OT It's another world out there

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lady Nina, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Lady Nina

    Fr Jack Guest

    Shouldn't have married a burd from frozen scandi-land, then! ;-P
    Igloo in the yard?
    Fr Jack, Mar 12, 2008
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  2. The Doctor insists in getting into a car in winter swaddled in woolly
    pullover, overcoat, the works. I point out the car has a heater and will
    be toasty in minutes. Then the finds she can't get all the clobber off
    while strapped in and turns the heater down so I start to shiver.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 12, 2008
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  3. You're boasting again, aint'cha?
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 12, 2008
  4. Lady Nina

    Eiron Guest

    They're all like that. I think it's caused by the lack of a gene carried
    on the Y chromosome.
    Eiron, Mar 12, 2008
  5. Lady Nina

    Ace Guest

    On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:15:59 +0000, in
    Get a less pikey car[1].

    [1] One with separate driver- and passenger-side climate control
    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (b.rogers at ifrance.com)
    \`\ | /`/ DS#8 BOTAFOT#3 SbS#2 UKRMMA#13 DFV#8 SKA#2 IBB#10
    `\\ | //'
    Ace, Mar 12, 2008
  6. Lady Nina

    Kim Bolton Guest

    ISTR someone mentioning £5:25 an hour, it might have been the bloke
    with the 40th birthday.
    The stoneyard owner was over the moon about the quality of the foreign
    labour. He said he'd have to close down if he had to pay higher wages
    (to Brits).

    But he isn't covering the costs - bursting schools, over-run
    surgeries, expensive phone-based translators and all the rest. If he
    had to supply them at cost, he'd go broke faster than emplying Brits
    at higher wages. He only makes a profit because of the unseen

    Then there's the imbalance in wages. It has been shown that a Polish
    worker can send home say £2k or £3k to Poland, where that is alleged
    to be a good professional salary. Where could an unskilled Brit go to
    earn six times as much for cleaning bogs, and send home the equivalent
    of a professional's salary?

    While there's huge incentive for Polish workers to work for what seem
    to us to be low wages, that doesn't exist for indigenous Brits. At
    £300 a week, what would he lose in benefits, and have to pay in terms
    of e.g Council Tax? What makes good sense for the Polish workers to do
    as they do, also makes good sense for the chap that was interviewed to
    do as he did.

    I did read that if a foreign worker goes home before 12 months are up,
    his income tax and Ni contributions are refunded. He then reappears in
    the next tax year to do it all again....

    It isn't a level playing field, so the choices aren't the same.
    Kim Bolton, Mar 12, 2008
  7. Lady Nina

    darsy Guest

    I submitted a comment on that[1], funnily enough they've not published

    [1] I just cut and pasted her quote and name and added the word
    "priceless", but presumably even that's probably considered racist by
    the beeb.
    darsy, Mar 12, 2008
  8. Lady Nina

    darsy Guest

    in my day, if you refused to take a job that you were qualified to do
    and offered, they'd stop your dole - isn't this the case any more?
    darsy, Mar 12, 2008
  9. You won't be too far off. The brief stints I did picking daffs and
    spring onions showed that the people that had been doing it a while
    could easily manage 500 a week (this is around 1990 prices). This easily
    compensates for the times when there's no work, if you're prepared to
    freeze your arse off picking sprouts in the depths of winter that is. I
    wasn't and got a job maintaining the ropey fleet of buses used to
    shuttle the mob around. That didn't last long as the boss borrowed from
    the farmers against future work and f*cked off having had his stash of
    pot stolen from the lockup, he also left a f*cking big boat in Grimsby
    harbour[1], which then sank.

    [1] Behind Kwik-Fit for them wot knows the area

    Mike Buckley
    http://www.toastyhamster.freeserve.co.uk - deleted by Orange - f*ckers - then
    randomly reinstated - wtf!
    mike. buckley, Mar 12, 2008
  10. Lady Nina

    darsy Guest

    what's he done now?
    darsy, Mar 12, 2008
  11. Lady Nina

    ogden Guest

    ogden, Mar 12, 2008
  12. Lady Nina

    darsy Guest

    Oh, OK
    her certainly is - and doing an armed robbery and only asking for 10
    francs is the work on an inspired idiot too.
    darsy, Mar 12, 2008
  13. Lady Nina

    ogden Guest

    "I intended to ask for one franc, but there was terrible inflation at
    the time so I decided to ask for 10"
    ogden, Mar 12, 2008
  14. Lady Nina

    Ben Guest

    After a few months, he doesn't. He gets put on New Deal.
    Ben, Mar 12, 2008
  15. Lady Nina

    darsy Guest

    this is my favourite from that site:

    "He did, in fact, once appear as Santa Claus outside the Nice branch
    of the Galeries Lafayettes department store. He emptied a sack of toys
    on the pavement and smashed them to protest against the
    commercialisation of Christmas. Children burst into tears. Their
    parents pursued him down the street."
    darsy, Mar 12, 2008
  16. Lady Nina

    CT Guest

    "This was his second assault. In 1993, while Duchamp's "masterpiece"
    was exhibited in Nîmes, Pinoncelli peed into it and then struck it with
    a somewhat larger hammer. This makes him, one could argue, a

    CT, Mar 12, 2008
  17. Lady Nina

    Beav Guest

    There are compensations.
    Shit in the carbs?


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Mar 12, 2008
  18. Lady Nina

    Beav Guest

    Hah, I wish :)


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Mar 12, 2008
  19. Lady Nina

    Beav Guest

    Isn't that some kind of man substitute/fucking machine?


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Mar 12, 2008
  20. Lady Nina

    Beav Guest

    Yeah, until they feel they've done enough, then they just grind to a fucking
    halt. I've seen some REALLY enthusiastic lads who (on the surface) seem to
    be reasonably intelligent and clued up, but they've all fallen at the first
    hurdle. [1]
    We've had a few of those too.

    [1] When any thinking has to be done.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Mar 12, 2008
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