OT Magistrate expenses

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Alan, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Alan

    Alan Guest

    If one was to become a Magistrate say in Oxford, and ones
    employer was allowing unpaid time off to train how would
    one find out what expenses they could claim for?

    I know you can clain fuel and suchlike, but losing ones salary
    might prove expensive.

    Damed if i can find the rates.


    (yes me)
    Alan, Nov 13, 2008
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  2. Alan

    Adrian Guest

    Ask "Bystander", poster on uk.legal and author of
    Loss of salary isn't an "expense".
    An "expense" is money that you've directly spent in order to be there &
    do that. Travel costs, accomodation etc.
    Adrian, Nov 13, 2008
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  3. Alan

    Alan Guest

    I know that, I phrased it incorrect, what I meant was you can claim for
    loss of earnings at a set rate, I would like to know what the set rate is.

    Alan, Nov 13, 2008
  4. Alan

    wessie Guest

    So, you're going to be one of those that sits there sipping cups
    of tea whilst the Clerk does all the work, eh?

    should open a pdf file titled "SERVING AS A MAGISTRATE". Page 7

    As a magistrate, you are not paid for
    carrying out your duties. You can, however,
    claim allowances (within specified limits)
    for travel, subsistence and financial loss,
    such as loss of earnings."

    and a quick google gets this
    wessie, Nov 13, 2008
  5. Alan

    Cane Guest

    Why would you want to do that?
    Cane, Nov 13, 2008
  6. You can be assured it's not a lot, which is a contributory reason a lot
    of mags are retired or fairly ok financially and can afford to do it for
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Nov 13, 2008
  7. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Cane
    I have to say that it's always struck me as one of those jobs where the
    desire to do it ought to be a disqualification.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Nov 13, 2008
  8. Alan

    Cane Guest

    Yes, there is something of the 'Captain Mainwaring' about it. In fact,
    Alan bares more than a passing ressemblence to Arthur Lowe.
    Cane, Nov 13, 2008
  9. s/peanuts/"shits 'n giggles"
    Soylent Green, Nov 13, 2008
  10. Alan

    Tosspot Guest

    Or unemployed people....
    Tosspot, Nov 13, 2008
  11. Alan

    Champ Guest

    Can't you just imagine Burnt sat up on the bench, handing out
    sentences to miscreants?

    Yes, I see your point.
    Champ, Nov 13, 2008
  12. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    "Why is he putting that black cap on?"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Nov 13, 2008
  13. Alan

    Ace Guest

    Like being a serving member of the government, you mean?

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (b.rogers at ifrance.com)
    \`\ | /`/
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, Nov 13, 2008
  14. <mind bleach>
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Nov 13, 2008
  15. Alan

    Alan Crowder Guest

    Correct, but ever since doing my duty on jury service and putting
    a scrote down for three years for persistent burglary and one for
    life for murder the legal side of things has always facinated me.

    So if i get through the interviews and training I shall sit and ponder
    upon people's misdoings.


    Arthur Lowe.....right tho.
    Alan Crowder, Nov 13, 2008
  16. Alan

    Beav Guest


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Nov 13, 2008
  17. Alan

    deadmail Guest

    Magistrate eh?

    What motivated you to do that? Doesn't it make you feel a bit of a
    deadmail, Nov 14, 2008
  18. Alan

    deadmail Guest

    Hmm.. Amusing enough but...

    I'm not a supporter of capital punishment and would rather stick pins in
    myself than be a magistrate.
    deadmail, Nov 14, 2008
  19. Alan

    Pete Fisher Guest

    "The key qualities the selection board will be looking for are good
    character, understanding and communication, social awareness, maturity
    and sound judgment, and commitment and reliability. You must be able to
    understand documents and facts and follow arguments."

    No UKRM posters need apply.

    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Voxan Roadster Gilera Nordwest * 2 Yamaha WR250Z |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Nov 14, 2008
  20. Alan

    deadmail Guest

    "An inferiority complex will often be advantageous to the applicant.
    Hypocrisy is naturally assumed to be a key personal strength"
    deadmail, Nov 14, 2008
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