OT Paging digital audio gurus

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by NickNoxx, Sep 21, 2007.

  1. NickNoxx

    NickNoxx Guest

    If I had a large (Circa 10,000) number of wav files neatly organised
    into folder names with artist and album and wanted to mirror the
    collection as mp3s, how might I best go about batch converting the whole
    lot whilst maintaining the file structure?

    NickNoxx, Sep 21, 2007
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  2. NickNoxx

    Eiron Guest

    I wrote a batch file to convert all files in a directory from wav to mp3
    using LAME but I can't be bothered to find how to follow a tree in Windows.
    Easy enough in unix with find . -name \*.wav -exec ...
    Eiron, Sep 21, 2007
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  3. NickNoxx

    Ofnuts Guest

    In windows that wouild be a quick .BAT like:
    Ofnuts, Sep 21, 2007
  4. NickNoxx

    Derek Turner Guest

    JFGI 'batch convert wav mp3' brings up a free application called Switch
    Plus' as first hit.
    Derek Turner, Sep 22, 2007
  5. NickNoxx

    NickNoxx Guest

    No it doesn't:-
    batch convert wav mp3 gives 2.4 million hits - waver converter is
    first hit
    "batch convert wav mp3" give over 30,000 hits - 3d2f.com software is
    first hit
    Switch Plus isn't free, it's £9.51 (estimate)
    I was hoping for personal suggestions, someone must have done this before
    Thanks anyway
    NickNoxx, Sep 22, 2007
  6. NickNoxx

    Gingerpose Guest

    I use ImTOO WMA MP3 converter, how exactly I came to have a copy of it I
    can't quite remember.
    Gingerpose, Sep 22, 2007
  7. NickNoxx

    Rudy Lacchin Guest

    I use MusicMatch Jukebox to do the conversion. You point it at the folder
    containing the WAVs and the folder where you want the MP3s created, and off
    it goes. It won't work its way through a directory tree though, so you may
    need to sit at your PC doing each folder at a time, or pay a small child an
    insultingly small amount of money to do it for you.

    Sorry it's not exactly what you asked for but maybe it'll do...
    Rudy Lacchin, Sep 22, 2007
  8. NickNoxx

    Switters Guest

    CD-ex. I've done that when resampling MP3s to a lower rate, to squeeze
    more tracks onto my MP3 player. But it almost certainly will do WAVs as
    Switters, Sep 24, 2007
  9. NickNoxx

    Catman Guest

    It will.

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    116 Giulietta 3.0l Sprint 1.7 156 TS 145 2.0 Cloverleaf 156 V6 2.5 S2
    Triumph Sprint ST 1050: It's blue, see.
    Catman, Sep 24, 2007
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