I popped out a few minutes ago, and was walking along Newgate St. (London). I've seen some silly/dangerous things done by cyclists, but this takes the biscuit. Heading east along Newgate St. from where I work, the road is split by a very large traffic island as all the eastbound traffic and some of the westbound is routed north onto King Edward Street[1]. There is a one way single track big of westbound traffic flowing just south of this island along Newgate St. It's a fairly wide bit of road, with a 1m wide cycle lane, and then enough black tarmac for a bus and a motorcycle to go round the outside, just at the edge of the aforementioned traffic island[2]. I was quite surprised to see a bicycle heading outside of the cars, taxis and buses. Not because it wasn't using the available cycle lane, but because the idiot was heading eastwards against the flow of traffic. This looked precarious enough until - as is common - a motorbike entered the same bit of the road heading the correct way. The cyclist veered at the last moment /through/ the flow of oncoming traffic (which was probably doing 10-15mph) causing a car to have to brake sharply, then the bike hopped up onto the pavement (causing another bike appropriately in the cycle lane to also have to brake to a stop) and headed off along the pedestrianised zone in the direction of Paternoster Square. Madness [1] it sort of looks like it might be a roundabout on : [URL]http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=531864&y=181360&z=0&sv=ec1a+7nx&st=2&pc=ec1a+7nx&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf[/URL] where the work "stock" appears, but it's really not - it's 3 x one way bits of road. [2] this isn't really even an appropriate term - it's really a "small pedestrianised area", with a single building (water pump station) in the middle of it.