One of the least publicized races in this years Texas elections is the campaign of David Van Os, for the office of Attorney General.. I've met David Van Os and spent considerable time with him when he ran for the Texas Supreme Court two years ago.. That dude is impressive, to say the least.. David Van Os is for real.. Van Os doesn't have the limitless funding to air the slick campaign ads that his opponenet, Greg Abbott has privvy to.. Instead, he is taking his campaign on the road and directly to the people of Texas.. He is making each county courthouse in Texas, his campaign appearances. That is 247 counties, or something like that.. He's addressed Texans at 240 of those county courthouses, so far.. That leaves seven more to visit.. David Van Os has been described as a Populist, but he is definitely a Democrat. There is absolutely no doubt, that Van Os fully intends to wage war against the corporate elitists who have taken charge of our Capitol, as well as the markets of energy, fuel and insurance. Each Texan who has felt the results of those corporate monopolies will have an advocate in the most powerful law enforcement office in our state.. Mainstream media has largely ignored the campaign of David Van Os.. while Greg Abbott has purchased campaign ads in their media, which are misleading or downright fraudulent in touting his accomplishments in office.. Under close examination of Abbott's record of accomplishments as Attonery General of Texas. you should notice that he's failed to perfect any investigation, much less prosecution of any of the corporate donors to his incumbency and election to office.. Even though Texans all over the state have been affected by their influence The corporate monoplies of Exxon Mobil merger and the Enron deceptions are two of the examples. Greg Abbott wasn't instrumental in either investigation or prosecution of these anomalies, rather.. inaction of the Attorney General's offices.. contributed to their abilities to prosper or continue to furthur take advantage of the consumers across this country.. I'll be voting for David Van Os for Texas Attorney General next month.. Hopefully all Texans will take this opportunity to examine the records of David Van Os and Greg Abbott, to make an informed decision to vote for him, as well. Win, lose or draw.. Texans all over the state have an advocate who will continue to fight for all our rights .. David will still be here, even if he loses this election.. Regards Bill Walker Irving