You guys have helped with a PC problem in the past so I thought it would be worth another go! Desktop PC (HP / Aspire T120, Win XP, Socket A - 462 MoBo, Athlon XP3000+ CPU, GeForce MX440 graphics, 19" CRT monitor). In the past when booting up it would occasionally run right through until loading personal settings then reset itself, booting up OK the next time. More recently it would do the same, but on rebooting the monitor wouldn't startup. Switching it off for a couple of minutes resolved it & it was fine next time. Now it won't boot the monitor up at all (no error beeps or similar) - it spins the HD, everything else seems to be starting but no screen - I've tried the following, all to no avail: Swapping the monitor cable to the onboard graphics (removing the AGP card, of course), tried a different monitor, in both connections, tried an older graphics card, unplugged the monitor (it popped a message on screen saying it was disconnected - so I don't think the monitor is faulty). Also tried two different memory chips. I Googled and found the only people with an IDENTICAL problem eventually found the CPU was at fault (I know this is quite rare). So, thinking I would take the chance to upgrade a bit, bought a Socket 754 Asus MoBo & Sempron 3100+ CPU (guaranteed working!). Fitted it, with the aid of the manual & ensuring everything was where it should be & guess what - exactly the same!!!!! No monitor signal & no way of telling what the bloody problem is! Now I'm at the end of my tether, & copious use of the big hammer may ensue if I can't get it fixed! Any ideas on what's causing the problem?