OT paging Loz and Cab

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lady Nina, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    I would love to go skiing but the colder it is the more I creak. I
    suppose there must be some skiing equivilent of heated leathers?
    Lady Nina, Oct 21, 2004
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  2. Lady Nina

    John Higgins Guest

    Layers. And those crinkly little bags of heating stuff. But, to be
    honest, when it goes below -30 only insanity helps.
    John Higgins, Oct 21, 2004
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  3. Lady Nina

    Cerberus Guest

    Forgive me for interrupting Nina, but may I suggest that you try the
    Club Med option. Expensive or affordable according to your particular
    requirements. The kids are looked after very well (in fact, you won't
    see them as they get carted off to go rock climbing, swimming,
    shooting arrows at innocent targets etc, directly after breakfast and
    are delivered back at bed-time).
    If you are traveling sans partner and are so inclined, you may have
    all your pink bits licked tenderly and attentively on a regular basis
    by willing and attractive consorts. Nightclubs, bars and restaurants
    abound as do local attractions without the attendant need to have to
    deal too closely with the natives, unless of course you wish to do

    I have been to 5 or 6 different ones at various times.

    One of the more attractive features to English women is the almost
    total absence of English men. This of course guarantees that the
    ladies are treated exquisitely and don't have to put up with the
    sometimes boorish and loutish behavior that typifies the breed. A
    change is as good as a holiday, so I am told.

    This one is a more cost effective option

    and this one is quite exotic and erotic.


    Hope this helps.
    Cerberus, Oct 21, 2004
  4. Lady Nina

    Cab Guest

    Ginge bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along the
    lines of:
    Go to Saudi and say you're Athiest.

    Apparently the only thing they hate more than Jews, are Athiests. :)
    Cab, Oct 21, 2004
  5. Lady Nina

    Cab Guest

    sweller bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along the
    lines of:
    If we talk about (predominantly) Muslim/Eastern Arabic[0] countries:

    Dubai is a popular holiday resort. It's also a country that stinks of
    money. Fairly decent beaches and prostitutes [1] galore.

    The Lebanon and Jordan are interesting places to go to. Good skiing in
    the Lebanon too.

    Kuwait doesn't have too much to see.

    Saudi has some stuff to see, but you can't go there on holiday
    (Business or Religious purposes only [2])

    Egypt is okay, but stay away from Cairo, unless you want to see the
    Pyramids. Very cheap too.

    Turkey is nice, but stay away from Istanbul, as there's nothing much
    there, apart from the Blue Mosque.

    Syria is worth a visit apparently.

    The others like Bahrain and Qatar, Mr Blaney can tell you about.
    Apparently Bahrain is getting to be a bit risky.

    I've probably forgotten one or two places, but these are the ones I've
    been too (apart from Syria). Overall though, I love travelling to the
    ME. I (eventually) want to go to Iraq (in a few years time, maybe) and
    Iran (although they're not, strictly speaking, Arabs). Oh, and I'd like
    to go to Syria. I just won't go to Israel.

    [0] Not Tunisia/Algeria/Morroco
    [1] You can actually go to some places, where the only women that
    *aren't* prostitutes, are those working behind the bar. Even then, it's
    open to debate...
    [2] Although I have heard something about them opening up tourism
    Cab, Oct 21, 2004
  6. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    Interrupt away 3 headed one.
    I've never fancied these, bit too 'you will have fun'. Anything that
    has staff dedicated to being jolly makes me shudder.
    Each other? Actually this sounds better.
    Champ's going?
    Not an attraction.
    I like to wander, buy breakfast each day from the baker, get fish for
    lunch straight from the harbour then settle down in the warm to swim
    and read.
    Did they make you do karaoke?

    Neither of the urls would work.
    I'll send the kids to club med and go somewhere else...
    Lady Nina, Oct 21, 2004
  7. Lady Nina

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I'm going to be at Le Meridien Beach Resort and Spa, Dubai for
    Christmas. You're more than welcome.
    Ben Blaney, Oct 22, 2004
  8. Lady Nina

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Oct 22, 2004
  9. Lady Nina

    Ben Blaney Guest

    It's got a Symphony Orchestra. Which, strictly speaking, is something
    to hear, rather than something to listen to.
    Even then, it's a right **** to get a visa. I'm trying to get three
    blokes in there at the moment, and it's driving me up the fucking
    My brother went. Loved it.
    Qatar is cool. A bit small, but v. hedonistic.
    US and UK travel advisories against.
    I may be going soon.
    Ben Blaney, Oct 22, 2004
  10. Lady Nina

    muddycat Guest

    Bummer. Keep your head close, eh?
    muddycat, Oct 22, 2004
  11. Lady Nina

    Cab Guest

    Ben Blaney bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along
    the lines of:
    Fscking expensive for the visa too. I paid around $US100 the last time
    for the privilege.
    I know. :-/
    Soon? Are you sure that's wise? The companies I work with in Jordan and
    Kuwait won't send their people there. Not even their Arab employees.
    Cab, Oct 22, 2004
  12. Lady Nina

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I'll be getting a U.S. Military flight, not commercial, and not a
    Ben Blaney, Oct 22, 2004
  13. Lady Nina

    Cab Guest

    Ben Blaney bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along
    the lines of:
    They'll probably shoot themselves down...
    Cab, Oct 22, 2004
  14. Lady Nina

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I'm trying not to think about that.
    Ben Blaney, Oct 23, 2004
  15. Lady Nina

    platypus Guest

    Think about the risks of travelling with armed merkins. You get turbulent
    air over the desert, and if you hit a big enough bump on the descent for
    Baghdad, and they think they're being attacked, it'll be frantic cries of
    "Hut! Hut! Hut!" and wildly machine-gunning the inside of the fuselage...
    platypus, Oct 23, 2004
  16. Lady Nina

    SP Guest

    Oh yes - you can't beat Spain for a bit of nice sunshine over Xmas.

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, Oct 24, 2004
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