OT Fox Hunting (kind of)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Grimley_Feindish, Sep 17, 2004.

  1. Grimley_Feindish

    Sorby Guest

    Drag-hunting requires the same resources (apart from a cuddly-wuddly
    foxy-woxy) as real fox-hunting.

    If, in the event of a ban on fox-huting, the hunts don't go drag-hunting
    instead then they can't care too much about the jobs after all.
    Sorby, Sep 17, 2004
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  2. Grimley_Feindish

    ogden Guest

    I'll stick with my suggestion.
    ogden, Sep 17, 2004
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  3. Grimley_Feindish

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Another tradition we have is of course freedom of speech - unless we
    suddenly became communists!

    Personally I'm pretty passive about the whole affair, although I'd
    rather not see fox hunting in our country. It's only an opinion though,
    and I'm not about to go and start a riot about it. Indeed, I'm more
    concerned about the riots than the fox hunting per se'.

    For sure, this is all about votes in the next election, could anybody
    honestly say they'd do any different though?

    I fully agree that there are far more important issues at hand, and
    perhaps the protestors might also consider that too. Why aren't they
    rioting for better education or shorter hospital waiting lists?
    Andy Hewitt, Sep 17, 2004
  4. Grimley_Feindish

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    LOL, I just love ukrm! :)
    Andy Hewitt, Sep 18, 2004
  5. Grimley_Feindish

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Not been watching the new then?
    There has to be one.
    Why?, they affect more of the country than fox hunting does?

    Apart from the loss of a few chickens out of the European chicken
    Andy Hewitt, Sep 18, 2004
  6. So... just because some ethnic groups get to slaughter animals in
    barbaric and inhumane ways, and nobody's worked out how to stop them
    without the soppy PC crowd jumping up and down and playing a full hand
    of "race" cards, this means that all ongoing cruel and barbaric acts
    should be automatically permitted to continue forever?

    Taken at face value, your argument as stated seems to be "it's okay to
    act like cunts, because *if* an ethnic minority acted like cunts they'd
    be allowed to get away with it". Better to argue the case for or against
    fox-hunting on it's own merits I think.

    And you can stick your "tradition" up your arse too. If something's
    wrong, fix it - don't fear change.
    Dave Bongo Bollocks, Sep 18, 2004
  7. Grimley_Feindish

    Ferger Guest

    Dave Bongo Bollocks secured a place in history by writing:
    Much disputed - traditional Western methods of slaughter are not exactly
    cuddly and friendly because we don't give a shit for the animal's
    welfare.... halal/kosher meat isn't, by definition, if the animal is
    scared, for a start...
    You are a management consultant and ICMFF inspirational mouse-mats.
    Ferger, Sep 18, 2004
  8. Grimley_Feindish

    Bob123 Guest

    I grew up on a Farm and lived in London for 5 years and I can tell you
    the real reason it was banned is it's perceived as a class issue and by
    banning it Tony can appease the left of the party, it's been the Ace [1]
    up his sleeve for ever.

    The sad thing is it's not a class issue, if you go up to Northumbria you
    can see that, it's a bit harder in Tunbridge Wells or Islington but as
    the media is entirely run by urban loveys [2] for whom meat comes from
    the supermarket this story is not told.

    I'm not a hunting man but I marched because the alternatives to hunting
    are worse and I believe people should be able to do more or less what
    they want on there own land, remember, Hitler banned hunting.

    My only hope is it will be protected by the European Union in the same
    way as Bull fighting is in Spain.

    [1] shhh not you
    [2] I am now an urban man my self but I'm not prepared to eat an animal
    I'm not prepared to kill.

    vstun piss ted at yahoo dot com
    If you want to email me you'll have to take the piss
    As you can probably tell I'm heavily Dyslexic so errors
    and omissions are not just excepted but expected.
    Bob123, Sep 18, 2004
  9. Grimley_Feindish

    sweller Guest

    You work in IT. It's a given.
    sweller, Sep 18, 2004
  10. Grimley_Feindish

    sweller Guest

    I think you'll find the left of the party really don't give a **** and
    have much, much bigger issues Mr Tony had better get on with in the
    appeasement department.
    sweller, Sep 18, 2004
  11. Grimley_Feindish

    TMack Guest

    At least the purpose of the excercise with Halal and Kosher meat is to eat
    the thing after it has been killed. In fox hunting the purpose of the
    exercise these days is pure entertainment (there are far more cost-effective
    ways to control foxes). The crux of the matter is that in the 21st century
    a law has been passed that forbids people to set a pack of dogs on a small
    wild animal in order to provide entertainment for themselves. In itself
    this hardly seems controversial. However, the problem here is that the
    power of the old establishment has been challenged by the power of the new
    establishment. The fox hunting types just can't cope with the idea that
    they no longer wield sufficient power to get their own way - hence all the
    demonstrations threats of direct action etc. What I find really amusing are
    the sudden declarations of contempt for democracy and the rule of law from
    all the Mail and Telegraph reading types who are usually the first to bleat
    on about the importance of being a law-abiding citizen.

    TMack, Sep 18, 2004
  12. Grimley_Feindish

    TMack Guest

    Wow! Godwin's law fulfilled so soon. I'm afraid that, under clause 3 that
    means that the anti hunting lobby have 'won' this particular argument.

    TMack, Sep 18, 2004
  13. Grimley_Feindish

    Bob123 Guest

    And it would also mean you have lost the battle.[1] However it doesn't
    apply as I'm not comparing Tony and his mates to Hitler or the Nazi
    party and the thread isn't long enough.

    I'm pointing out that some pretty unpleasant people share the ideal of
    banning hunting, in this instance Hitler is the figure head or
    “ambassador” if you will for a bunch of cunts, including this guy I met
    down the pub.

    Animal rights “activists” have got what they want, it's another sad
    instance of terrorism working.

    [1] I would say the reverse if true, the pro-hunt lobby lost the battle
    [2] but won the argument [3]
    [2] to not get legislated against
    [3] as far as I'm aware all vaguely independent and open minded
    investigations have concluded that banning hunting would not improve the
    lot of a many if any foxes but would instead make life worse for a great
    many foxes and humans

    vstun piss ted at yahoo dot com
    If you want to email me you'll have to take the piss
    As you can probably tell I'm heavily Dyslexic so errors
    and omissions are not just excepted but expected.
    Bob123, Sep 18, 2004
  14. Grimley_Feindish

    Bob123 Guest

    See now that is inhuman and *should* be banned.

    I've heard of dogging but never foxing.

    vstun piss ted at yahoo dot com
    If you want to email me you'll have to take the piss
    As you can probably tell I'm heavily Dyslexic so errors
    and omissions are not just excepted but expected.
    Bob123, Sep 18, 2004
  15. Grimley_Feindish

    Owen Guest

    **** the foxes...
    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Sep 18, 2004
  16. Grimley_Feindish

    Owen Guest

    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Sep 18, 2004
  17. Grimley_Feindish

    Alan Guest

    TMack wrote:

    What I

    I find it amusing that the party that for so long (when in opposition)
    advocated civil disobedience of "bad laws" is now so firmly for the
    establishment because they are now in power. Look back to the Poll Tax
    riots and there were a lot of Labour Party people actually calling for
    the riots, they got themselves arrested on picket lines at Wapping and
    during the miners strike but anyone who protests now and gets his head
    bust by a copper must be a troublemaker right?
    Alan, Sep 18, 2004
  18. <looks in bathroom mirror>

    I am a *tiger*! RRRROAAARRRR!
    Dave Bongo Bollocks, Sep 18, 2004
  19. Grimley_Feindish

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Absolutely, there are many traditions that have been long forgotten -
    the stocks, witch burning at the stake, invading other countries......
    ooh, as you were....

    Besides, we're comparing here the act of hunting down a single animal
    for pure sport, against the need to slaughter animals for food. For sure
    each needs to be dealt with (if at all), but not for the same reasons.

    One point mentioned by somebody else ealier might indicate that a
    compromise is possible. After all it can't be possible that a single fox
    can make that much difference to human food stocks, so the hunt is there
    purely for the sport. Why not adapt the sport, so that the whole
    industry can still survive, but without the need for the actual killing

    We have to remember that the fox is only there in great numbers because
    we have given them a plentiful food supply. That's the way nature works,
    predators are controlled by the availability of food. It wouldn't matter
    so much, but when that food is part of a heavily subsidised and
    over-producing industry, why should the poor old fox be the one to
    Andy Hewitt, Sep 18, 2004
  20. Grimley_Feindish

    mb Guest

    Abso fucking lutely.
    If farmers made it more difficult for foxes to get easy prey, then the
    foxes would be forced to kill other prey; like rats, water rats, mink and
    wheely bins.
    mb, Sep 18, 2004
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