OT Bloody ISPs

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by steve auvache, May 17, 2004.

  1. Right now, this very moment and for the last hour or so I am being mail
    bombed. Not I as such but my force 9 domain.

    It is not a problem dealing with it, it is what mail clients are for but
    as it is actually continuing at this very moment I thought I would ring
    force 9 and tell them that if they care to they could actually catch the
    perp red handed so to speak. Do they want to know? Do they ****.

    "you need to email a copy to our support people"

    BUT you ARE the fucking support people!! There are upwards of a couple
    of hundred left from the latest wave still clogging up your mail server
    take one of those.

    "we can't do that sir, that would mean looking at your mail"

    IT AIN'T MY FUCKING MAIL it is a series of small mail bombs and none of
    it to *ME*

    "you will have to contact support by email"

    I have had more success with wimmin this week than that fucking bunch of

    Bollocks to them. They want to make it fucking difficult, I'll show
    them, fucking difficult. They haven't got a clue how fucking difficult
    fucking difficult can be. They fucking soon will have. The only way to
    teach these fucking businesses that it ain't cost effective cutting
    costs on customer facing services is to cost the cunts more money than
    they save.
    steve auvache, May 17, 2004
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  2. In uk.rec.motorcycles, steve auvache said:

    Well firstly, why not just fucking leave like most people with more than
    half a brain. You're always fucking moaning about force 9. In fact, I've
    heard you whining on about them more than someone in the tropics who
    gets there house blown down by one.

    And secondly, if they don't give a **** about mailbombs, what gives you
    the slightest idea they'll give a **** about you?
    Whinging Courier, May 17, 2004
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  3. Whinging Courier wrote
    Actually I don't. As isps go I have found their "services" fine and
    dandy and have frequently recommended them to others, so you can just
    **** off.

    99.9% of the time I have no issues with them whatsoever. When it goes
    wrong though it is a pain in the arse dealing with them.
    There is this to consider.
    steve auvache, May 17, 2004
  4. Doc Gonz0 wrote
    Point taken. However.. as part of their security check they ask me what
    the last two letters of my password are and can see the rest. If they
    have access to that kind of information I suspect they can do a great
    deal more than they let on.

    This does seem to be the case. Overnight another thousand or so 90kb
    mails have landed in my mailbox. They all seem to start from blueyonder
    so I am sending a copy or three to them and having a whinge about either
    their customers or security, whichever is the case. I suspect it will
    turn out to be an innocent customer unwittingly acting as host for some
    mindless scrote without the bollocks to call me a **** to my face.
    steve auvache, May 17, 2004
  5. Keelworm wrote
    I think so.

    They are arriving in blocks of 50 identical messages all to usernames
    which I have never seen and are all of similar format of a type I have
    not seen as a virus or spam before. Viruses and mailshots come to valid
    users or spam trapped addies.

    Judge for yourself, here is the header of one I downloaded earlier..

    Received: from spooler by thecow.me.uk (Mercury/32 v4.01a); 17 May 2004
    00:19:09 +0100
    X-Envelope-To: boss
    Return-Path: <>
    Delivered-To: 9.co.uk
    Received: (qmail 72715 invoked from network); 16 May 2004 23:03:34 -0000
    Received: from unknown (HELO ptb-mxcore03.plus.net) (
    by ptb-mailstore01.plus.net with SMTP; 16 May 2004 23:03:34 -0000
    Received: from 82-37-46-4.cable.ubr02.brom.blueyonder.co.uk
    ([] helo=webmaster.uk)
    by ptb-mxcore03.plus.net with smtp (Exim) id 1BPUfK-00099W-0P ;
    Mon, 17 May 2004 00:03:30 +0100
    To: 9.co.uk
    Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 22:59:03 UTC
    Subject: mail delivery status (Error:6177)
    Importance: Normal
    X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
    X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
    Message-ID: <>
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===f7bc42.e6cde0"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

    This e-mail was generated automatically.
    Information about -IR-EFILE- under: http://www.ir-efile.gov.u.......

    right in one.
    steve auvache, May 17, 2004
  6. In uk.rec.motorcycles, steve auvache said:
    Well quite. Customer relations means a lot to me. I've just been 20
    miles to go and get a bottle of muc-off from a dealer that treated me
    right in the past. I could have quite as easily gone to Halfords.
    Whinging Courier, May 17, 2004
  7. Whinging Courier wrote
    Is that the sound of you fucking off then?
    steve auvache, May 17, 2004
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