OT Directions

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by mike. buckley, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. Got to be in Farnborough tomorrow for 8am (from Solihull). Natural
    instinct is to go M40->M25->M3, but my experience of Heathrow M25 is
    limited to about 8-8:30ish when it's not actually that bad. Is it
    significantly worse an hour earlier?

    I wouldn't normally be looking at alternatives but I know that
    M40->A34->M4 etc is going to be a pretty easy (if slightly longer) run,
    apart from Bracknell to M3 which I know nothing of.

    Any advice?
    mike. buckley, Oct 27, 2008
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  2. mike. buckley

    ogden Guest

    M40, A34, M4, A329M, M3
    ogden, Oct 27, 2008
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  3. Thanks, wasn't sure what the A329 was like. It'll be nice hurtling past
    Oxford before the queues on the A34 start, it was shite at 8 this
    morning, despite half term.
    mike. buckley, Oct 27, 2008
  4. mike. buckley

    CT Guest

    You could also go down the M40 as far as Jct 4, whizz down the A404 to
    M4 Jct 8/9, off at 10 and then A329M-Bracknell-M3.
    CT, Oct 27, 2008
  5. Colleague commutes using that and says whizzing is the last thing you do
    down the A404.
    mike. buckley, Oct 27, 2008
  6. mike. buckley

    CT Guest

    IKWHM, but it's only bad after about 7.30 usually. You'll be fine as
    you'll be early enough to miss the worst of it.
    CT, Oct 27, 2008
  7. mike. buckley

    ogden Guest

    The A329M route does take you through the middle of Bracknell, but it's
    almost all dual-carriageway. You can often save a bit of time cutting
    through the industrial estate but YMMV.

    Getting on to the A404 at High Wycombe can be a bit shitty and there
    are usually jams at the Bisham roundabout and M4 J8/9.

    But the main reason I didn't suggest taking the A404 is it means
    overshooting then doubling back and going 18 miles the wrong way on the
    M4 to J10. Pointless.
    ogden, Oct 27, 2008
  8. mike. buckley

    ginge Guest

    I used this route a lot in the past. no idea about current traffic
    levels though.
    ginge, Oct 27, 2008
  9. mike. buckley

    YTC#1 Guest

    Thats my prefered route
    YTC#1, Oct 27, 2008
  10. mike. buckley

    YTC#1 Guest

    They have completely revamped the roundabout at J4 on the M40. Much better
    YTC#1, Oct 27, 2008
  11. mike. buckley

    YTC#1 Guest

    Compared to the jam to get on the A34 fropm the M40 ? and how bad the A34
    can be going past Oxford ?
    YTC#1, Oct 27, 2008
  12. mike. buckley

    ogden Guest

    Better, in that you can now cut through the middle to turn right, but
    still not great. And the jams at Bisham and Maidenhead remain.
    ogden, Oct 27, 2008
  13. It can be pretty shitty as I hit it around 8am when I go into the
    office, it was grim this morning. I reckon at an hour or more earlier
    I'll be past it pretty quickly though.

    I'm a bit twitchy of the M40 south of Oxford having just squeaked out of
    a speeding ticket when I luckily spotted an unmarked camera van on a
    bridge just around Oxford services, so if I do the same time on the A34
    that suits me.
    mike. buckley, Oct 27, 2008
  14. mike. buckley

    YTC#1 Guest

    Not on the bike they don't :)
    YTC#1, Oct 28, 2008
  15. mike. buckley

    YTC#1 Guest

    And they *never* have camera vans any where else, so thats fine then .... :)
    YTC#1, Oct 28, 2008
  16. Pah whatever. I did M40->A34->M4->M329 this morning and did 118 miles in
    around 2hours, so that worked.

    Took M404 on the way back which would have worked beautifully apart from
    the totally unexpected (by me, it was sunny in Farnborough) snow around
    Banbury and around the M42. Still only 2.5 hours back.

    6:27am train tomorrow to London for a morning event in Threadneedle St.
    Working at home Thu/Fri, thank ****, I'm knackered. I miss my 30
    minutes commute to Warwick.

    In the midst of all this trying to negotiate offers on our house and on
    a prospective new one in Nott.
    mike. buckley, Oct 28, 2008
  17. mike. buckley

    ginge Guest

    This is one of the main reasons I'm stil in 'the pit of despair'[tm]
    hardly any commuting, ever. I'm not sure how well I'd adjust to
    spending an average of 3 hours a day in a car on top of a working day
    ginge, Oct 28, 2008
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