    about 'Given 6 blokes just got gripped in Scotland for not keeping quiet
    during the one minute's silence somecnut arbitrarily decided was right and
    fitting for the Pope [1] to get at a football match (FFS why?) ... how smart
    is it to introduce legislation which makes it a criminal act to say
    someone's religious ideas are so much bollocks' - even when they're
    demonstrably bollocks?

    At that the labour candidate suddenly sort of broke cover and revealed his
    true colours .... And honked on. And on.... Realised just about everyone
    thought 'what a dickhead' and desperately honked further on to ensure he dug
    himself deeper into a hole about how this was essential, right and proper
    because "Muslims were feeling under attack" (sic/LOL) [2]

    The Lib Dem bloke just said - "There's NO issue. Its incompatible with
    freedom of speech. We oppose it".

    And you could almost see the crowd say to themselves - Well that's clarified
    things then.

    On the other hand - If I vote for the one with the brain cell, his party
    is - apparently - going to take more money off families with combined
    incomes of £30K. They are also responsible locally for the proliferation of
    speed limit extensions.

    Green Chicken Alliance anyone?

    [1] If he was the 'people's pope' how come we didn't get to vote for whether
    we needed one?

    [2] Clearly there was no question then of this being shorthand for 'Oh shit,
    bombing their cousins seems to have upset our Muslim block support'

    ZX6R J2 Stunning in zit yellow. KX 125 MX 'I'm snot green -fly ME'. A few
    bits of CB500S in Norwegian Parrot blue. BOTAFOT#63 BOMB#5

    'Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand'.
    Homer (Simpson).
    Nidge, Apr 17, 2005
  8. Lady Nina brought next idea :
    They used to put them on all channels (both) at the same time, so there
    was no escape.
    Harry Bloomfield, Apr 17, 2005
  9. Lady Nina

    ogden Guest

    I don't recall anyone voting for a prople's princess...
    ogden, Apr 18, 2005
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