OT (again) Scart connections.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by William Grainger, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. In uk.rec.motorcycles, platypus said:

    How many times has anyone wanted to say "eat shit" to him?

    If it's any less than mogadon you can keep it ;-)
    Whinging Courier, Apr 8, 2004
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  2. You'll be lucky to find anything in your TV/Satellite/Home Theatre
    system with an earth these days. It's a good idea to pick one item
    and add a separate chassis ground if you don't want a nice
    tingle whenever you touch any exposed metalwork.

    Many progs are broadcast with loud mains hum.
    It wasn't a problem in the days of 2-inch TV speakers....

    Many Sherwood AV amps from Richer sounds have excessive hum.
    Background noise is generally too loud in the shop to hear it.
    Old Fart at Play, Apr 8, 2004
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  3. William Grainger

    Pip Guest

    On Thu, 08 Apr 2004 01:00:37 +0100, Ian < (really address
    Wot Ian said. To the letter, just about, what I posted in response to
    this query a couple of months ago.
    Pip, Apr 8, 2004
  4. *Lovely*

    William Grainger, Apr 8, 2004
  5. William Grainger

    Christofire Guest

    Pip posted:
    How much is a decent scart lead? Thought an extra one was required in
    the setup last week, and after seeing prices going over 40 quid decided
    to borrow one. Turns out I didn't need it anyway which was nice.
    Christofire, Apr 8, 2004
  6. William Grainger

    Pip Guest

    Piece of string question, mate. I reckon on 20 - 25 quid for mine,
    but they are all 2 metre length ribbon cable types. Gold connectors
    help with picture quality.
    That was a bonus - always concerning when you run out of spaghetti.
    Pip, Apr 8, 2004
  7. William Grainger

    Christofire Guest

    Pip posted:
    Righto. ISTR being advised that the gold connectors don't do jack
    (tenuous pun intended). Is this wr and do they make a difference?
    Especially as there was enough spaghetti when I set it up. Someone else
    had a play and needed more cables.
    Christofire, Apr 8, 2004
  8. William Grainger

    Pip Guest

    Dunno, tbh. I'm at a loss to explain the concept of "hard plating"
    with 24K gold. I suspect that a manufacturer who goes to the trouble
    of applying a smear of gold to the connector may do a better job when
    it comes to the cables and their terminations. The big thing about
    gold of course, is that it doesn't oxidise, certainly not as quickly
    as other metals commonly used for connectors.

    I use gold-ended cables because they look nice, they make a nice
    "feeling" contact IYSWIM and tbh all the cables I look at come with
    gold ends so there is little option, it appears. I've certainly never
    had the chance to test certainly identical cables back-to-back, one
    having gold ends and the other not.

    So that will be a wibbleflop, then.
    Pip, Apr 8, 2004
  9. William Grainger

    rb Guest

    I agree with what your saying but I still reckon the OP should *try* the
    Argos one, it's good. If it doesn't suit, then take it back (16 day
    money back guarantee etc.) If you like it and feel it should cost £40+
    then put the difference in the UKRM endurance team pot. ;o)
    rb, Apr 8, 2004
  10. William Grainger

    Catman Guest

    Mine was GBP 80

    Made a big difference though
    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Apr 8, 2004
  11. William Grainger

    Catman Guest

    Higher perceived value. Gold connectors do definitely tarnish less though.
    For realy high end stuff there seems to be a bit of a move away from it.
    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Apr 8, 2004
  12. William Grainger

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    I just ordered a Trilogy 1 from lektropacks.com

    £99 + £10 delivery

    If you can wait a few days then I'll let you know how I get on with it.
    Zobo Kolonie, Apr 9, 2004
  13. William Grainger

    Catman Guest

    I guess it depends on the player. Mine is a Cyrus DVD7
    Well duh ;)

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Apr 9, 2004
  14. William Grainger

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Remember that I told you that I had ordered a Trilogy 1 from

    Well it arrived this morning.

    It took me maybe five or ten minutes to set it up and ho yus it's an
    absolute beauty!

    I now have my PlayStation2, X-Box, DVD, VCR, and digital set-top box all
    working perfectly through it.
    Much better than the cheap JVC five-into-one scart adaptor that I'd bought
    from Dixons (which was all but useless TBH).

    Anyway, the new one autoswitches for you which is handy, but if for some
    reason you are running multiple inputs you can switch between them using the
    remote control.

    It will also let you video tape a movie from your cable / digital /
    satellite box whilst you play a computer game and stuff like that.

    The final natty trick it pulled, which I did appreciate I must say, was
    having stereo phono out sockets so that now I've got all my kit wired into
    my hi-fi with just the one cable rather than the spaghetti and messing about
    remembering which input to select that I used to endure.

    Of course, I'm sure that I could have just bought a more up to date posh
    telly instead... but there's nothing actually wrong with my old one and I
    reckon this little box was £100 well spent (and way cheaper than a new

    Zobo Kolonie, Apr 14, 2004
  15. William Grainger

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Thing is, even my fairly posh 32" Sony Trinitron Widescreen only has
    three SCART sockets. I had Sky, DVD, VCR, and PS2 (though admittedly
    I seldom used the PS2 or the video). So I ran the PS2 through the
    VCR, though I had to re-cable it all the three times I wanted to video

    My telly here (nasty Phillips 25" square-screen doesn't have SCART at
    all. I've got my DVD player connected with a round-plugged cable.
    **** knows how I'm going to hook up the PS2 when it arrives (with the
    rest of my shit from England) tomorrow.
    Ben Blaney, Apr 14, 2004
  16. William Grainger

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Hmmmm... I suppose three scart inputs sounds like rather a lot. Until you
    start accumulating more and more scart devices that is.
    Then again, my telly's also a Sony Trinitron (21", regular shaped screen, so
    not as posh, but still posh-ish) and the bugger's only got the one scart
    input... tsk!
    Can't you loop it through your DVD? Not sure without checking but I think my
    (Sony) DVD player's got a loop through circuit (just checked, and it does
    seem to have a scart loop through. My digital set top box has one too, check
    your kit, you might have one).

    If not then perhaps you can split out the yellow phono for video using a
    cheap splitter or something, then buy a phono extension and wire white and
    red ones into your hi-fi. Maybe the split out video will work, maybe it
    won't, not having tried it direct to the telly / VCR / whatever I don't
    know, but for the sake of a couple of quid it's worth a try surely?
    Zobo Kolonie, Apr 14, 2004
  17. William Grainger

    Pip Guest

    My very similar Panasonic has 3 SCARTs too. Two DVDs and a VCR take
    care of that - the PS2 goes in the front sockets, with the flap rather
    charmlessly open all the time. I suppose the PS2 could go into the
    triple input in the front of the VCR, now I think about it. Then
    there's the S-video lead that runs from the Dolby amp for onscreen
    adjustments - that's in the flapped input too ;-)
    That'll be the way to do it - Ben should be able to loop through VCR,
    DVD and PS2 through each other and with a bit of selection
    jiggery-pokery get them all to work with each other.
    Have you not learned your lesson yet?
    There's a world of spaghetti possibilities with use of SCART-phono

    On connection to hi-fi - and one assumes a surround system of some
    kind - I reckon the best multi-purpose solution is to connect the
    audio outputs found on the back of the telly to the 'aux' or even 'TV'
    inputs of the amp. This feeds 'screen-linked' sound to the amp -
    whatever your source is, then sound appropriate to the picture is
    routed to the amp.

    I'd still use a dedicated high-quality pair of phonos/digital
    interconnect for those sources so equipped, mind.
    Pip, Apr 14, 2004
  18. William Grainger

    Ben Guest

    Swot I do. PS2 into DVD, DVD into VCR, VCR into TV.
    Ben, Apr 14, 2004
  19. William Grainger

    Pip Guest

    Thass the feller. I didn't want to wibble from a position of
    nothavingtriedit, and CBA to go and try it ;-)
    Pip, Apr 14, 2004
  20. William Grainger

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    About what exactly?

    That cheap five into one scart adaptors are crap? Well yes, that is a lesson
    that I've well and truly learned (oh it was so much fun earlier when I video
    taped a section of a console game that keeps beating me, I wound back and
    took time to see just where the bits-that-I've-got-to-deal-with were <g>).

    But about cheap phono / whatever-you-call-coax-connectors two way splitters
    / combiners? What about them? They work fine, always have done, FFS I'm
    still actually using one and the output is great TYVM... no plans to change
    it either, no need 'n all that; never had any problem with 'em.
    Zobo Kolonie, Apr 14, 2004
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