OT Buying specs

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Muck, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. Muck

    Muck Guest

    Tis a good time for buying specs, as there are sales on. Had my eyes
    tested today too, no changes. :) So I decided to buy a new pair of
    memoflex glasses with those fancy lenses that get darker in the sun.

    I'm skint now though. Maybe I should have gone to Spec savers. :/

    Bandit 600n(With added ducktape); CG125(MSOHPR)
    "CG125 the most fun you can have at Mach 0.08539"
    DS#1 ; DOMO# ; SH#2 ; ICQ: 166144431
    Remove _TEETH_ to e-mail
    Muck, Jan 9, 2004
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  2. Muck

    Alan Crowder Guest

    Before any smart arse says it, Yes i am an old git.

    Just had an eye test and i need specs for reading, i know it before
    i went in but they confirmed it.

    So, anybody here work in the industry or know someone who
    does who can do me a deal for a pair???? They want hundreds
    for some......and i'm skint.


    Alan Crowder, Jan 9, 2004
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  3. Muck

    flashgorman Guest

    If you steer way from "fashion" frames the glasses from opticans get a lot

    You can reading classes for a tenner from most big stores. You just try them
    on and find a pair that works. If you're really poor and not bothered about
    wearing dead peoples glasses you could try a charity shop.
    flashgorman, Jan 9, 2004
  4. Muck

    Alan Crowder Guest

    Wos he say?


    Alan Crowder, Jan 9, 2004
  5. Muck

    HooDooWitch Guest

    <fx: tosses Andrew an X-No-Archive tag>
    HooDooWitch, Jan 9, 2004
  6. Muck

    Mike Guest

    Define "old".
    One usually does, it's not difficult to determine when everything
    [1] is out of fucking focus.
    Asda pharmacy.. Hundreds to choose at < 5gbp.

    [1] within a particlear range.
    Mike, Jan 9, 2004
  7. Muck

    Mikey Guest

    Costco have an in-warehouse opticians. They are both cheap
    & good. 2 years ago I was quoted £350 in Boots but paid
    £89 in Costco. www.costco.co.uk for locations. You have to
    be a member but membership is pretty easy to get.

    Mikey, Jan 9, 2004
  8. Muck

    Alan Guest

    Don't bother with D&H or other opticians custom mades. I just buy my
    readers from the likes of Superdrug - they have a stand with a self test
    sheet and you buy the colour coded specs you need. Average £10 - they're
    only reading glasses right?
    Alan, Jan 9, 2004
  9. Muck

    Cane Guest


    I've just had an eye test this morning. I thought I had perfect vision but
    had a check up [cos I they haven't been checked for ten years] and found
    that I was long sighted.

    I'm off to pick up my new specs in a minute. I got two for the price of one
    at Specsavers.
    Cane, Jan 9, 2004
  10. Muck

    flashgorman Guest

    Just get the windscreen of your merc prescription ground.
    flashgorman, Jan 9, 2004
  11. Muck

    athomik Guest

    My brother makes designer specs. I believe he currently lives somewhere in
    Orange county, if that's any help.
    athomik, Jan 9, 2004
  12. Muck

    Big Tony Guest

    Depends on who you are. If you are a Optician, Dentist, Pharmacist, Laywer
    or EKS (VAT registered) you can join as presumably you earn loads of money.
    Otherwise you have to work in one of the following: Local Government;
    Medical/Health Service; Police Force; Post Office; Banking/Finance; Civil
    Servant; Education or Fire/Rescue.

    Needless to say I don't qualify for either criteria :-(
    Big Tony, Jan 9, 2004
  13. Muck

    flashgorman Guest

    flashgorman, Jan 9, 2004
  14. Muck

    Alan Crowder Guest

    Alan Crowder, Jan 9, 2004
  15. Muck

    flashgorman Guest

    flashgorman, Jan 9, 2004
  16. Muck

    Howard Guest

    What's EKS?
    Howard, Jan 9, 2004
  17. Muck

    Pip Guest

    Evil Kontraktor Skum.
    Pip, Jan 9, 2004
  18. Muck

    Logorrhea Guest

    Reading glasses are £3 at my local library, available in a wide range of
    Logorrhea, Jan 14, 2004
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