i live just off the A610 outside nottingham, and ever since i moved here almost every nights it's not raining, there's a bunch of people gliding about up in the sky below a parachute, they are those things where you strap an engine with a prop to your back (looks like a power float on it's side), clip a parachute to the seat, and off you go, They look bloody fun, like doing a parachute jump thingy off a mountian, but without the need to climb the mountian to jump off it, just open the throttle and up you go. i've always wanted to have a go at flying, but cash is something i dont have much of, and it seems most things to do with flying cost the earth. anyhoo, i was out on the bike today, coming back from matlock on the A610, and just after the bendy bits with the silly 35mph recomended speed restrictions, the paragliders (is that what they are?) were circling above me, so i pulled over into a layby with a cafe in it, and it turns out they fly from a field just accross the road from there, watched them coming into land, one flash git was showing off, coming in low to the fields and powering up just as he was about to hit a hedge and kicking the hedge with his feet, looking as if he's going to fly into the side of a barn, but pulling up and running his feet over the roof almost etc. i know, i should have gone over and had a chat with them, maybe drop a cihagm in the convo :) anyone do this paragliding thing on here? or know about it, micro lights are supposed to be the cheapest way to get in the air, would these things be even cheaper as they arent fixed wing aircraft, not sure if they are aircraft at all or owt as there's no air frame, unless you count the human body, one of em had navigation lights, looked like he had the red beacon stuck out his arse and the white strobe on his head :) i'd love to have a go at this, i imagine you can do tandem flights with these? i know you can with the ones where you just have a chute minus the engine and jump off a cliff, as some people are into flying on here, anyone know about these things?