OT : IIS State

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by dwb, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Because the font is, occasionally, not full of crap...

    I've got three web servers, all running IIS 4 on NT 4. I'm experiencing a
    locking situation by the look of it where all servers go up to 60% average
    CPU usage and stay there.

    I've done a IISState on one of the servers and get the following (in order
    of my interpretation) :

    Thread ID: 47
    System Thread ID: 185
    Kernel Time: 0:0:5.875
    User Time: 0:0:46.453
    Thread Status: Thread is in a WAIT state.
    Other information: Thread is waiting for a lock to be released. Looking for
    lock owner.
    Owning thread System ID: 1d4
    Thread Type: ASP
    Executing Page: Either ASP.dll is not being called on this thread or symbol
    file not available. Unable to locate ASP page.
    Continuing with other analysis.

    # ChildEBP RetAddr
    00 0364f7c4 77f6cfe2 ntdll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0xb
    01 0364f834 77f67646 ntdll!RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+0xa5
    02 0364f83c 77f64e24 ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection+0x46
    03 0364f860 77b2102c ntdll!RtlFreeHeap+0x94
    04 0364f870 653415ae ole32!CRetailMalloc_Free+0x17
    05 0364f890 65341554 OLEAUT32!APP_DATA::FreeCachedMem+0x85
    06 0364f8a0 653422e5 OLEAUT32!SysFreeString+0x57
    07 0364f8b4 6b6010b3 OLEAUT32!VariantClear+0x72
    WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be
    08 0364f8c8 6b601629 vbscript+0x10b3
    09 01341c28 00000000 vbscript+0x1629

    Several of these, all waiting on thread 1d4 - 1d4 is the following :

    Thread ID: 29
    System Thread ID: 1d4
    Kernel Time: 0:0:4.359
    User Time: 0:0:41.125
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
    vbscript.dll -
    Thread Type: ASP
    Executing Page: Either ASP.dll is not being called on this thread or symbol
    file not available. Unable to locate ASP page.
    Continuing with other analysis.

    # ChildEBP RetAddr
    00 01a5f9fc 77f65296 ntdll!RtlpInsertFreeBlock+0xdf
    01 01a5fa3c 77f64e6f ntdll!RtlpDeCommitFreeBlock+0x2d4
    02 01a5fa68 77b2102c ntdll!RtlFreeHeap+0xdf
    03 01a5fa78 653415ae ole32!CRetailMalloc_Free+0x17
    04 01a5fa98 65341554 OLEAUT32!APP_DATA::FreeCachedMem+0x85
    05 01a5faa8 653422e5 OLEAUT32!SysFreeString+0x57
    06 01a5fabc 6b6010b3 OLEAUT32!VariantClear+0x72
    WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be
    07 01a5fad0 6b601629 vbscript+0x10b3
    08 013147b0 00000000 vbscript+0x1629

    Now to me that looks like a simple ASP page running through a VBScript - why
    would it be causing all the others to wait for it to complete?

    I can post the full IISState log if needs be, but it generally repeats the
    dwb, Apr 3, 2004
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  2. dwb

    Sorby Guest

    Sorby, Apr 3, 2004
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  3. dwb

    dwb Guest

    You think it could be the regional setting then?
    dwb, Apr 3, 2004
  4. dwb

    Sorby Guest

    Heh - I've no idea - but I do propose we shout *JEREMY* whenever anyone
    posts a computer-related technical query.
    Sorby, Apr 3, 2004
  5. dwb

    sweller Guest

    Only to ones I can answer.
    sweller, Apr 3, 2004
  6. dwb

    Abso Guest

    <fx: scratches chin knowingly>

    Hmmm, have you tried slapping the side of the box? Let me know if that
    doesn't fix it - I have more.
    Abso, Apr 3, 2004
  7. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Hmm - tough choice - slap it around, or spill coffee on it...

    Drat, it's in a data centre so I can't do either :(
    dwb, Apr 3, 2004
  8. dwb

    Abso Guest

    Damn. Gotta admit it, this one's got me beat. You're screwed. HTH,
    Abso, Apr 3, 2004
  9. dwb

    Steve Morgan Guest


    Is the script accessing references to apartment-threaded objects (such as
    objects created from VB6 class modules) in Application or Session state?

    I'm wondering if there's a deadlock when marshalling across apartment
    Steve Morgan, Apr 4, 2004
  10. dwb

    IanF Guest

    Best bit of L1 analysis I've seen in ages. Cab, take a note.

    The above is trying to free some allocation back and holding a lock
    that the others are all waiting to get
    It looks like it's running through a big long chain of free blocks to
    deposit this newly freed allocation, given that you've caught it in:
    If this list is huge or f**ked, then everyone is going to be sitting
    around waiting for the lock. It's probably not circular or everything
    would stop dear behind this.

    I'll have a look tomorrow to see how the above works.
    IanF, Apr 4, 2004
  11. dwb

    darsy Guest

    darsy, Apr 4, 2004
  12. dwb

    darsy Guest

    just the IIS upgrade will probably do the trick, I expect. They didn't
    get it "right" until 5.
    darsy, Apr 4, 2004
  13. dwb

    dwb Guest

    It's not actually the problem, but I appreciate your sentiments and agree
    with you - however as you know you can't always get what you want in life.

    Windows 2003 would be lovely - no one will pay for it.

    Therefore, NT 4 because "it's practically free"
    dwb, Apr 4, 2004
  14. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Are you taking the michael?
    The MS groups are of the opinion it's to do with some excessive
    concatenation going on, but I am slightly sceptical based on the behaviour.
    dwb, Apr 4, 2004
  15. dwb

    dwb Guest

    LOL - if you're ever really bored I'll explain the whole arrangement to
    you.. but the chances of someone "understanding"
    are as about as likely as me getting my knee down.
    dwb, Apr 4, 2004
  16. dwb

    IanF Guest

    No not really...I'd estimate <5% of 'the computer industry' can do
    this stuff these days, mostly it's all politics and marketing now.

    Actually, the answers below make more sense as it's probably fixed.
    I'll have a look tomorrow to see what the above frames do.
    I'd skip the w2k step, it's EOL anyway.
    IanF, Apr 4, 2004
  17. dwb

    Steve Morgan Guest

    Here's some clues...

    A variant is being cleared. Although it's a variant, it has a string value,
    because SysFreeString is being called to clear it. SysFreeString is
    attempting to return to the heap the memory that's been allocated for that
    string value. RtlFreeHeap, the kernel mode heap deallocation routine,
    employs a critical section to ensure that no two threads are attempting to
    free heap-based memory at the same time. Thread 47 is hung up waiting to
    enter this critical section.

    Thread 29 appears to already be within the critical section, which is why
    Thread 47 can't enter it. It's already in the kernel, releasing memory to
    the heap.

    Now, although you seem to have several threads waiting on thread 29, that's
    just a snapshot at the point that you ran IISState. While it's possible that
    thread 29 is actually holding everything up, it's much more likely that
    there's LOTS of deallocation going on and the threads are tripping over each
    other. Within a single process, only one thread can be executing within
    RtlFreeHeap at a time. If there's lots of memory de-allocation going on,
    they're going to be tripping over each other. Combine that with the fact
    that there's going to be lots of corresponding memory allocation going on,
    it really does sound like classic string concatenation. The fact that both
    of these threads are in SysFreeString is further evidence to support it.
    Steve Morgan, Apr 4, 2004
  18. dwb

    Steve Morgan Guest

    Only trouble is, if they recognise the support issue, go and buy three
    upgrade licenses to Win2K3, take the servers down, rebuild them, bring them
    back up, take them down again, fix them, bring them back up...they're still
    going to have the same three servers locking up - 'cos it's almost certainly
    application behaviour, not platform.
    Steve Morgan, Apr 4, 2004
  19. Steve Morgan wrote
    Are you suggesting, without even knowing what they are, that the
    application are causing a server to fail? Does that happen in Windows
    Serverland then? No wonder people say it is shite.
    steve auvache, Apr 4, 2004
  20. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Okay - and the solution would be..?
    -Minimum of &'s
    -Simplification of logic where applicable
    Anything else?

    What's sodding annoying is that :
    a) I didn't write the web pages for the site but I now have to make it work
    b) The old version, using 'crap' web classes worked perfectly well with far
    more load.
    c) We expressed doubts from the start to the 'customer' that the appliation
    had ever been tested on a truly high level site.

    On the plus side, I've increased my knowledge of IIS :)

    Marketing People... FERITE!
    dwb, Apr 4, 2004
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