Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost.. While American taxpayers gritted their teeth and paid the tab for gasolene in their vehicles.. electricity in their homes and the gas bills to heat those homes, oil companies posted record profits in quarter after quarter. The high profile executives of those oil companies enjoyed the obscene salaries and perks that compass the national budgets of countries around the world.. Our country is suffering through the largest national debt that could ever be imagined and our great grandchildren will be paying off that debt.. if it ever gets paid.. Our government is borrowing money, just to keep operating.. Now then.. we discover (it was discovered months ago, actually) those same oil companies and the record profits they continually report, are in serious arrears in paying their share of that tax burden.. The Royalties they owe the taxpayers amounts to billions of dollars .. While they have enjoyed tax entitlements and credit, they aren't even paying for their privilege of pumping the oil from the lands that are owned by the taxpayers.. Our government agencies who are commissioned to protect the American taxpayers, enforce collection of the revenues and assure that we all share the costs of living in this great nation, are sadly understaffed and outright incompetent.. The Dept. of Interior has been designated to oversee and serve as the taxpayers' advocate in collection of the Royalties payments. In the past few weeks, they've been unable to qualify how much the oil companies owe the taxpayers and/or which companies have reneged on their agreements to make these payments.. Suddenly .. the rosy pictures of these oil companies are changing at a rapid pace.. The cosy and friendly atmosphere of friends in high places are recent history.. The oil companies will be facing another Congress and Senate, come January.. The incoming Congress and Senate will at least be conducting investigations and will not be quite so corporate friendly .. Hopefully, through the investigations which are being set up and scheduled in 2007, there will be exposures which will trigger the taxpayers to demand their representatives to take appropriate action to level the playing field.. It is past due time for the chickens to come home and roost.. American taxpayers have been carrying these people for too damned long.. Bill Walker Irving