OT (?) It is Starting

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    The "mainstream" is fucking stupid. Herd instinct is right. Cows are
    Wakko, Jan 22, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Good point, Morgan. Thanks for the clarification.
    Wakko, Jan 22, 2006
    1. Advertisements

  3. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    FYI only for those using OE for newsreading, and
    interested in crosspost handling/processing:

    I just hijacked this thread for a moment to report a
    Windows ME/OE(6.00.2800.1123(+) "all updates
    applied") discovery. Newer win versions will prob-
    ably have a higher OE service level.

    Using this topic as example, because it's been xposted
    to rec.moto & tx.moto, I've discovered that some latest
    OE updates have purged the duplicates across groups.

    Personally, I don't have any problem with xposts, but I
    have seen others complain about it. My system, after
    some recent update installation(s) just began this xpost
    purging, and I just noticed it. So, if you're an xpost op-
    ponent, you might look into some OE service upgrades.

    PLEASE! don't flame me for this, I'm just trying to be


    Gary Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hold up just a moment, here.. John Moran and Albert Nurick have made an
    erroneous impression on this thread.. Neither of these two would have any
    idea whatever, about TMRA 2 .. Their contention that "Mainstream" is opposed
    to TMRA 2 is completely false. The organization is independently funded,
    mostly by the membership .. That membership is represented by many of
    "Mainstream" people who've never ridden a motorcycle.. Many of the elected
    officials in the State and Federal government, are member of TMRA 2..

    Albert Nurick has repeatedly posted the he'd NOT support or belong to TMRA
    2, because he don't like Bill Walker.. He's never attended a meeting nor
    does he even know the issues that TMRA 2 endorses or opposes.. For example,
    this thread was initiated by me without any expression of direct discussion
    of the Helmet Law.. even though it was mentioned.. Nurick immediately
    presumes, or so it seems that the Helmet Law is the only issue that is
    addressed by TMRA 2 or me.. Another example of pure ignorance on his part
    is his misconception of the insurance connection.. There is a vast
    difference between medical and health insurance and the minimum required
    liability requirements in the vehicular law.. The medical and health
    insurance isn't a requirement to operate a car.. It is an additional
    insurance requirement for the helmet exemption for motorcyclists..

    John Moran indeed expressed his insurance requirement ignorance by his
    erroneous claim that the HIPPA Act, doesn't have anything to do with the
    helmet law.. Nothing could be furthur from the truth.. There are currently
    cases of this HIPPA Act situation already being tried in court.. The
    insurance companies have denied claims for injury and/or death, because the
    insured was engaged in "Risky Behavior".. Not only in the state of Texas,
    but in other states, as well.. There is definitely a conflict between the
    two laws, as I've described before.. and argued to the State Representatives
    and State Senators, in our legislators..

    Again.. the conflict is that the State is exempting motorcyclists from the
    helmet requirement by requiring them to puchase medical and health
    insurance.. The HIPPA Act covers the insurance company, by amendment .. to
    give them the "Reckless Behavior" option to deny a claim on a policy that is
    imposed by the State..

    The Helmet Law nor TMRA 2 is not the subject of my original post, at least
    not in my intent when I posted it.. Subject matter of that post was intended
    to comment on the political campaigning that is commencing in Texas.. LOL..
    Several of the tentative candidates have been perpetually politicking for

    Efforts by John Moran and Albert Nurick to distort the post and misdirect
    the discussion into some kind of TMRA 2 or Walker attack is nothing more
    than juvenile behavior, by them.. Neither of these two are qualified nor
    informed enough to make any reasonable argument for or about either TMRA 2
    nor the insurance exemption for helmets..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... Now .. that is what I call a discreet post, Gary.. Thanks, pard..
    I'll take responsibility for the x-post... I x-posted to rec.motorcycles
    because there are quite a few Texans who participate in that newsgroup..
    They just might be interested in our State happenings, don't you think ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  6. Bill Walker

    Vince R. Guest

    "Imposed by the State" in this case means a law that was passed in
    Texas as a reult of bikers rights groups lobbying for repeal of the
    helmet laws once the Federal Highway bill's blackmail proivisions were
    finally dropped in the 1998 renewal, and then "compromising" by
    allowing the insurance provision to be tacked on, thus giving those who
    wish to deny motorcylist's rights an arguing point that Texas bikers,
    at least, recognize their own "burden on society" when they choose to
    ride helmetless.

    A Faustian bargain, to say the least.

    The HIPPA act is a federal matter and no amount of arguments before any
    state body is going to have an effect on its disposition; although
    bikers (and other proponents of active lifestyles) may be successful in
    affecting *HOW* the act is interpreted when in conflict with state

    Whichever. The Texas debate surely illustrates the dangers of hastily
    giving up a long cherished right for a "quick fix" on another,
    long-denied right. Of course, the AMA pointed out this folly on the
    national level while the bargain was being struck.

    Vince R., Jan 22, 2006
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    In 1997. AMA was invited to join TMRA 2 to work on the helmet issue in
    Texas.. They declined to be a party to the effort.. TMRA 2 was a fledgling
    motorcycle advocacy group at that time, and needed all the help it could

    During the negotiation period of the Bill, TMRA 2 realized that they'd have
    to make concessions to relieve bkers of the helmets, in any appreciable
    numbers.. Before they agreed to any of the concessions, the membership was
    advised and informed, that the proposals for the Bill would make it an
    imperfect legislation and they promised they'd re-visit the legislation to
    clean it up.. AMA sat it out.. During the legislative session of 2005, TMRA
    2 did re-visit the Bill and successfully won approval for their amendments
    in Committee.. Again.. AMA sat it out and wasn't involved in the process..
    Our Bill died in Calendars.. again.. AMA sat it out.. No involvement..
    especially .. no support..

    I don't have contentious criticism of any motorcycle advocacy group.. but,
    AMA doesn't have a dog in this fight in Texas.. AMA or their membership
    can't take credit nor can they criticize any of the efforts by TMRA 2, in
    Texas.. TMRA 2 solicited support for those efforts in 1997 and earlier.. AMA
    was the only group that declined to support those efforts.. ABATE was there
    with us, thoughout the process.. Other clubs supported those efforts.. AMA
    chose to sit it out..

    It is my own impression that your post is critical of the Texas Helmet Law,
    as it should be.. It is an imperfect law, at best and should be cleaned up..
    I was in our State Capitol during the 2005 Legislative Session, along with
    about 7,500 other Bikers.. who represented TMRA 2, ABATE, Confederation of
    Clubs and the many motorcycle clubs from all over the State.. Noticeably,
    AMA was not present nor active.. I again was in Austin when our Bill was
    before the Committee.. Again.. AMA was not there..

    As an obvious member of AMA and loyal to that organization, as you should
    be, maybe you can explain why they refused to participate, yet.. criticize
    the efforts of another motorcycle advocacy group for their efforts.. There
    seems to be something wrong with this picture.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  8. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Hmm. Odd. That behavior isn't seen on XP OE. Are you sure they are actualy
    purged and not just hidden as being read?
    Wakko, Jan 22, 2006
  9. an insurance company denying claims under HIPPA has nothing to do with
    the statutory requirement by the state for the operator of a motorcycle
    to provide documentation showing he/she is insured as an exemption from
    the helmet requirement. the state law simply requires the document
    showing proof of insurance. as noted elsewhere, HIPPA is federal and
    the state has no control over it. the state merely wants proof that a
    certain level of medical insurance is in place and it is incumbent upon
    the operator to have that if they wish the exemption from the helmet

    whether benefits are denied later on has nothing to do with meeting the
    state requirement for proof of insurance. the HIPPA suits are about
    denied benefits, not the state helmet law. the statutory requirements
    for the helmet law are met by having the card showing coverage. after
    the fact denial of benefits does not negate the proof of coverage prior
    to the denial of benefits.

    if someone is concerned about being denied benefits then they should
    make certain there is a rider to the policy stating they are
    specifically covered for operating a motorcycle. given that specific
    motorcycle coverage, the insurance company cannot say they didn't know
    about risky behavior and deny the claim; it's clearly specified in the
    policy. a good insurance agent can take care of this easily. those
    seeking to get away on the cheap may not get the coverage they expected
    and have problems with a claim later on. additionally, many
    corporate/business policies for employees have risky behavior clauses
    that may need to have additional coverage for the additional assumed
    risk of motorcycles, if the policy and the employer will allow it. if
    you want to have no denials of coverage, be specific in the policy
    providing your coverage. caveat emptor.
    another viewer, Jan 22, 2006
  10. motorcycles are also above average risk transportation. a corvette and
    a volvo have different insurance costs for coverage for the same reason.
    statistically, corvettes are more risky than volvos. motorcycles are
    significantly more risky than 4 wheel vehicles.

    very simply: the operator can go beyond the minimum level insurance
    policies and get a good clarified risk policy that will not deny
    benefits, meet state requirements and actually do you some good if bad
    things happen. if you buy a crappy policy then expect crappy benefits,
    if any.
    another viewer, Jan 22, 2006
  11. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    (Gary wrote) FYI only for those using OE for newsreading, and
    interested in crosspost handling/processing:
    I just hijacked this thread for a moment to report a Windows
    ME/OE(6.00.2800.1123(+) "all updates applied") discovery. Newer win
    versions will prob- ably have a higher OE service level.
    Using this topic as example, because it's been xposted to rec.moto &
    tx.moto, I've discovered that some latest OE updates have purged the
    duplicates across groups.
    Personally, I don't have any problem with xposts, but I have seen others
    complain about it. My system, after some recent update installation(s)
    just began this xpost purging, and I just noticed it. So, if you're an
    xpost op- ponent, you might look into some OE service upgrades.
    PLEASE! don't flame me for this, I'm just trying to be helpful.

    ROTFL... Now .. that is what I call a discreet post, Gary.. Thanks,
    pard.. I'll take responsibility for the x-post... I x-posted to
    rec.motorcycles because there are quite a few Texans who participate in
    that newsgroup.. They just might be interested in our State happenings,
    don't you think ? Regards
    Bill Walker

    Gary, Bill is exercising his right to post anything he wants, anyway he
    wants to do it. Bill is an old hand at this, he doesnt need your advice.
    (kidding, really)''
    Gary I have no idea what you said above. I know I was chewed out royally
    once, when I Xposted. I was called bad names over in Rec.motorcycles.
    You want see me doing that kinda stuff. They threw me in their killfile
    baskets. It was a task for me to climb out of those dirty baskets.
    (LMAO) bjay)!
    BJayKana, Jan 22, 2006
  12. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    I wouldn't read too much into the meaning of my OE
    update post, if I were you. It was exactly "say what
    you do", "do what you say" motivation for information.

    Like I said, I don't care about xposting, and like so
    many other things, one will be free to do it, and I'll
    be free to ignore it. I guess it's a lot like the underlying
    helmet topic. <g>

    Gary Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  13. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    No, I'm not real sure of the exact operation. But I can
    give this brief explanation:

    rec.moto & tx.moto, along with others are in my sub-
    scribe list. When I pull down message headers, say
    I get 10 r.m hdrs, and 5 t.m hdrs.

    If the 5 t.m hdrs are really all just xposts from r.m, the
    t.m message count will drop to 0. Now, I'm not real
    sure exactly when this happens, but I did notice it
    just prior to that OE post.

    As example, there were probably 10 or more posts
    in r.m on this "it is starting" thread. I assume they're
    all xposted to t.m, but as I view my subscribe list,
    the t.m count is null(no activity). And, since the list
    is sequenced, I'm replying to r.m and haven't made
    it down to t.m yet(even though the t.m # is 0).

    I'd have to do a controlled xpost test to give you a
    better explanation, which I can do if you'd like. But,
    except for the xposting, I'd probably take the discu-
    ssion to email contact. Unless someone else has interest.

    Gary Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  14. Pi r not squared, Pi r round.
    Cornbread r square.
    another viewer, Jan 22, 2006
  15. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Last question first.. our Legislature will not meet in regular Session
    again, until 2007.. Legislature was in regular session, last.. in 2005.. The
    Failure to Yield Bill was part of the legislation that TMRA 2 introduced,
    appeared before the Committee and gave testimony in support of it.. Failure
    to Yield is a very important issue that must be addressed, for the benefit
    of all motorists, not just Bikers. I'm sure that it will be foremost on any
    future agendas of TMRA 2.. I, as well as many others who are actively
    working in our State, to advocate for bikers rights.. take the Failure to
    Yield issues, very seriously.. Many of the members of TMRA 2 have been
    impacted by the absence of those violations.. Many have died because someone
    did not yield right of way, when it was clearly defined..

    The first part of your questions about my opinion/theory of why AMA was not
    on board with TMRA 2, during 1997, would strictly be my own .. Although I am
    controversial and very outspoken concerning many issues, I have never been
    critical of any motorcycle advocacy group.. <grin> It is my opinion, that
    if they are riding two wheels, they can't be all bad.. When motorcycle
    advocacy groups become adversaries, their effectiveness is finished.. That
    is one of the main problems that we find in our motorcycling communities ..
    My own affiliations with TMRA 2 developed after several years of associating
    with some of their leaders and members.. We shared many of the same
    sentiments to solicit for a better government, for all of us.. The decision
    to join TMRA 2 and become a Warrior for their causes, was primarily made
    because it is an organization that was inspired and initiated in Texas..
    They work on the issues that primarily affect us in Texas and they work
    within the bounds of Texas..

    AMA is not local and their interests are well intended in parts of the
    country that are not connected, similar and would be contradictory to what
    we have on the ground, in Texas.. I've never criticized AMA and the only
    bone of contention that I have with them is the resentment for their not
    bringing their resources to Texas to support TMRA 2, when we fought long and
    hard to remove the helmets from bikers.. At this late date, after the fact,
    I also resent any member of AMA who'd criticize the efforts of TMRA 2 in
    that legislative battle while AMA sat on the sidelines..

    ABATE and TMRA 2 have fought many legislative battles, some successful and
    others not so successful, by being shoulder to shoulder.. Even though there
    is a slight difference in the agendas of each, there is also a bond between
    them when it comes to bikers rights.. Even though ABATE is a nationwide
    organization much like AMA, they've chosen to affiliate with TMRA 2 for the
    common goals.. Bikers Rights..

    In my opinion, AMA should make that same committment .. Right .. Wrong .. or
    Indifferent.. A motorcycle advocacy group fights for the rights of each one
    of us, who ride motorcycles.. None of them should be adversaries.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  16. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    As a short update here, regarding the OE xpost topic:

    I was able to view the operation simply using other
    xposted messages. It operates like this:

    As I said, my subscribe list is sequenced, containing
    entries for rec.moto & tx.moto, among others. When
    I pulled down this most recent hdr count, I got 10
    r.m msgs. I also received 9 t.m msgs.

    However, while reading(and replying here) to r.m, my
    t.m msg count has dropped to 3. So, it appears that
    the hdr retrieval gets all hdrs, and the process of reading
    xposted groups actually removes/marks the duplicates.

    Thx - Gary

    Gary Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  17. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You are way off base here, Beemer.. TMRA 2 is and always has endorsed MSF
    courses.. Even though TMRA 2 does not support the unconditional requirement
    of a license applicant to be required to take the course before receiving
    their license.. For example.. a biker from Arizona relocates to Texas, after
    riding a motorcycle for a number of years.. He's tested on the laws and
    their applications in Texas.. He's tested on the streets and demonstrates
    his ability to handle a motorcycle .. After those years, and the
    demonstration of practical ability, he should not be required to take a
    course that perhaps he can't afford to pay for.. I'm not sure if that is the
    official posture by TMRA 2.. I'm speaking for my own convictions.. It is my
    impression that TMRA 2 has generally demonstrated a similar posture, by the
    way they've opposed legislation that would impose a blanket MSF course on
    all applicants..

    If you recall, in one of my comments .. I pointed out my objection to the
    exemption of helmets, incorporated into the MSF course requirement.. When
    that concession was made during the negotiations of the Helmet Law.. the
    agreement with the legislators was that the nominal fee of five dollars,
    would be to defray the costs of education of motorcyclists.. That included
    MSF courses.. The money wound up in the general fund, and therefore, all
    motorcyclists were betrayed.. Nothing in this should be construed that I, or
    anyone else connected with TMRA 2 is opposed to MSF courses.. Many of us
    recommend the courses when we encounter new riders or reconstituted riders..
    Neither is TMRA 2 opposed to anyone wearing a helmet.. They do support the
    freedom of making that choice.. They do oppose any legislation that would
    force helmets on anyone.. Regards.

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 22, 2006
  18. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Well, many laws come with a variety of caveats, but it does sound like
    your helmet law was ill conceived.

    You do have some semblance of choice and although I wear my hat all
    the time and my seat belt most of the time I believe neither of those
    actions should be legislated.

    That said I wouldn't object if an insurance company chose to charge
    higher rates for those who do not wear helmets or use their seat
    belts. I wouldn't support their weaseling out of a valid claim by
    taking advantage of some convoluted language in the contract though.

    On the health care topic, our system of subsidized care is not
    sustainable. With the baby boomers (read me) getting older the
    financial strain is going to crater our system within the next decade
    if we do not find new and innovative ways to delivery the service.
    Some of that is happening now and I am confident we'll find a way to
    fund the increased demands without sacrificing the concept of
    universal care. We have a Federal election tomorrow and the results of
    that election will have a direct bearing on the direction our health
    care program will go.

    RCOS# 7
    No Riding Today

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Jan 22, 2006
  19. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    I am not aware of any exemptions to the requirement to wear the hat
    anywhere in Canada. Bob Mann might chip in and speak to the Manitoba

    As in the States it is governed by Provincial legislation and I
    believe Alberta was the last province the enact mandatory helmet laws
    but we did and they are here forever now.

    Canadians tend to be less forceful when it comes to governments or
    laws. We accept whatever we are fed, often without protest. A reigning
    government would have to rape your sister before you would change your
    vote and get rid of them.

    Our Charter of Rights (Constitution) was drafted to protect the
    Government from the citizens where yours, as I understand it, was
    crafted to protect the citizens from the Government.

    RCOS# 7
    No Riding Today

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Jan 22, 2006
  20. i think it's more perception than anything.

    perception - no helmet = unsafe; helmet = safe.


    helmet + t-shirt + sandals + shorts = legal, but also = stoopid
    no helmet + leathers(or equivilent) + boots + gloves = semi-legal, but
    also = stoopid


    how anyone else deals with their risk i could care less, it's no skin
    off me.

    if you're going to be doing something that potentially puts your ass on
    the line, why would you have anything less than the maximum coverage you
    can justify and afford ?
    another viewer, Jan 22, 2006
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