OT.. Network News

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Once they got through the Gerald R. Ford coverage, the networks finally
    informed us of other happenings around the world.. No one seems to
    know how severely the reactions will affect our efforts in Iraq..

    Since the shaky footage of the execution of Saddam Hussein hit the
    airwaves, we keep learning more and more about the conditions of that
    execution.. Apparently, the Americans held custody of Hussein until
    just prior to his destiny with death.. It would also seem that the death
    chamber is located in a facility under the control of the Americans..

    There seems to be more concern about how the video was made and
    who leaked it to the news agencies, than how this insane fiasco took
    place.. WTF.. What kind of inept, incompetent morons do we have
    representing the U.S. in that damned sandtrap, anyway ? Is there no one
    of competence in charge of one damned thing that is going on in that
    freaking country ?

    One other interesting item has to do with the news that George Bush is
    prepared to announce the escalation of the U.S. involvement in Iraq..
    Although the administration has chosen to label this exercise a "surge"
    this profound decision from George Bush is nothing more than another
    disastrous decision that he will try to peddle..

    There is only one way that George Bush will be stopped in this insanity..
    It will require extreme courage and vision for our representatives in
    Congress and the Senate.. doubtful if any of them possess that kind
    of courage.. Stop funding this war.. Stop financing furthur death and
    distruction perpetrated by George Bush.. As long as those enablers
    in our Senate and Congress keeps rubber stamping the funds that
    are requested by this administration, George Bush will continue to
    escalate and the body bags will keep on coming home to us.. Shut off
    the money.. Don't finance this insanity any longer.. Damn..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 3, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Don'cha just love how these politicians ran their campaigns on "bring
    an end to this conflict in Iraq" and (this one I loved) "bring the
    troops home", then the first thing they did right after the election is
    start talking about sending more troops over there?

    Let's be realistic here, we'll never be out of Iraq now. There's two
    ways you can topple a government...and neither of them involve "topple
    it and leave". The first way is a coux. You under-run another
    government in to take the place. The other way is to just take full
    control and conquer. Not one single time in the world's history has any
    military went in and toppled a government and then left with everything
    peaceful and bright. That's some redneck dumbass perspective that voted
    for this fucking action we have over there now.

    But, aren't you just glad we have our military over there fighting to
    give control to a bunch of cowardly animals who can't even conduct
    themselves with respect during an execution of one of the world's most
    infamous dictators in this age?
    Brian Walker, Jan 3, 2007
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  3. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    (in part, wrote this)
    -One other interesting item has to do with the news that George Bush is
    prepared to announce the escalation of the U.S. involvement in Iraq..
    Although the administration has chosen to label this exercise a "surge"
    this profound decision from George Bush is nothing more than another
    disastrous decision that he will try to peddle..-

    This should be rectified by the new democratics, elected to expand to
    the majority.
    Bill, the demos arent gonna stand for this nonsense, are they? This is
    why America turned out in hordes and voted mostly democratic(!)

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Jan 3, 2007
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