OT (?) It is Starting

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. Don't know why all this information is important to you, unless it is
    just curiosity on your part.. As I previously said, I take responsibility
    for x-posting the thread.. As I pointed out, there are some Texas bikers who
    participate on Reeky, also.. They might be interested in what is going on in
    the State.. Some of these guys are like me and they will participate in both
    tx.motorcycles and rec.motorcycles .. Discussion of the Helmet Law in Texas
    wasn't really the subject intent of my original post.. <lol> It just kinda
    morphed in that direction.. There are a lot of other issues which will be
    considered during this mid term State election.. Regards..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    Just FYI, but it's concluded....


    Gary Walker, Jan 22, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I have avoided direct response to either of these two, just to see how
    completely ridiculous they will become.. LOL... The arguments being made on
    this newsgroup, are virtually the same arguments that Lon Burnham and the
    insurance company lobbyists made at the Committee hearing on the Helmet
    Law.. Those same arguments were made in 1997 when TMRA 2 petitioned
    legislature to remove the helmets.. The insurance exemption was negotiated
    into the current Helmet Law, in deference to the insurance companies, who
    were fighting for maintaining the status quo Helmet Law.. hmmm.. Wonder if
    that tells you anything about John Moran and Albert Nurick.. ??
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bullshit, Beemer.. you are dancing with the issue.. No one that I'm aware
    of, advocates some kid getting a license and turned loose on a motorcycle..
    What you are advocating is that some old boy with 25 or more years of
    riding, be required to enroll in a MSF course before he can be licensed to
    operate a motorcycle.. If.. like you, he chooses to do that, it is his
    choice.. unlike you, if he is comfortable with himself and doesn't choose to
    take the course, it should not be mandated on him, as you suggest.. The
    application for the motorcycle endorsement, asks the question about how many
    years experience that you have.. right ? When he has demonstrated on the
    street during his examination, that he can indeed operate the motorcycle, he
    shouldn't be required to do a damned thing, other than receive that
    endorsement.. btw.. That motorcycle is inspected by the examining officer,
    also.. bad tires, lights etc.. The helmet is inspected and is approved by
    the department or transportation or the rider won't be tested furthur..
    Backed by that many years of experience, don't you think it is pretty
    foolish for the state to declare that man isn't qualified to ride a
    motorcycle because he hasn't completed an MSF course... I call Bullshit on
    that one, Beemer..
    LMAO.. Well, gawdamit, Beemer .. Can't you get anything right ? Sheesh..
    with all that roof repair shit you've been doing for the past couple of
    years, you shouldn't be wading water in this little sprinkle we're having..
    WTF is the matter with you ? Regards..
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well hell, JailCall.. what's up with all that ? LOL.. The "good cop" is
    going to riding with me to Mexico in March.. The "bad cop" is going to be
    running around with "Sweetie" pushing her tits in his back .. drinking
    coldbeer and wishing he'd made the trip with us.. See there.. that's how
    all that works.. heeheehee... Regards, buddy..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. Can I shoot your pistol.? lol.. When I asked a DPS officer that
    question, he got hysterical.. The best radar detector I've ever had was when
    I could get some stunt sport biker to run out ahead of me.. LOL.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoa up there, pard.. Those guys have saved me from getting a ticket too
    many times.. Don't be too hard on them.. Didn't you notice my comment about
    "the best radar detector". ?? Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Scary bunch, alright.. LMAO..
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  9. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    GARY's opinion of xposting)
    ‘‘But, except for the xposting, I'd probably take the discu-
    ssion to email contact. Unless someone else has interest.
    OR, take the time and go to the opposite gropu and submit to share the
    same post topic, and everybodys happy. Bjay)!
    BJayKana, Jan 22, 2006
  10. Bill Walker

    Alan Moore Guest

    "Good though!"

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Jan 22, 2006
  11. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Since we are about to disagree on several points in this discussion
    and we both know neither will be able to change the other's mind, and
    I do not like cross posting for the sake of crossposting I am going to
    dump this thread.


    RCOS# 7
    No Riding Today

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Jan 22, 2006
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Don't you just love it.. See how much more fun you can have when those
    titties are in front of you, rather than pushed into your back... ROTFL...
    Regards.. JailCall..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 23, 2006
  13. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Regardless of how much insurance coverage that you carry, it still cost the
    same amount to reassemble that skull.. If the insurance company denies the
    claim because that dude with the destroyed skull was engaged in "risky
    behavior".. the cost of reassembly will still be the same..

    You can be certain, that insurance company did not refuse the policy payment
    when that old boy wrote the checks.. What isn't being said .. the insurance
    company can deny the claim whether the guy was wearing a bandana or a top of
    the line helmet.. Risky behavior, as defined by the insurance companies,
    doesn't care what you were wearing, the risky behavior involves riding the
    motorcycle, lawnmower, ATV or a boat.. Insurance companies paid a lot of
    money to get that amendment incorporated into the HIPPA Act.. There's a lot
    more involved in the Helmet Law, than meets the eye.. The insurance
    contradiction is just one .. an important one..
    Bill Walker, Jan 23, 2006
  14. it depends upon the insurance you carry. you have to have the correct
    worried about HIPPA exclusions ? it's easy to take care of that.

    get a policy that specifies medical coverage for the risky activity you
    are doing. motorcycling, sky-diving, scuba diving, rock climbing, power
    sports racing, professional sports, etc., can be insured if you specify
    what you are doing. any good insurance agent can take care of that,
    especially when they are initiating or renewing a motorcycle policy.
    Jail Call asked them about it and as a result he's covered specifically
    for motorcycling as part of his policy. It's not difficult at all.

    if you decline specific coverage and get a low cost minimum coverage
    policy, then you get what you pay for, which is very little. too bad if
    you chose poorly and then suffer for it later on.
    another viewer, Jan 23, 2006
  15. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yeah.. too bad..Decidedly.. typical, coming from you.. Thanks for you
    input.. See you on the road..
    Bill Walker, Jan 23, 2006
  16. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Gary, Discussion of the Helmet Law in Texas wasn't really the
    subject intent of my original post.. <lol> It just kinda morphed in that
    direction.. There are a lot of other issues which will be considered
    during this mid term State election.. Regards..
    Bill Walker

    I love morphing. If it wasnt for morphing some of these boring topics
    would stay that way. I know I have had afew post that turned out
    interesting, because the group morphed it into another direction and it
    became something interesting.
    heh heh heh. (bjay)!!!
    BJayKana, Jan 23, 2006
  17. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill walker responds to Beemer)
    ‘‘don't you think it is pretty foolish for the state to declare that
    man isn't qualified to ride a motorcycle because he hasn't completed an
    MSF course... I call Bullshit on that one, Beemer..'' bill)

    ‘‘My sentiments per'xactly. What's the big deal here lately
    about all these veteran Motorcyclist thinking everbody should take the
    dern MSF course, because they did for some reason??
    It is great for a rookie of course.
    It has to be mainly for insurance purposes, surely that's it.? I can
    just see it now" Bill Walker or me, taking that MSF course, and ride
    around in circles on a
    175 little motorbike, under the instruction of some dude, that might not
    have been riding as long as Me, for example. (heh heh heh, Bjay)!
    BJayKana, Jan 23, 2006
  18. Bill Walker

    louie Guest

    Bill walker responds to Beemer)
    ''don't you think it is pretty foolish for the state to declare that
    man isn't qualified to ride a motorcycle because he hasn't completed an
    MSF course... I call Bullshit on that one, Beemer..'' bill)

    ''My sentiments per'xactly. What's the big deal here lately
    about all these veteran Motorcyclist thinking everbody should take the
    dern MSF course, because they did for some reason??
    It is great for a rookie of course.

    Why? Couldn't I just read here, at my leisure, sort and digest info and go
    practice. Couldn't I just team up with one of the old timers and get a quick
    lesson? Curious why do you think it is great for rookies, and did you take
    it when you were a rookie????

    louie, Jan 24, 2006
  19. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You seem to keep forgetting that TMRA 2 and ABATE negotiated this helmet law
    ... It was TMRA 2 who made the agreement to fund the motorcyclist education
    fund with the proceeds from the sale of the "stickers".. Hold on, here for a
    moment.. which meeting of TMRA 2 were you attending, when you made any such
    proposal for that idea ? Which meeting was it that you supported the
    efforts of TMRA 2 to furthur motorcyclists education.. ?? Who are you
    soliciting for support of your idea, tx.motorcycles newsgroup or TMRA 2 ?
    You kinda got me confused, Beemer..

    Just keep the law the way it is. If you think the legislators are
    Bill Walker, Jan 24, 2006
  20. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    I profile everyday when I'm riding....

    "What's this idiot doin'?",
    "Is this clown gonna' to turn out of the center lane?",
    "It this dummy talkin' on the phone?",
    "Is this a foreigner that can't follow the road rules?",
    "Is this mommy diverting all her attention to the two
    kids in the back seat?",
    "Is this bro drifting into my lane while watchin' that
    little "sugar" walk down the street?"

    etc., etc., etc.

    Gary Walker, Jan 24, 2006
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