OT .. Fahrenheit 911

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 3, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I went to see the movie .. today..There were no astonishing surprises.. no
    new revelations that turn anyone around.. Most of us have seen the events
    unfold over the years.. The events .. mostly unfolded before our eyes via
    the miracles of our TV sets and the daily newscast that we have been
    watching.. Many of the details surrounding these events are not common

    During a work day of the week, the crowds were minimal and quiet.. During
    the running of the film, there was mostly quiet in the AMC theater.. An
    occasional gasp or a muted sob could be detected as the audience was moved
    by particular segments of the movie..

    This film is definitely not recommended for everyone. Objective viewing of
    this movie is difficult.. Some don't have the profound depth to grasp the
    significance of the message.. None can dispute the events.. as I said.. we
    all watched them unfold before our eyes..

    Michael Moore makes no bones about this film being one that is critical of
    George W.Bush and this administration.. His own personal distaste for this
    president is evident in all his comments.. He has publicly stated that he
    welcomes "pirating" of this movie.. He has stated that he would like for the
    film to be shown to all who want to see it, as long as it isn't shown for

    As the movie was shown, I was interested to see the reactions reflected by
    the audience.. I saw, tears.. tears shed for the grief and the anguish
    shared .. There was some laughter, as some of our leaders projected idiotic
    imbeciles in some of their own reactions to questions and events.. There was
    some outrage and as these horrific events were replayed before our eyes..
    There was the reaction of fear, as the audience watched our world being
    turned upside down ..

    Regardless of political persuasion of party.. Democrat or Republican..
    thoughtful people should see this movie.. Obviously.. this movie is not
    intended for the faint of heart..

    I watched carefully as the audience filed out of the theater.. The
    expressions on the faces.. rage.. despair.. fear, grief and sorrow was
    reflected .. I don't believe anyone who views this powerful film could
    remain unmoved ..

    Regardless of opinion of the author and producer of this movie.. Michael
    Moore.. the message taken away after seeing it should make all of us .. more
    considerate and thoughtful about the direction of our nation .. We should
    all consider just what kind of country we want to live in..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 3, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest


    I saw 'Bowling for Columbine', made a
    This film is not intended for "entertainment" purposes..

    Second, I will never see this
    I didn't see the "Bowling" movie that Moore did, although I have seen the
    clips of his interview with Heston.. He didn't have to "set up" Heston..
    Heston "set up" himself and then walked away..
    The film is not about Michael Moore.. although he conducted most of the
    interviews in it.. Many have made the claim that he is a liar and other
    derogatory definitions.. Specifically.. you nor anyone else can point out
    one lie or false claim that he makes..

    He is a liar and a sneek, among the worst of society.

    Really..Conducting interviews in broad daylight and in public doesn't
    indicate being "sneaky"..Spontaneous questions posed to people who can't or
    won't answer them isn't "sneaky".. So far.. all the criticism has been about
    Michael Moore, himself.. You haven't disputed one specific in this film..
    How could you ? You haven't seen the movie..

    But that
    Rather than refute or dispute anything in this film, you have referred to
    another film that Moore has done.. I haven't seen it and have no comment..
    This one I have seen .. You haven't .. Attacking Moore seems to be the only
    retaliation from Bush supporters.. The events and details surrounding them
    are true, not re-enactments.. Hard to refute.. Go see the film and get back
    to me when you know what you are talking about..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 3, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    No need for me or anyone else to defend Michael Moore.. I haven't done that
    ... Also.. I haven't seen the Colombine film.. No interest in it.. I have
    seen the 911 film ..
    Be sure to understand what the question was before you try to analyze the
    The question wan't about his relatives.. it was about his own children..
    Kennedy commenced talking about his sister.. her son.. and other nephews and
    distant relatives..
    Again.. the question was about his and his colleagues urging their own
    children to enlist in the military to help in the struggle in Iraq... What
    you are saying was printed is "out of context".. Better see the film before
    you take it apart..
    Don't know about his "old stuff"... I do know about the particular segment
    you are talking about.. All this was in context of a mother grieving about
    the loss of HER son..
    The details in this film is the important consideration.. Not whether the
    producer or author of it, is ugly.. or credible.. What you are doing is to
    place crediblity on Moore .. nothing addresses the credibility of the
    movie.. Notice .. I mention movie..
    Details surrounding the information and why certain decisions were made
    toward these events is what is important..

    I do know that one of the elements of his film was
    That wasn't even one of the points made concerning the evacuation of the bin
    Laden family.. Again.. see the movie and decide for yourself ..
    I don't recall the exact definition of the person making the call to
    evacuate the bin Laden family.. Clarke is a very miniscule part of the
    entire episode..
    Who is to argue with who actually was responsible for evacuating the bin
    Laden family.. There were other things considered in the entire question..
    Out of context again..
    You too, pard.. Good weekend to run these things.. Next week.. I intend to
    be in Arizona, with my old friend.. See you..
    Bill Walker, Jul 3, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    My definition of a wormy little shithead is Albert Nurick..
    Albert Nurick is a "bozo" who makes "nothing" and tends to try and fly with
    no wings.. LMAO.. Have you seen the film, "wormy"..??
    No matter how it is viewed.. and obviously you are talking with your head up
    your ass, as usual.. You haven't seen the movie, so why are you even
    involving yourself in the discussion.??
    Bill Walker, Jul 3, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's really ignorant. Wow! Of the entire interview, which I just
    went back and viewed the interview step by step to be sure, you can
    only come up with that?

    Did Heston say that gun violence in this country is due to racial
    (ethniticity) problems? Of course he did. Did Heston say that he knew
    about the shooting in Flint which he held a rally after the event? Of
    course he did. Did Heston say the rest of his interview without being
    told what to say? Of course. You can't dispute that. I watched the
    scene you refer to and found that Moore called Heston and from the
    back of Moore you can see Heston turn around. Moore then holds up a
    piece of paper and says "this is her...this Mr Heston" and Heston then
    turns back around before the cut showing Moore's front. I'm sure they
    didn't have a large film crew to film this on that tiny sidewalk in an
    estate where at that time they weren't welcome.

    Try your argument again to prove Moore to be a liar.
    Moore wasn't talking about having the congressmen send someone else's
    kids to Iraq....he already knows they are capable of that. He was
    talking about sending THEIR kids to Iraq to be shot apart. So, what's
    your point with this?

    FWIW, Dan Godwin of Fox in Dallas made an ass of himself the other day
    by trying the same crap you're trying. He was saying the whole film is
    phoney because of that one scene, and unfortunately he didn't see it
    to dispute anything in it...or as I'd suspect he couldn't dispute the
    facts in the movie. The movie shows the "real deal" up close and

    It's nice to see how when someone on your side is made an ass of
    themselves, it's a "set up".

    Funny, but if you knew anything about Moore...like you think you know,
    you'd know that Keyes was his man in 2000 also.

    I'll bet you have no clue why either.
    Brian Walker, Jul 3, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Evidence..?? huh ??

    That's ok, it takes all kinds to make the world, if everyone
    WTF are you talking about. ?? My original post on this thread was
    concerning my impression of the movie "Fahrenheit 911".. You haven't even
    seen the movie and have no idea what you are talking about other than to try
    to discredit Michael Moore.. LOL..
    I seem to recall that Moore did, in fact, support Ralph Nader in the 2000
    election.. I didn't.. For whatever that is worth..
    Damn bubba.. where'd the tax thing get involved in this thread ? Hmmm...
    you are beginning to sound like a few of our other "anonymous" heroes on
    this newsgroup..
    Have you explained all this to your legislative representative or senator..
    ?? I am under the impression that you live in the Austin area.. Sheesh..
    what are you doing hasseling taxes on this newsgroup.. Take it to the floor
    of our legislature in Austin, that is where the action is.. The discussion
    was your attempt to discredit a movie which you have not seen.. No ?
    Way to go.. couldn't agree with you more.. Let's get this movement organized
    and see if we can get it off the ground.. Since you live in the Austin
    area.. let me know when we can get together and put a plan on the road..
    BTW.. since Nader nor Keyes will be on the ballot in November, who are you
    supporting for president.. How 'bout US senator.. your district.. How 'bout
    US congress .. your district.. Statewide.. who are you supporting for the
    Texas Supreme Court Justice seat..?? We need to mobilize and take this tax
    plan to them so we can get their support for it.. Damn.. you should have
    been in Houston where all the action was a couple of weeks ago..

    No doubt in my mind.. you would be a valuable asset in any political
    movement that would benefit bikers or working men and women.. Meantime.. I
    sure am interested in all this evidence that I have denied.. If it happens
    to cross your mind again, please feel free to stick it on here... OK

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jul 4, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    There is a "saying" where I come from.. "Don't start no shit, and there
    won't be none".. Beemer is a friend of mine on this group, although we don't
    share mutual political views.. Brian doesn't share that friendship with
    Beemer Biker..

    Another Viewer isn't representative of anything that I would identify with..
    either personally or in any other respect.. In any event.. John Moran isn't
    the topic of discussion .. My sentiments regarding him were not adequately
    expressed by Brian.. LOL.. using anything that John Moran calls "evidence"
    is hardly a reliable indication of your own credibility..

    This thread was posted by me, in expression of my own impression of a
    movie.. What you have done is to dispute that "impression" while you admit
    that you haven't seen the movie.. Since that opening post, you have
    contributed attacks against Michael Moore, Brian and discreetly, my own
    credibility.. All the while, expressing your distaste for engaging in this
    type of discussion and preferring to "enjoy the holiday weekend, on your

    Again.. "Don't start no shit, and there won't be none".. Obviously .. there
    are several posters on this newsgroup.. disagree with me on many of the
    issues that I advocate.. Another Viewer has been a contributor to that
    sentiment.. while he hid behind an anonymous alias during his attacks ..

    The "evidence" that you claim I have denied is all on the archives and can
    be "googled" easily.. Before you pursue an allegation that you made in
    response to Brian, you might take the time to look a little closer.. Texdays
    and Another Viewer launched disgusting attacks me and Brian.. There were
    five who joined in those attacks.. None of them were justified nor called

    Obviously .. you formed your opinion during the prosecution of that flame
    war.. <chuckle> I have had the pleasure and the opportunity to personally
    meet and become friends with many on this group.. When I post here, I am
    expressing my own impressions.. I've never posted under an alias nor
    anonymously.. What I have to say is something that I will support.. publicly
    and personally.. I've never attacked anyone's wife, mother or children.. The
    five who have declared their opposition to Bill Walker or The Walkers, have
    supported each other in their disgusting attacks on us, in that manner.. We
    have responded.. Do your homework and you will see that "evidence" in the
    newsgroup archives in Google.. Hmmm.. Seems I recall a discreet challenge
    from you, before the ROT rally..

    My impression of Fahrenheit 911 has not been disproved by any "evidence"
    that you have posted.. Until you have seen the movie, your comments have no
    credibility.. That is what "this" thread is about.. Distracting the
    discussion directed toward the author and producer isn't "evidence"..
    Distracting the discussion to incorporate trash like John Moran (another
    viewer) doesn't establish credibility for your comments.. I also have doubts
    concerning your credibility as to your wishes to "enjoy the holiday weekend"
    and not engaging in this discussion.. Have a good "fourth" and be careful on
    your ride..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jul 4, 2004
  8. Bill Walker

    DRWilliams Guest

    Maybe this link will provide some specifics for you...


    '04 Sportster 1200
    DRWilliams, Jul 4, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sheesh... Reading comprehension is hard to come by.. Thanks for the
    response, but you should be aware that the film in question isn't "Bowling
    for Colombine".. Thanks for the link, I haven't seen the movie.. I have seen
    "Fahrenheit 911" .. Have you ? Neither is this discussion of this thread,
    about Michael Moore.. Pointing out the shortcomings or lies incorporated in
    Bowling for Colombine in no way disputes the revelations of Fahrenheit 911

    Again.. thanks for the contribution to the thread.. please feel free to
    dispute the movie after you have seen it..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 4, 2004
  10. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    He's never been an "inocent victem" of anything. There's a bit of
    history between myself and "Beemer Biker" that goes several years
    back. You might not be aware of the past events. I don't have any use
    for him, as he's made it very well known he doesn't have any regard or
    use for me.

    As for John Moran, I never paid much attention to him as I've always
    regarded him as an arrogant shit-head who's frightened at every turn
    of someone running up on him and knowing who he is. I didn't pay
    attention to him until he started making an ass of himself and playing
    games about his "anonymous" status.

    What does either of them have to do with Michael Moore and the
    credibility of his movie that's in the theaters now? Did you just run
    out of something to say?
    Why bother? I've acknowledged the areas you've mentioned of Bowling
    for Columbine as the camera angles changed. You didn't address what I
    asked you about Heston's interview and part in the movie. Now, to
    attack Moore's credibility of Fahrenheit 9/11, you decide to attack

    One more thing, I've also (in the past) acknowledged that the speech
    shown of Heston in Colorado wasn't shown in it's entirety...but I've
    also asked how that version shown was changed from the full speech.
    I've never had that addressed either. Perhaps you'd care to expand?
    Funny thing about movie making, you can't have a detail of cameras
    running all the time and never have a cut...that makes for a really
    long motion picture debut. You have to highlight the best work and
    scrap the rest while leaving in as much detail as possible.
    Brian Walker, Jul 4, 2004
  11. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Who's talking about "politics"? You don't even know how my political
    thinking is or which way. We are talking about a movie asking the
    question of why there's so much gun violence in this country. We are
    talking about a scene in that movie where Heston was interviewed, made
    a complete ass of himself and walked out of that interview. Does that
    make me political?

    Tell me from this what you believe my political views are and who I
    support for President of the United States. Tell me from this where I
    stand on gun control.

    I'm going to enjoy waiting for this answer.

    <Give you a hint: Myself and "The Other Walker" have had strong
    discussions about the upcoming elections and beliefs>
    You've been using "Google" again. It wasn't The Awful Truth that he
    did that for, but rather aired it later on The Awful Truth.
    And the only one's who'd support this would be the most ignorant and
    the most wealthy...as well as the corporations (put them in either
    category you want).

    Without going into much detail, that would have me spending my money
    into taxes and corporations spending $0. As it is, I get money back
    either equal or over what I pay in and corporations pay the lump of
    the amount. Why would I give this up to do just the opposite?
    Brian Walker, Jul 4, 2004
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    What's to deny ? Your link is not any more credible than a referral to a
    couple of journalists with an opinion.. In light of the discussion involving
    Albert Nurick, I'd say that your own opinion has as little credibility as
    his, with me. There is a great deal of desperation to discredit this film,
    coming from the supporters of George W.Bush.. Thanks for the "link".. I read
    it during the previous week when the movie "opened" in theaters.. There are
    quite a few others already available..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jul 4, 2004
  13. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    By the same token.. Even Republicans (OK.. the rational ones) realize that
    this administration is a disgrace to our nation and has to be replaced...
    With this type of defense.. Bush can expect to be evicted from the white
    house in January, 2005.. Propagandist or whatever, this movie created by
    Moore has damaged the Bush administration more than all the critics..
    Bill Walker, Jul 4, 2004
  14. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    During the film presentation.. many were deeply moved by it.. Those are the
    ones who will make the difference.. Regardless.. the discussion has been
    about the effort to discredit the film and that effort has mostly been
    directed toward the author and producer.. Michael Moore..And I might add, it
    is mostly being criticized as a "pack of lies" by people who haven't even
    seen the movie.. Very credible critics.. huh ?

    I've been advocating the necessity to turn out the vote, for a long time,
    now.. Our elections in Texas have been decided by participating voters,
    representing four percent of the people.. That is a disgraceful commentary
    for Texans.. perpetuating the false perception that Texas is a state that is
    owned by Bush and bought and paid for by the republican party..

    I have publicly challenged this perception.. So far.. the responses have
    been juvenile protests and claims..Not to mention the schoolyard threats..
    LMAO.. Getting the voters to the polls is the answer to these questions and
    I have proposed that it be the priority objective for a long time..

    Seemingly.. the greatest opposition to this idea is advanced by the
    so-called republican supporters of George W.Bush and Tom DeLay.. Their
    objective it seems is to discourage as many voters (other than base
    supporters) as they can.. Could be, that if the voter turnout in November is
    in proportion to the population, they will be turned out of office.. I agree
    with that concept.. After many miles to various parts of this state, and
    talking to people throughout, I believe that politicians like the ones
    holding office, will be rejected by the voters.. Including some of the
    democrats holding office..

    For whatever it is worth, my contribution to this effort will hopefully have
    some effect.. Like Sputnik.. I may not have done my best, but I keep on
    trying every day...

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jul 4, 2004
  15. You won't ever see anything like that from either of the two Walker

    They won't ever admit to a mistake even when it is patently obvious to
    the most casual observer. I find it very humorous that they feel it is
    some sort of triumph to possibly figure out who I am, even when there is
    a goodly amount of information readily available. The most humorous
    thing is that in the midst of all their puffery, they still get it
    wrong, exactly like when Brain thought BeemerBiker was me. You'd have
    thought from his crowing over naming Beemer and his website as me that
    he was Sherlock Holmes, but after Beemer pointed out that Brain was
    completely wrong, it turns out Brain was merely a bumbling Inspector
    Cluseau and silently slipped away to return another day. I think most
    everybody on the newsgroup was laughing over that one. The Walkers love
    to dish out the verbal abuse but they can't take it in the least when it
    is given back to them. This has little to do with the topic, but I
    felt it was appropriate to comment since you mentioned me.

    Michael Moore was previously an editor for Mother Jones News. That
    pretty much spells out where he's coming from. Moore's entertaining
    like Rush Limbaugh is entertaining; each can shape the same story to fit
    their particular viewpoint.
    another viewer, Jul 4, 2004
  16. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    There has been no mistake whatsoever about Another Viewer (John Moran)..
    None at all.. even the "casual observer" has been able to sort out what you
    are.. My opinions of you have been qualified without question..

    I find it very humorous that they feel it is
    hmmm... that is extremely humorous considering the effort you made to not be

    The most humorous
    "They" didn't get anything wrong.. Brian made a mistake when he identified
    Beemer Biker as Another Viewer..

    You'd have
    It was kinda funny.. Not in the way that you seem to appreciate, though..

    The Walkers love
    When a detestible, little perverted creep posts trash about people on a
    public forum, the way that you do, he better be ready for repercusions..
    LOL.. My opinion of you hasn't changed and it is more relevant each time you

    This has little to do with the topic, but I
    Of course, that would be ascertained with your vast "clinical experience"
    with Baylor University, who has never heard of you... LMAO.. Especially your
    experience with obscene porno sites which you frequent..
    In all your wisdom, you have totally missed the point of this entire
    discussion.. LOL.. Guess that is the result of all that imaginary
    association with Baylor University . Get real "fat boy".. Any credibility
    you had, was destroyed.. when you made that stupid claim.. Again.. my
    opinion of you has been pretty well been emphasized..
    Bill Walker, Jul 4, 2004
  17. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    What's there to deny? You'd have to be specific. All that article does
    is just notate other books which were written and doesn't go into any

    Deny this (and I'll be specific):
    Karzai was a Unocal envoy before September 11th, 2001 and has since
    been hand placed by the Bush administration to reside as "President"
    over Afghanistan...where right after taking over from the Taliban
    allowed the pipeline from the Caspian Sea to run through
    Afghanistan...which construction began. Where's the priorities to
    fight terrorism in that?

    George W. Bush (even in the article it hits on this) was part of a
    Carlyle Investment Group (there's not real products they sell...just
    investments in other companies and people) company during the time
    when his dad was President and received funding based on being part of
    that group. The bin Laden family has funneled monies to Bush through a
    number of sources since the time he left the Texas Air Guard. Many of
    the people placed in prominant positions since January 2001 have been
    people who had a great part in "investing" in Bush. The most
    noteworthy have been the one's placed in positions involving Saudi
    Arabia and Afghanistan.

    The article clearly admits that most of that $1.4 billion dollars
    cited in the movie as being invested in the Bush's was given to BDM.
    It admits that BDM was part of the Carlyle Group. It goes on to say
    that this was before Bush joined the company. It also says the money
    was given during the time before Bush ran for governor. Two items
    strike me about this...which Bush are they talking about at which time
    and if the Carlyle Group hasn't received any monies from the Saudi's
    since that time, why on earth would they have people like Baker and
    Bush (George H.W.) visiting them and negotiating deals?

    I'm more concerned with things that aren't semantics and the article
    didn't touch on. In fact, no one has touched on the areas of interest
    in that movie.

    Do you deny that the law firm representing the Saudi's during the
    lawsuits filed by the victims of September 11th was none other than
    that of James Baker's firm? Do you deny that during 2001, the entire
    Bush administration was denying Iraq had weapons of mass destruction
    and only after Sept 11th, 2001 were they saying they had capabilities
    of nuclear and biological weapons? Do you deny that the first look
    towards a place to invade after September 11th was to Iraq? Do you
    deny we are being played with the "terrorism scares"? Do you deny that
    we are currently in a conflict where we have soldiers dying on a daily
    basis and more injured almost on the hour? Do you deny that
    conferences were held by corporations (Microsoft...the leading owner
    in MSNBC for one) which the topic was to discuss how much money could
    be made off the war in Iraq and which companies should get what part
    of the "pie"? Do you deny that Haliburton has received many contracts
    (uncontested) in Iraq which would lead in a money making deal the
    longer the war continues? Do you deny any of this? Name a single part
    in this movie which you yourself know about and know it to not be

    The good part about one of us (me) having an open mind and seeing
    other people's viewpoints is that I know information that you don't.
    If you disagree with Moore's movie, you're welcome to go get yourself
    some financing and do a movie of your own. You can call it "Fahrenhate
    9/11"...or something like that. I somehow doubt you'll do that since
    you apparently have no opinions of anything other than what you read
    on MSNBC (Microsoft being a leading owner of).
    Brian Walker, Jul 5, 2004
  18. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    How do you know ?? Albert Nurick hasn't seen the film and I doubt that you
    have.. Dispute or refute the film.. when you have seen it.. I have not
    testified to the veracity of every detail in the film.. It is a movie..
    Apparently you nor Albert Nurick think that you are qualified to judge the
    film, even though you have no idea of the content..
    LMAO.. furthur search would reveal many critics of the film who attest to
    it's accuracy.. Dismiss them.. or dispute them.. Dispute any part of the
    film, if you can..I have seen the film.. obviously .. you haven't..
    Better take another look.. I haven't referred to Isokoff as anything.. When
    you lie .. at least lie about something that is not so recent..

    Where it takes a second hit is in assuming that I'm a Bush
    Actually.. you make the mistake of thinking that I place any importance on
    what you or Albert Nurick support.. You are a baldfaced liar and you have
    exposed that about yourself in this post response..

    The fact is, I disagree with our President on a number of
    **** you .. mealy mouth.. you are a goddamed liar as well as Albert Nurick..
    Both of you are two faced little irrelevant pricks ..In all likelihood..
    neither of you even vote..much less support a candidate.. Now I presume you
    next response will be that "Bill Walker is attacking me".. Damn right..
    that's exactly what I am doing.. When you sling shit at me, don't be
    surprised when it flies back at you... Some of your comments in this
    response have been just that...
    Bill Walker, Jul 5, 2004
  19. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Waste of energy and time.. this irrelevant little mealy mouthed bastard is
    another Albert Nurick... LMAO.. neither of them have ever supported any
    candidate for any office.. Keyboard warriors are the sleaziest breed.. These
    two are typical of the breed...
    Bill Walker, Jul 5, 2004

  20. You and Brain struggle to find things when finding them doesn't help
    your arguments. Then you get the rest wrong or choose to ignore it by
    posting threats and insults in order to obfuscate. You are definitely
    borderline psychotic in your dealings with people with whom you disagree
    and you lose self control easily. Your antics at the state Dem
    convention only prove that.

    Others here have had no problem finding the referenced information
    posted by me nor do they have the history of posting gross errors like
    mistaking BeemerBikers web site for one of mine, hurling insults and
    then not owning up to the blatant error when it is pointed out.

    In fact, just to shove it in your face, I not only manage a research
    foundation in conjunction with the Baylor College of Medicine, I also
    have a pretty good history of making hit records and film soundtracks.
    Chew on that for a while.

    This has nothing to do with the Moore 9/11 film thread, so carry on if
    you want to rant. You're boring and not worth any more of my time today.
    another viewer, Jul 5, 2004
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