The election is over and the Democrats lost.. Big Time.. This election was probably the most critical election of our lifetime.. We lost it.. That is OUR fault .. As Democrats.. we allowed the leadership of our party to drift and not pursue the message that would have surely won this election ..We conceded that Texas is Bush Country, bought and paid for by a NeoCon government ..Wrong.. I haven't received my "check" and neither has anyone else who works for a living in Texas.. Be that as it may.. the task ahead is before us and we must get over this election.. Every Texan is paying the costs of supporting our government.. Record costs for insurance.. electricity, natural gas.. Our prices at the gas pump have reached record highs and our tax dollars are being used to pacify the special interests which could care less about our own quality of life.. We have to find the party leadership in this state, who will fight for all our people, not just the members of the party.. We have to make sure that these are the ones who will lead this party.. Our leadership is what is broken.. Not the grassroots.. Our leadership failed us all, republicans and democrats, alike.. They didn't capitalize on the issues that has been the earmarks of all the failures of the NeoCons in power.. We chose the wrong leadership for the democratic party in our state, and they've not won an election since they've led this party.. In this regard.. I agree with the independent and alternative candidate voters ..The leadership of the Democratic Party must be replaced.. In January .. our legislature will go back to Austin for their session of deciding our future in Texas... That is where our fellow Texans must focus... The legislation that will be considered during this upcoming session, will surely be the deciding factor of how we will weather the next four years ..Special interests will fill our capitol with their lobbyists and henchmen with fat checks.. They'll also be collecting the paybacks for the support and investment they've made .. to furthur ensure that the taxpayers will bear the burden of their greed.. Unless we are informed and aware of each piece of legislation, the taxpayers will be left with an empty bag of promises.. Those representatives of our government must be made aware that voters are their constituents .. Not the special interests and the Washington NeoCons.. These are not true republicans, they are NeoCons.. there is a vast difference.. Anyone who believes that his liberties and freedoms are not at risk, hasn't really thought this administrations' agenda, through.. Forget this election.. it is finished and we lost it.. The democratic party leaders lost it for us.. They didn't do the jobs we selected them to do..It is time to change the directions of this leadership and replace them.. The platforms of the democratic party has always been, to level the playing field and afford each working man or woman, an opportunity to work for his security and future of his family.. Republicans and Democrats alike are concerned with those values.. Unless we are willing to fight for those values, they will become values of memory and reflection.. They are being taken away from us by a corporatist and NeoCon government that is only interested in power and weath for the select few.. There's a lot of work ahead of the democratic party.. Dedicating energy and frustrations on this election is an exercise in futility.. Now is the time for all of us to roll up our sleeves and commence the REAL work ahead... dealing with the government that has been handed to us, during this election.. The quality of life we cherish and hold dear, concerns all of us, regardless of any party affiliation.. That has to be our focus for the next four years... Let's all get busy, preparing for this upcoming legislative session.. Your friend in Irving Bill Walker