OT It's another world out there

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lady Nina, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Lady Nina

    Beav Guest

    There is that, but I like to warm when I get out of bed too. Some people say
    my place is a tad warm, but I don't see it.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Mar 13, 2008
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  2. Lady Nina

    dog Guest

    i've heard from a couple of sources that it basically goes as follows:

    - in a hunter-gatherer society, the average worker works 4 hours a week
    - in an agricultural society, the average worker works 10 hours a week
    - in an industrial society, the average worker works 40 hours a week

    towards the end of any energy society type the requirements will be more
    strenuous, because even if you have better technology there is still more
    competition for the resources. so in the middle ages (very late agricultural)
    you would expect people to be working nearly as many hours as early
    yes. roman citizens were a lot better off in that regard.
    dog, Mar 14, 2008
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  3. driving to tesco
    fettling the bike
    going to Threshers
    unwrapping the packaging and getting the bitch to set the microwave
    waiting for a plumber
    more bike fettling
    watching the footie on the box
    Yeah we don't do that anymore do we. Maybe there is a lesson to be
    learnt from history on that one?
    Back to Threshers
    No they don't you do much of it yourself you are just too fucking thick
    to realise the analogies.

    It is difficult to define the differences but what I have read is very
    suggestive that industrialisation and the rise of capitalism has led to
    less "free time for the majority". Or, given the doubling of out life
    expectancy in the last few years the same total free time but spread
    over a longer life.
    steve auvache, Mar 14, 2008
  4. Lady Nina

    wessie Guest

    Arlie Hochscild has written some interesting stuff on the topic. In the
    Managed Heart she examines the "Taylorization of emotions" amongst the
    staff of a US airline. In other works she examines the contradictions in
    labour markets: companies espousing "work life balance" policies yet
    encouraging a culture of presenteeism.
    The book "The Managed Heart" appears to be available free from google:
    wessie, Mar 14, 2008
  5. Lady Nina

    platypus Guest

    At what point in prehistory did they discover wanking?
    platypus, Mar 14, 2008
  6. Good point but it is not an activity that of itself takes a great deal
    of time is it? Unless of course you add frequency as well as duration
    to the equation.
    steve auvache, Mar 15, 2008
  7. Lady Nina

    dog Guest

    it has to be said that you're considerably better off than the average
    industrial worker, however.
    dog, Mar 17, 2008
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