OT and Political

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The motorcycle trip to Arizona is alive and well.. One thing is for sure
    We'll be back well before Nov 7th.. That's voting day..

    This election has become a comedy or tragedy, whichever way you choose
    to view it..

    Coming out of Washington, DC .. Air Force One and Two have been flying
    almost daily, in order for the president and vice president to fulfill their
    campaign schedules.. Private carriers have also been flying at unprecedented
    capacities with Senators and Congressmen scurrying here and there to support
    their candidates.. hmmmm.. Who is picking up the tabs for all this
    campaigning ?

    Conflicting stories are being spouted on a daily basis, while it seems the
    White House is scrambling to coherently appeal to an ever questioning voting
    public.. Rumsfeld makes a statement one day.. (whoever voted for this
    anyway).. A day later, the president or vice president contradicts
    idotic comments, so he tries to adjust with another statement.. This time,
    military generals dispute everything that he says.. whew.. That's

    Kay Bailey Hutcheson ads are popping up all over the place, her talking
    about her effective representation for everybody but Caesar's goat..
    Hell.. Ol' Kay is bragging about all she's done for veterans, seniors and
    children.. Whoops.. Kay Bailey Hutcheson has voted along party lines for
    every Bill that has been proposed by the White House, no matter how
    that Bill was for her constituents.. Consider.. she has voted with the party
    funding for the VA was being chiselled by the party.. She voted with her
    for the closing of the VA Hospital in Waco.. She has voted with her party
    for the funding for education Bills were on the floor.. She voted with her
    when the catastrophy and pharmaceutical welfare Bill was proposed.. Those
    seniors in her district are paying the consequences for that vote while the
    drug manufacturers are making obscene profits from them.. Her votes on the
    Immigration reform Bills are nothing more than rubber stamp votes to
    the issue.. No matter how many photo-ops she's taken advantage of.. to be
    in faux military garb while she is surrounded by members of our military..
    Bailey Hutcheson has voted against pay raises and benefits for those members
    and their dependents.

    Rick Perry has discovered that there is a border down there somewhere in
    Texas.. hmmm somewhere near Mexico, if his information is accurate..
    Not a peep from him about immigration reform, until it became apparent
    that he's going to need some more support if he expects to win this
    Chris Bell is closing strong .. hmmm.. With his record during the evacuation
    of the Houston area during the hurrican Katie fiasco.. maybe Goodhair is
    something.. He can sure cause gridlock on the highways.. But.. he's made a
    couple of impressive campaign ads about all the immigration measures that
    he's taking ..

    Like George W.Bush,,, Rick Perry is making committments that are almost
    comical.. He's making accusations against his opponent that are incredible..
    Besides that.. there isn't one dime of funding in place for any ot his

    The Fence Bill was signed into law by Bush, this week.. Much toodoo in the
    Rose Garden and it was all smiles and handshakes when he affixed his
    presidential signature with a flourish.. Whups.. it's a law now, but
    in that law says anything about funding it.. Now what ? It's a damned law,
    but where's the dough coming from ?

    Dick Cheney is lumbering around with his pre-selected audiences and talking
    about the issues of torture/water boarding .. etc. Hell .. it's a no
    to him.. Torture those suckers ..Never mind the outrage of Americans when
    our people were tortured, beheaded and killed by those heathen terrorists..
    Cheney is pronouncing America on the same level as the enemies that he,
    Bush and Rumsfeld have created..

    It's high time for some serious changes in our country, and we better be
    it, in November, if we expect America to ever be the nation it once was..


    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Oct 27, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    TexGEOas Guest

    And you honestly think replacing them with liberal democrats will
    change anything?

    Our country hasn't been what it once was since Ronald Reagan was in

    TexGEOas, Oct 27, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I "honestly" think that Americans can't stomach any more of the corruption
    and sleaze (that's Republicans, just in case you haven't noticed) running
    government now.. 'Nuff said..
    Sorry.. haven't noticed Reagan is running for anything, this year.. Not to
    mention that he's been dead for a while.. <chuckle> Maybe you can write
    him in on your ballot..


    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Oct 27, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hopefully.. this mess will commence to clean up.. Maybe Americans are
    fed up with corruption and sleaze.. Make no mistake about it.. All of us,
    and Democrats alike.. sure need representation in our government..

    I've repeatedly avowed that I'm a Democrat.. but, that doesn't mean that I
    any more use for a corrupt Democrat than I do for a corrupt Republican..
    of fact, I've gone after some of our corrupt Democrats and been responsible
    them either being beat at the polls or withdraw from their races..

    As far as I know.. that is unheard of from any Republican that I know, in
    this state..

    Some of the Republican leaders in our Texas government have been men with
    itegrity and represented their constituents well.. That's the kind of
    I'd like to see win office.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Oct 27, 2006
  5. Bill Walker

    Dixon Ranch Guest

    Why wait on the Feds to do it??? This group, the Minuteman group, has been
    busy building it. Link is below for the website with reports on progress and

    Dixon Ranch, Dec 7, 2006
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmmmm.. Again.. where is the dough coming from ?
    Bill Walker, Dec 8, 2006
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