OT & FS Renault Megane 02 reg

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Alan Crowder, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Alan Crowder

    JackH Guest

    There is a difference - see below.

    The difference is, Alan Crowders speciality in this respect is punting
    out various sub £1500 cars in a bike group, (and other places beyond,
    apparently), with little else to say about them before or after
    they've sold, whereas the rest of us tend to post about our latest
    purchase when we buy it and our experiences of it thereafter.

    There is a difference... it just doesn't suit your apparent take on
    the subject to recognise it, by looks of it.

    It is when it comes to an example of hypocrisy relevant to the
    JackH, Mar 6, 2011
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  2. Or, perhaps, I'm simply more tolerant of people that don't register
    sufficiently high on my ****-o-meter.
    to /you/ perhaps.
    doetnietcomputeren, Mar 6, 2011
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  3. Alan Crowder

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    If you mean me then I think you'll find it wasn't an R1 I had a go at
    him for advertising.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 6, 2011
  4. Alan Crowder

    JackH Guest

    Not you specifically, but you one of those who got a bit picky on that
    occasion - SteveH posted up a link to one of the posts from the thread
    JackH, Mar 6, 2011
  5. Alan Crowder

    JackH Guest

    See reply to other post.
    JackH, Mar 6, 2011
  6. Alan Crowder

    JackH Guest

    There is a difference between intolerance and 'pointing something

    Maybe you'll find a way to take that on board before this thread
    fizzles out, but going by your current performance I'll not be holding
    my breath on that one.
    The same applies in reverse.

    JackH, Mar 6, 2011
  7. Pointing it out, vigorously, over and over.
    Oh come, you can do far better than that. I merely 'pointed out' that
    AC is actually a long timer here.
    By that logic, you're suggesting that the /fact/ (not opinion) that I
    pointed out (AC being a long timer here), might be important to me, but
    isn't important to someone else (you?) and that this is somehoe
    comparable with your /opinion/ over whether something was hypocritical
    and possibly relevant to this situation. Right.
    Oh please.
    doetnietcomputeren, Mar 6, 2011
  8. Alan Crowder

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    I've had a go at several people for posting multiple links to their
    Ebay auctions when a simple post pointing towards all of them would be
    a lot easier and I've also commented on people flogging various bits of
    tat on here when it's not really the place for it. I don't bother these
    days because ukrm has gone so far away from being a bike related
    newsgroup it's not worth the effort. I'd question the number of cars
    Alan has advertised on here because I don't recall it being that many
    but some sad bastard would spend their time googling it to prove a
    point so I'll not encourage them.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 6, 2011
  9. Alan Crowder

    JackH Guest

    I can actually given the following:
    ....and then came up with this:

    "Right. So that means that Both Nige, and you and SteveH and Alan C,
    possibly a whole bunch of other people may, or may not be traders
    (three out of the last 6 vehicles I bought were directly from
    depending on who's opinion you ask."

    You seem to be struggling with the concept that there is a difference
    between someone repeatedly buying up old shitters to punt on
    immediately for profit, (which is what it appears Crowder does), and
    those who buy something, use it and enthuse about it for a while
    before getting bored with it and flogging it to get something else.

    He's a trader pure and simple, as outlined in the post SteveH dug up
    and posted up elsewhere in the thread where he says as much,
    ironically about what appears to be the same car when advertised by
    him two years ago.
    JackH, Mar 6, 2011
  10. Alan Crowder

    JackH Guest

    ....you mean like putting it in their sig? :p
    If it's bike related, it has its place IMHO... so long as it's not all
    a poster submits to the group.
    This is true - it's notably thinning down too from what I've seen of
    it of late when I've bothered to pop my nose in.
    It's been enough that I understood the point SteveH was making
    JackH, Mar 6, 2011
  11. <snip>

    Rather sad really that this thread has generated more excitement than
    anything I've read for some time.

    Are people *really* this bored?
    stephen.packer, Mar 6, 2011
  12. /appears/ being the operative word.
    He must be a pretty shit trader if he still has it two years later.
    doetnietcomputeren, Mar 6, 2011
  13. Alan Crowder

    SteveH Guest

    Bored out of my fucking skull.

    Can't drive, can't ride bikes, can't shag, can't do **** all other than
    potter around locally. Even a short walk along the river (about 1.5
    miles) left me fucked.

    Can't wait to go back to work.
    SteveH, Mar 6, 2011
  14. I know the feeling , the quacks just grounded me
    steve robinson, Mar 6, 2011
  15. If you need to consider what is wrong with you then here is a good place
    to start. Unless you are a stunt double for blue films there is no reason
    in god's good universe why you should ever consider going back to work as
    anything else other than a particularly inefficient method of committing
    suicide. Resist the urge.
    steve auvache, Mar 6, 2011
  16. Is this a dig at Sweller?
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Mar 7, 2011
  17. Alan Crowder

    crn Guest

    crn, Mar 7, 2011
  18. Yeah, but be fair, what of that could you do before the heart attack?
    Steady on.
    stephen.packer, Mar 7, 2011
  19. Alan Crowder

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Change for word bored for boring and you've got it.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 7, 2011
  20. Blimey. You'd have thought a heart attack would have rectified at least
    one of these.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 7, 2011
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