Right now, this very moment and for the last hour or so I am being mail bombed. Not I as such but my force 9 domain. It is not a problem dealing with it, it is what mail clients are for but as it is actually continuing at this very moment I thought I would ring force 9 and tell them that if they care to they could actually catch the perp red handed so to speak. Do they want to know? Do they fuck. "you need to email a copy to our support people" BUT you ARE the fucking support people!! There are upwards of a couple of hundred left from the latest wave still clogging up your mail server take one of those. "we can't do that sir, that would mean looking at your mail" IT AIN'T MY FUCKING MAIL it is a series of small mail bombs and none of it to *ME* "you will have to contact support by email" I have had more success with wimmin this week than that fucking bunch of idiots. Bollocks to them. They want to make it fucking difficult, I'll show them, fucking difficult. They haven't got a clue how fucking difficult fucking difficult can be. They fucking soon will have. The only way to teach these fucking businesses that it ain't cost effective cutting costs on customer facing services is to cost the cunts more money than they save.