OT FOAK: Wireless audio

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by toad, Nov 24, 2007.

  1. toad

    toad Guest

    Is there a device that acts like a wireless headphone extension
    "cord"? A little black box that has 2.5mm plug that plugs into a
    stereo system + a second little black box that has a socket that I can
    plug my headphones into.

    I know there are wireless headphones but I want to be able to use my
    own headphones and play mp3s from my PC on my hi-hi.

    Also why is the sound quality so shit with wireless headphones. If
    wireless headphones - if music can be broadcast so well on FM why
    can't it be transmitted across my lounge?
    toad, Nov 24, 2007
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  2. toad

    Derek Turner Guest

    You could go the Bluetooth route. There are certainly Bluetooth
    receivers into which you plug headphones and a Bluetooth USB dongle is
    cheap enough.
    Derek Turner, Nov 24, 2007
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  3. Of course there fucking is, all you have to do is fucking look for it
    but you just can't be fucking arsed can you? That being the case why
    the **** should I help?

    Prolly because such stuff is extremely limited in terms of the bandwidth
    it uses in order to:-

    a) Cram more channels into the available slot.

    b) Reduce overflow of spurious interference into "proper" broadcasting
    areas to a minimum

    c) reduce production costs.

    I expect if you look at the specs of any of this shit you would see
    something on the lines of "conforms to internationally recognised
    Telephony Standards" Which means it will only be handling a very
    limited subset of the audio frequency spectrum designed to give as much
    chance for "Voice" to be intelligible to the max while sending as little
    data as possible. For full on effect you will be getting mostly 300hz
    to 3.3khz and bugger all else either side of this. Even if it is
    designed to carry the more complex signal that is music then it will
    almost certainly be limited to not much above 7 or 8k for similar
    bandwidth saving considerations.
    steve auvache, Nov 24, 2007
  4. toad

    toad Guest

    You've got me there.
    Because you might know the answer or the right vocab to help me google
    it myself.

    (Sincere) Thanks for giving me a laugh anyway.
    toad, Nov 24, 2007
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