Once they got through the Gerald R. Ford coverage, the networks finally informed us of other happenings around the world.. No one seems to know how severely the reactions will affect our efforts in Iraq.. Since the shaky footage of the execution of Saddam Hussein hit the airwaves, we keep learning more and more about the conditions of that execution.. Apparently, the Americans held custody of Hussein until just prior to his destiny with death.. It would also seem that the death chamber is located in a facility under the control of the Americans.. There seems to be more concern about how the video was made and who leaked it to the news agencies, than how this insane fiasco took place.. WTF.. What kind of inept, incompetent morons do we have representing the U.S. in that damned sandtrap, anyway ? Is there no one of competence in charge of one damned thing that is going on in that freaking country ? One other interesting item has to do with the news that George Bush is prepared to announce the escalation of the U.S. involvement in Iraq.. Although the administration has chosen to label this exercise a "surge" this profound decision from George Bush is nothing more than another disastrous decision that he will try to peddle.. There is only one way that George Bush will be stopped in this insanity.. It will require extreme courage and vision for our representatives in Congress and the Senate.. doubtful if any of them possess that kind of courage.. Stop funding this war.. Stop financing furthur death and distruction perpetrated by George Bush.. As long as those enablers in our Senate and Congress keeps rubber stamping the funds that are requested by this administration, George Bush will continue to escalate and the body bags will keep on coming home to us.. Shut off the money.. Don't finance this insanity any longer.. Damn.. Bill Walker Irving