OT Phone Techo question

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by CrazyCam, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. CrazyCam

    F Murtz Guest

    Well work this one out, my phone worked to ring out,broadband worked
    but if any one rung in it would ring once then cut out and would never
    PS they have now fixed it.
    F Murtz, Nov 13, 2009
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  2. CrazyCam

    hippo Guest

    hippo, Nov 13, 2009
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  3. It might have something to do with communists too.
    You can usually tell.
    Oh, I was told by the technicians that came out and fix it both times but it
    didn't mean all that much to me. But, one look in the pit, and you'd have to
    wonder why Helstra isn't in a shitload of trouble.


    - KRudd at his finest.

    "The Labour Party is corrupt beyond redemption!"
    - Labour hasbeen Mark Latham in a moment of honest clarity.

    "This is the recession we had to have!"
    - Paul Keating explaining why he gave Australia another Labour recession.

    "Silly old bugger!"
    - Well known ACTU pisspot and sometime Labour prime minister Bob Hawke
    responding to a pensioner who dared ask for more.

    "By 1990, no child will live in poverty"
    - Bob Hawke again, desperate to win another election.

    "A billion trees ..."
    - Borke, pissed as a newt again.

    "Well may we say 'God save the Queen' because nothing will save the governor
    - Egotistical shithead and pompous fuckwit E.G. Whitlam whining about his
    appointee for Governor General John Kerr.

    "SHUT THE **** UP YOU DUMB ****!"
    - FlangesBum on learning the truth about Labour's economic capabilities.

    "I don't care what you fuckers think!"
    - KRudd the KRude at his finest again.

    "We'll just change it all when we get in."
    - Garrett the carrott
    Dr. Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF, Nov 13, 2009
  4. CrazyCam

    atec7 7 Guest

    Your qualifications on the subject are ?
    remind me again Nev
    atec7 7, Nov 13, 2009
  5. CrazyCam

    Marty H Guest

    I am qualified... and you are full of shit


    Marty H, Nov 13, 2009
  6. CrazyCam

    atec7 7 Guest

    Actually it's a very germain point proving you are simply out of your
    depth more so than usual
    I never claimed to be an
    I just read your response.
    I expect you did even that simple thing with difficulty and are now
    well undone
    You can post your qualifications
    Oh how very generous of you but you show me yours
    atec7 7, Nov 13, 2009
  7. CrazyCam

    F Murtz Guest

    I was beginning to wonder.
    F Murtz, Nov 13, 2009
  8. CrazyCam

    Lee Guest

    We've got the same problem, mind explaining how you got them to fix it?

    Often happens after it rains, and sometimes when it doesn't.
    Every couple of months, almost always fixes itself 2-3 days later just
    before the tech shows up.
    Lee, Nov 13, 2009
  9. CrazyCam

    F Murtz Guest

    I rung complaints and after three long goes with three different indians
    the last one tried some test on the line ,said it was faulty and got it
    fixed three days later.(or maybe asio changed their wiring)
    F Murtz, Nov 13, 2009
  10. CrazyCam

    Lee Guest

    lucky you. VERY lucky. we've tried that, and they've claimed they've fixed
    several times. still happens. oh well.
    Lee, Nov 13, 2009
  11. CrazyCam

    atec7 7 Guest

    I knew you would run away
    reinforcing the commonly known and held opinion
    and you really are
    atec7 7, Nov 13, 2009
  12. CrazyCam

    atec7 7 Guest

    your a dickhead nev
    that will never change
    Not at all. If I had qualifications in
    atec7 7, Nov 14, 2009
  13. CrazyCam

    Marty H Guest

    Ok, after reading some of the other replies I would like to change my
    story officer....

    I high resistance joint nearing open circuit in one leg could cause
    the phone line to stop working or at least become statical or crackly.
    This sometimes would not be enough to kill the xDSL but it would
    degrade it. This is probably due to the xDSL being Digital and the
    PSTN being analogue.

    The high resistance joint could be in the pillar (http://
    upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/34/Tall_Telstra_pillar.jpg )
    where most of them out there sill use a wire wrap soldered termination
    system, cant find a photo on the web, but they use the same
    termination as this http://www.jimnoble.co.uk/images/MDF.jpg ... half
    the problems are from the fact that some of the joints are not
    soldered because of lazy arse techs or dry solder joints. (dont laugh
    about the quality of that MDF, that is a neat one!! and most
    commercial building over 30 years old have MDFs like that in varying
    sizes..and condition, but as long as its all soldered, its all good)

    the other problem is pits and pipes filling up with water, this causes
    shorts to earth again causing the PSTN to go down, some good piccys
    here http://www.fanden.com.au/phone_fax_line_problems_may2006.htm

    this is all got nothing to do with freq and things acting like audio
    crossovers, if all got to do with high resistance not passing the DC
    voltage that PSTN needs

    I work mainly with naked xDSL, (ADSL,ADSL2+, HDSL (stand alone
    cicuits) and SHDSL (both via DSLAMs and stand alone)) and have for 8
    years, installing, commissioning and maintaining DSLAMs (exch end of
    the network) and 2nd level fault diagnostic of Telstra copper network
    (no, I dont work or contract to Telstra and never have). I am only
    allowed to touch the copper pair and the customer MDF and the ISP's
    equipment in the Telstra exch. Here is the best bit, only touching the
    2 ends I have to tell Telstra what the fault is and where it is! and
    then I get no feedback of what was found. 80% of the time the faults
    are easy, foreign battery, open circuits, but the other 20% really
    need the cabling run to be broken down which I am not allow to do.

    Also, 95% of all my work is corporate, I only do residential when it
    doesn't get fixed by the contractors and Telstra and the customer has
    got the TIO involved.. the funny thing is, I always get it fixed. But
    this can take many more visits from Telstra. I have good test gear,
    only L2 Telstra techs have the same, and getting one of them on the
    job is next to impossible.

    Most ISPs don't have the Tech to test this work and is usually up to
    sub-contractors and alot of them dont have a clue,the test gear or
    simply dont give a ****, there is also some great ones, usually ex-
    Telstra Lineys

    A small note on test gear, it is amazing what you can find with
    multimeter and a little know how. Only 5% of all faults I see need the
    expensive stuff, all these faults are usually quicker and cheaper to
    fix more us ordering a new pair and swallowing the cost. (but again,
    this is corporate customers)

    Telstra don't what the copper network and defiantly don't what anyone
    else to use it, They don't not do any preventative maintenance on it
    and the only reason the other carriers/ISP can use it is that the ACCC
    force them. In older areas the copper network is stuggling, with not
    enough pairs to replaces the broken ones and all Telstra care about it
    "have you got dial tone"?

    I have been banging my head against brick walls both with the company
    I work for and Telstra for years about these issues with testing and
    fixing ULLs and about 4 years ago we where the leaders with ULL fault
    reporting in Australia which I had a "major" part in, I never received
    a ounce of training but was sent around Australia training others, and
    liaising with Telstra on fault reporting, but sadly due to the cant
    give **** attitude of alot of people nothing really went further. I
    tried and just hit brick walls, still do today but sadly "Thursday is
    pay day" is all I care about any more. My sanity is more important.

    sorry, this has been a rant, my way of dealing with a pack of cunts,,,
    but the money is good

    Marty H, Nov 14, 2009
  14. CrazyCam

    G-S Guest

    So he's qualified on dicks and head? [1]


    [1] Not that there's anything wrong with that :)
    G-S, Nov 14, 2009
  15. CrazyCam

    Lars Chance Guest

    My previous bike had a foreign battery and it was really shit!
    Lars Chance, Nov 14, 2009
  16. CrazyCam

    Marty H Guest

    yes there is.. unless you're a chick

    Marty H, Nov 14, 2009
  17. CrazyCam

    Marty H Guest

    sadly yes.... just came back from 3 lovely weeks in Europe too close 2
    weeks of doing a 3 person job alone..

    (the money is good!!)
    Marty H, Nov 14, 2009
  18. Yes, it happened to me.

    The fault was a bad connection (termination) in the telecom pit outside in
    the ground.

    Bad connections can still "couple" (pass) the high speed ADSL signals using
    the capcitive effect, but any signals requiring a few mA of current can't
    (eg ringing and looping the line).

    Joe G \(Home\), Jan 2, 2010
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