One of the local radio stations just announced that one of our illustrious judges has overturned the ruling against the homeowners insurance companies.. Didn't get many of the details .. the item was barely mentioned and missed a large part of it.. What I got was that some judge has determined that the judgement requiring homeowners insurance companies to roll back their premium prices 17%, was unconstitutional and struck down the decision ..That being the case, isn't it interesting that he made that ruling after the election ? Get ready for the hard ride, folks.. That means that vehicle insurance rates are going to go through the roof and homeowners will be raped, trying to keep afloat.. LOL... what's that we keep saying.. "careful what you wish for, you just might get it".. I didn't get much of that little item and would sure like for someone who was paying better attention, to provide some more information... Your friend in Irving Bill Walker