OT : Being a Linux newbie......

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Brownz, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. Brownz

    Brownz Guest

    .... and a happy one, a couple of questions for the FOAK.

    I'm using Pan as a newsreader with Ubuntu Feisty Fawn.

    Is PAN the defacto gruppe reader of choice, or is there something better ?

    Why do some people's post headers include a logo - e.g. Ballistic has the
    yamaha tuning forks logo ?

    1 week and not missing M$ one little bit !
    Brownz, Jun 14, 2007
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  2. Brownz

    muddy cat Guest

    It's an X-Face.
    muddy cat, Jun 14, 2007
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  3. Brownz

    Timo Geusch Guest

    This is Unix, of course there is something better/different/weirder. I
    never warmed to pan that much - it works OK but I just didn't like it
    that much.

    I've also tried slrn which works fine and is powerful enough, but
    text-mode only if that's a problem for you.

    KDE's knode is a full-blown news reader and a pretty good one at that,
    does the job very well but I never warmed to KDE on Ubuntu that much -
    it seems to be rather slow to start. Nevertheless it does the job very
    well and is a decent gooey choice.

    That said, I've switched back to using emacs w/ gnus a little while
    ago. IMHO it does the job better than either of the above (or pan) if
    you're willing to learn how to drive emacs. Not a problem for me, as a
    programmer it's one of my favourite tools but a lot of people don't like
    the learning curve.

    All the above are massively configurable, with the emacs/gnus
    combination unsurprisingly taking the biscuit^W^W^Wcoming out top in
    that respect. All of them offer per-group configuration which I find
    important as I don't really want the UKRM sig to turn up in those groups
    I read in a work environment and vice versa.
    .... and if you eventually find that there are some pieces of software
    that you need and can't get a replacement for under Linux, there's
    always 'Parallels' so you can
    Timo Geusch, Jun 14, 2007
  4. Brownz

    central77 Guest


    As Timo says, a world of choice: I use Pan for text and sometimes for
    binaries, but for NZB files klibido (it seems better when I start changing
    servers in mid download).

    Or VMWare, of course. Or Wine, or ...
    central77, Jun 14, 2007
  5. Brownz

    des Guest

    tin is a good newsreader for the CLI. The headers include an X-Face,
    which is a small icon-like wotsit 'encoded' into ASCII, that you can
    include in headers. You can create the code here ..


    ... but beware, you need a news client that will allow you to add custom

    des, Jun 14, 2007
  6. Brownz

    Brownz Guest

    Merci beaucoup one and all.
    Brownz, Jun 14, 2007
  7. Brownz

    des Guest

    Il n'y a pas de souci.

    des, Jun 14, 2007
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