OT (ish) car insurance, claims and VAT advice

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by central77, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. central77

    central77 Guest

    On the grounds that will be SWK in here:
    Back in Feb, a very nice lady wiped the side of the FTO with her X5, left a
    note on the screen (well, there was private CCTV in place, so it would
    have been dumb not to) and admitted full liability. Given the age of the
    FTO and the likely cost of repairs, I hung on until her ins co had
    confirmed to mine that they accepted total liability. Good so far. Car was
    repaired, my ins co renewed the policy with full NCD and I was happy with
    the world. Meantime, it turns out that the repairs STILL haven't billed
    to my ins co by the garage for the work - not the first time I've realised
    that people in this business have no concept of cash flow (1), but not my

    However, my ins co
    keep sending me letters along the lines of 'as you are VAT registered, you
    have to pay the garage the VAT on the repair and claim it back'.
    Ins co 'think' this may be why its not been billed yet -
    confusion at garage. Ho yes, confusion. Question: how can this be? I can
    understand if I am liable, but surely garage bills ins co 1 who bill ins
    co 2? Excess is waived, complete liability admitted my other party, why do
    I have to get involved? It not a big problem if I have to do it, but I
    just don't see why / how its relevant? (2)

    1: Car written off, third party admitted liability, my ins co 'forgot' to
    bill the settlement to other ins co - result was no NCD at next premium
    renewal as claim outstanding (3)
    2: Yes, car is insured for biz use but then 'nominally', I guess I should
    only reclaim the percentage of the VAT etc etc. Nightmare if done properly
    3: Resolved through much shoutiness at call centre
    central77, Aug 8, 2007
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  2. central77

    Colin Irvine Guest

    A quick google produced this.
    If you are not liable to pay any excess then I don't see how the
    question of VAT arises. Even if you did have to contribute you
    yourself aren't registered for VAT, are you?
    Colin Irvine, Aug 8, 2007
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  3. central77

    central77 Guest

    Yep, saw that one and came to the same conclusion.
    Yep - sole trader, so from a theoretical perspective I only claim fair
    business miles allowance on the car, being part private use, hence the
    admin nightmare (OK, its so small I wont bother, but its the point of
    principle, innit?)
    central77, Aug 8, 2007
  4. central77

    Colin Irvine Guest

    A few further down in google was this
    which suggests that, if you are VAT- registered, you pay the VAT (and
    reclaim it) on the entire cost of repairs, and your ins co just has to
    find the amount before VAT. This is, I think, because your ins co
    can't reclaim VAT on repairs whereas the policy holder sometimes can.
    Colin Irvine, Aug 8, 2007
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