OT..A lot to do

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The election is over and the Democrats lost.. Big Time..

    This election was probably the most critical election of our lifetime.. We
    lost it.. That is OUR fault .. As Democrats.. we allowed the leadership of
    our party to drift and not pursue the message that would have surely won
    this election ..We conceded that Texas is Bush Country, bought and paid for
    by a NeoCon government ..Wrong.. I haven't received my "check" and neither
    has anyone else who works for a living in Texas..

    Be that as it may.. the task ahead is before us and we must get over this
    election.. Every Texan is paying the costs of supporting our government..
    Record costs for insurance.. electricity, natural gas.. Our prices at the
    gas pump have reached record highs and our tax dollars are being used to
    pacify the special interests which could care less about our own quality of

    We have to find the party leadership in this state, who will fight for all
    our people, not just the members of the party.. We have to make sure that
    these are the ones who will lead this party.. Our leadership is what is
    broken.. Not the grassroots.. Our leadership failed us all, republicans and
    democrats, alike.. They didn't capitalize on the issues that has been the
    earmarks of all the failures of the NeoCons in power.. We chose the wrong
    leadership for the democratic party in our state, and they've not won an
    election since they've led this party.. In this regard.. I agree with the
    independent and alternative candidate voters ..The leadership of the
    Democratic Party must be replaced..

    In January .. our legislature will go back to Austin for their session of
    deciding our future in Texas... That is where our fellow Texans must
    focus... The legislation that will be considered during this upcoming
    session, will surely be the deciding factor of how we will weather the next
    four years ..Special interests will fill our capitol with their lobbyists
    and henchmen with fat checks.. They'll also be collecting the paybacks for
    the support and investment they've made .. to furthur ensure that the
    taxpayers will bear the burden of their greed.. Unless we are informed and
    aware of each piece of legislation, the taxpayers will be left with an empty
    bag of promises..

    Those representatives of our government must be made aware that voters are
    their constituents .. Not the special interests and the Washington NeoCons..
    These are not true republicans, they are NeoCons.. there is a vast

    Anyone who believes that his liberties and freedoms are not at risk, hasn't
    really thought this administrations' agenda, through.. Forget this
    election.. it is finished and we lost it.. The democratic party leaders lost
    it for us.. They didn't do the jobs we selected them to do..It is time to
    change the directions of this leadership and replace them..

    The platforms of the democratic party has always been, to level the playing
    field and afford each working man or woman, an opportunity to work for his
    security and future of his family.. Republicans and Democrats alike are
    concerned with those values.. Unless we are willing to fight for those
    values, they will become values of memory and reflection.. They are being
    taken away from us by a corporatist and NeoCon government that is only
    interested in power and weath for the select few..

    There's a lot of work ahead of the democratic party.. Dedicating energy and
    frustrations on this election is an exercise in futility.. Now is the time
    for all of us to roll up our sleeves and commence the REAL work ahead...
    dealing with the government that has been handed to us, during this
    election.. The quality of life we cherish and hold dear, concerns all of us,
    regardless of any party affiliation.. That has to be our focus for the next
    four years... Let's all get busy, preparing for this upcoming legislative

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 5, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Dixon Ranch Guest

    Are you always looking for a check from someone for doing nothing??

    I have noticed that the name of this news group is tx.motorcycles, not the

    Wasn't your fellow Demo Joan Claybrook, Jimmy Carter's former Sec of DOT,
    the motorcyclist's worst nightmare and enemy???

    Dixon Ranch, Nov 5, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    **** off Harvey... The header for this thread is clearly marked "OT".. It's
    also got my name on it.. Don't like it .. don't read it.. OK ?
    How would you know. ?? Go feed your freakin' goats..
    Bill Walker, Nov 5, 2004

  4. Bill's having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that the vast
    majority of voting Texans don't agree with his political views. Couple
    that with being unable to ride for a while and he's crankier than usual.
    another viewer, Nov 5, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    If that is what you understood from my post, then Albert Nurick, you have
    confirmed once and for all, that you are undoubtedly the stupidest son of a
    bitch on this newsgroup... Which is absolutely no surprise to me..
    Bill Walker, Nov 5, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Wow, let's analyze this theory:

    Many of the farmers and ranchers out there who vote republican sit
    back and wait for their checks from the government when they aren't
    able to make the payments on their property, equipment, parts and so
    on. On top of that, most of the people voting republican don't have
    health insurance and their kids and wifes are on medicaid. The men are
    more than likely on medicare. A large portion of the republican voters
    use capital gains taxes to live in homes for free and have other homes
    where people live in them and pay rent...while the person who owns the
    property collects the capital gains tax.

    Poor 'ole democrats are supposed to be too stupid to do anything like
    this. They just go get real jobs making their own money, pay their
    insurance costs for health insurance and buy homes the old fashioned
    way...by getting a mortgage and paying on a fixed term.

    Tell us Albert, do you have your own health insurance plan which you
    pay on (and don't consider paying taxes which might go into
    medicaid/medicare as being an insurance plan)? Do you only work with
    that company of yours to be successful and thereby standing on your
    own feet?

    I somehow doubt you make enough off a couple "out of the box" webpage
    designs and some hosting to pay for that new bike and your cost of
    living too. Where else do you work? Do you pay for health insurance
    through that company?

    Let's see who gets "checks from the government" and who doesn't.
    Brian Walker, Nov 6, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    This dude that posts under "Dixon's Ranch" is truly an idiot.. He's got his
    grubby hand out and reaching for every government farm subsidy that he can
    find.. All the while crowing about his "independence".. and/or "patriotism".

    Bet'cha.. his life is mortgaged to the hilt to the government agencies that
    finance wimps like him.. This dude is the epitome of hypocrits, when he
    posts the trash that he wants to subscribe to.. I wish him all the benefits
    that he has voted for..
    Bill Walker, Nov 6, 2004
  8. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Oh, no doubt. They jump up and learn in high school that all they need
    to do is buy some cheap land, put a $50 fence around it, buy a $10
    calf from a dairy farm...and they're a "rancher" or "farmer" who can
    grab quite a bit of government financing (which either is no "payback"
    or extremely low rates). Then they vote republican because they see it
    as democrats might one day take that "financial independence" away
    from them. It's about as silly as the democrats might go on a "gun
    grab" one day.

    Just look at a map of who voted what and you'll see it loud and clear.
    The problem with the democratic party that we have these days is what
    I've been screaming about for several years now...they appeal to one
    group while pandering to the others for votes. They need to stop that
    before '06! Let these people have a good dose of republican measures.
    Take away their medicaid/medicare, take away their capital gains
    taxes, take away their farm/ranch "aid" ("independence") and see how
    long it takes for these people to start screaming. Just letting the
    republicans take away those three items, that would be enough to win
    any election for any democrat in the country. Charles Rangle would
    even stand a good chance of winning presidency!

    One note, if the republicans want a "flat tax" and do away with the
    IRS, it should only be on the stipulation that they also close any
    doors for allowing a capital gains. If the republicans want to
    privatize Social Security, it should be only on the stipulation they
    also privatize medicare and do away with medicaid.

    AND, they should get rid of FEMA altogether. I've never seen such a
    place to give money out to a bunch of uninsured/high risk idiots! The
    people don't carry insurance, and then they rebuild in the same high

    I for one am sick of supporting these republican voting f*ckers. If
    they want to have someone stand on their own feet and make it on their
    own, they should start with themselves. Far too long have these
    republican assholes used that "welfare" crap as a "race card". Then
    when looking at it, most of them are on welfare themselves! They're
    grown! Get a job and get their own insurance like the rest of us have
    to do.
    Brian Walker, Nov 7, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    What a deal! Someone's figured out the republican system!!!

    You bunch of welfare recipients!!! GET A JOB!!! GET INSURANCE!!!

    Let's try this system:
    You want medical care? No job, no insurance, no care.
    You want payments for no crops? No job, no insurance, no payments.
    You want "incintives" for home ownership? No. No tax incintives.

    Yup, that works for me!!!

    Us democrats have been going about this all wrong. We've been trying
    to get you republican assholes medical care, relief for product loss
    and incintives to home ownership for the American Dream. We need to
    stop that!

    I might actually have to vote republican in '06...I like the idea of
    laying on my ass for once and sucking off the government to get by.
    Nah! I'd vote for Mark Johnson before I'd vote republican! I'd even
    vote for Mark Johnson before I'd vote for Badnarik.
    Brian Walker, Nov 7, 2004
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. I only post on two newsgroups on usenet.. Sometimes I get caught up in
    response to cross posts from other groups.. What little that I've discovered
    in searches of Nurick is that he is well known on several groups that don't
    seem to think that he's "okay" as you put it...

    That being said, some of the demonstrations on tx.motorcycles from Nurick
    has caused my opinion of him to be entirely different than your concept of
    him.. I am knowledgeable enough to realize that an image on usenet is not
    necessarily accurate..

    With few exceptions I've found that after as long a time as my experience
    with Nurick goes back, I'm convinced that my opinion of him is real close to
    the man, himself.. Our dislike for each other is mutual.. If I were
    soliciting for support, I'd not choose Albert Nurick under any
    circumstance.. I don't solicit support .. Thanks for your input.. but, I
    disagree that Albert Nurick is okay.. I believe Albert Nurick represents
    nothing more than an insignificant little juvenile, with a desire for
    recognition complex..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 20, 2004
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