OT off-shore call centres

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by steve auvache, May 30, 2006.

  1. This one made me chuckle.

    TV licensing, no off shore call centres for them oh no mate.

    Cos I am a muppet I was late paying it and they sent me a threatening
    letter. Fair do's my mistake, so I phoned up the number and gave the
    details verbally to some system.

    Six weeks later and I get a *really* threatening letter saying I still
    hadn't paid. Checks bank and I haven't so I phone up a human. Turns
    out the bank rejected the number I gave them as non existent and "no we
    don't have a record of what you said" !![1] and "The tapes are sent to
    India for transcription."

    Made I laugh.

    [1] We shall be talking further on this one, if what I have been told is
    correct they have major breach in their Data Protection Compliance
    systems and they will fix it and they will tell me the number they used.
    steve auvache, May 30, 2006
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  2. steve auvache

    Andrew Scott Guest

    Heres a wee movie for you to enjoy: http://www.callcentermovie.com/

    While I'm at it, if you ever fancy getting a mobile phone, or changing the
    one you've got, whatever stay away from 3. All their calls are handled in
    Bombay. Last week I got a call from them threating legal action because I
    hadn't paid my bill. I hadn't paid it, and had told them that I could'nt as
    I was just out of hospital, SSP load of shite. When I got the call from
    Bombay threating the legal action, I asked to speak to someone in a UK call
    centre. After all my contract is in the UK and if it went as far as court,
    (which it didnt) it would be a UK court and not one in bloody Bombay. They
    don;t have a UK call centre though, exxcept the one in Glasgow, but I can;t
    be transferred there. its a luck of the draw thing. Which led to an
    amusing conversation:
    Me: You are a communications company?
    3: Yes Mr Scott
    Me: Why can't you transfer me to the Glasgow call centre?
    3: We don't have that facility in place.
    Me: So you are a communications company that can't communicate with itself?
    3: Sorry Mr Scott, i don't understand.
    Me: Clunk.


    Andrew Scott, May 30, 2006
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  3. Andrew Scott wrote
    A new treatment of an old idea. Quite well done though.
    steve auvache, May 30, 2006
  4. steve auvache

    platypus Guest

    LTSB are offshoring their Human Remains function:


    That'll work well. Not.
    platypus, May 30, 2006
  5. steve auvache

    Andrew Scott Guest

    I'm not a LTSB customer, but if I was, I probably wouldn't be any longer.
    How can they possibly ship 150 jobs out of the UK, and magically create
    another 150 here for the call centre workers affected? Surely they could
    keep the 150 call centre employees and create the 150 jobs anyways? I
    remember when Sky said they were moving jobs from Livingston to India, the
    Daily Record ran a huge spread about it, and the amount of Scottish
    customer's who phoned to cancel made Sky change their mind.

    Andrew Scott, May 30, 2006
  6. steve auvache

    deadmail Guest

    I am a Lloyds customer and expect to remain one.

    If LTSB do not trim their costs then their competition will; and LTSB's
    customer offer will be less attactive than their competitions',
    resulting in a loss of customers.

    The 150 jobs in question are not (I believe) standard customer facing
    call centre roles, they are HR supporting roles so it's an internal call
    centre. It seems that they believe they can get an acceptable level of
    support by outsourcing this function.

    LTSB have chosen to try to redeploy their staff internally; in other
    roles. I think this is laudable; if it's sincere.

    We work in a global economy, like it or not, and there are no guarantees
    of a job for life, or even for the next few weeks...
    deadmail, May 30, 2006
  7. Andrew Scott wrote
    I did the Solaris Fundamentals training for the admins in Sky Scotland.
    They choose potential recruits by internal advert. Surprising how many
    very well qualified folks they had hiding in the post room.

    I was only sent up there because the bird who was sposed to do it caught
    babies. I got, despite seriously heavy protesting on my part that this
    was not the in m job description, made to write up a summary of them
    all. The first course I was on there was a really bright bloke who was
    struggling because he was vain about wearing bins and I mentioned this
    in my report. They thought I was wonderful and insisted that I be
    brought back to do all the courses. Fortunately I was made redundant
    shortly after that. I don't like Edinberg, full of fucking jocks it is
    and a kin long drive to get there.
    steve auvache, May 30, 2006
  8. Halla wrote
    No it was even worse than that. It was what we referred to internally
    as Off-site. The type of job only given to people who could deliver a
    course without the aid of machines and manuals and convince the
    attendees they got value for money. Not for the faint hearted, the
    primary skill needed was not technical but unfailing self confidence, in

    It was two roads over from some gert great building site that we had
    told them would be a parliament. In some "affiliates" offices.
    Independent Sun consultants or some such.

    The saving grace was the pub I found just round the corner, suited and
    booted was /not/ the appropriate 'attire de jour'. The place went that
    special sort of quiet that some places go when I walked in. Eerie. It
    took me five minutes but I won them round to thinking that despite my
    being English I was alcoholic working class scum like them and we got on
    just fine and I even ended up having me dinners there.
    steve auvache, May 31, 2006
  9. Halla wrote
    No, I was ordering beer, it was them who went quiet.

    I wasn't at my best that day.
    steve auvache, May 31, 2006
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