[URL]http://minilien.fr/a0k8jw[/URL] D. [1] meaning don't read, or read and shut the fuck up
Did you mean read your post or follow the link and read whatever it's pointing to? If I decide not to read it, does that mean I get the option of whether I want to shut the **** up or not?
It means that it doesn't exactly abide by its previous trumpeting that it believed in free speech. So it's trying to stop people posting. There's a delicious irony in there somewhere.
Just out of curiosity, twat: am I supposed to be impressed by a cretin who refers to other people as 'it' ? You're on thin ice, you stupid bastard. D. --
Just thought that it might have some extra-curricular work to do over the Easter break, if it really cared about its pupils' progress. Big Bruvver, who was a dedicated teacher, frequently took work home with him.
What, so as well as having an idiot as a little brother, he also broke the law? Work in a state school? When did I ever claim I did ? My school is Jewish. Private, thus not state. HTH. D.
<Bad form post> Actually, I think my brother regrets giving up teaching and taking early retirement, because now he's got sod all to do, really. He was a dedicated teacher, and his gaff was always open house to promising pupils. Before their own family expanded, he and my sis-in-law used to have several staying over for weekends, while he gave them extra coaching or tuition or just argued with them. Sometimes wish I'd had a teacher like that, actually (although boarding school meant you saw your teachers at weekends anyway). I remember once going round for dinner one night, and there was the usual bright teenager wolfing down the grub and punishing the wine, and I asked him what Big Bruvver's nickname was at school. The wine had made him careless, and he looked up with a grin, opened his mouth, and then saw "Sir's" enquiring eyebrows. And he shut up like a clam. Took Big Bruvver a few more weeks to find out what it was.[1] But you won't catch the Frogs, not even the real ones, showing that sort of dedication, I daresay. [1] "Tefal", as it happened, due to his tall forehead.
Great. An hour ago I was 'grooming' young girls, and now you're whingeing 'cos I don't invite them home for an apéritif and a feel. What do you think the reaction would be on here, if I announced that one of my students had come over for dinner, and that I'd plied him or her with wine? The only 'IRL' contact I have with the pupils outside the school is when I bump into them in the street, or as happened a month ago, at a friend's marriage down at my former Syna, Chasseloup-Laubat. I chat regularly with two or three of them on MSN, a fact which I have made known to the headmaster. Were there the slighest doubt as to my motives, I'm sure my flat would already have been raided. Plus of course, I send and receive quite a few e-mails from them, like the one I just sent an hour ago ... ---- Hi, Would those who _have_ a copy of _Macbeth_, please let me know by this evening, so that I know how many photocopies to bring with me tomorrow? Thanks. D. ---- Be sure to send that to the French governments 'pedo-alert' line, eh? *snigger* I missed class last Tuesday morning, and as the class starts at eight am, they were understandably miffed that they'd got out of bed for nothing. One of the fourth-years asked me on Friday if I wanted her number, so that I could warn them if I was going to be off. 'I don't believe,' I replied. 'That having your number on my mobile would be a career-enhancing move'. it's inconceivable that any of them would ever come over for dinner. Maybe times have changed since your brother was a teacher, for I'm sure that even in the UK (what am I saying ... especially_ in the UK!), such behaviour would be forbidden. Remember, this is the country that has people locked up for taking pictures of their children naked. As for nicknames, I'll ask them tomorrow if they have one for me (not that I'm all that keen to know what it is). If I mention life at the school here, and if I laugh at Lady Nina's petulant threats to 'report' me for pointing out that she's about as feminist as Jeremy Clarkson, it's that I operate _always_ within the law. I'm so fucking clean that if you run your finger down my arm, it squeaks. D.
I'm having a sabbatical from racist Des and his puerile postings. I suppose it must be this year or perhaps next that he's due to transform into a new ego. He's been in this persona for long enough now.
The BBC's history is repleat with occasions on which it has printed arabist propaganda without verification. Take a look back in its archives. Arab terrorists are referred to as 'militants'. An Israeli death is referred to in the passive voice, whereas an Arab's death is reported in the active voice. Every Israeli action in Gaza gets 'front-page' treatment or near enough to it, whereas for an Israeli's death to make that spot, it really has to be 'spectacular', _cf_ the attack on the yeshiva recently. Other examples of the media bias are that roughly half of the Arabs killed in Gaza are murdered by other Arabs, and yet those deaths don't make the news. Or what about the little boy filmed in the late eighties who had been 'beaten to death by the Israelis' ? In fact, the child in question died of a brain tumour in an Israeli hospital after the Israeli doctors had tried to save him. Did the truth ever make it to the news? Did it ****. Nor should we forget the case of Mohammed Al Durra whom I've mentioned before. 'Murdered by Israelis' as his father tried in vain to save him. The news travelled all around the world. Except no: he wasn't murdered by the Israelis. He was shot by Arabs. Did an apology ever make it to the news? Not that I ever noticed. Or what about the fact that the Israeli army called residents of South Lebanon in 2006 to warn them to leave their homes? Do Hamas ever call residents in Ashkelon or Sderot to warn them of the rockets that are going to fall? Do they ****. 'course, you won't see this on the BBC ... 'For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahideen and the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen, in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine. It is as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: 'We desire death like you desire life' Who uttered those words ? Fathi Ahmad Hammad, leader of Izzedeen al-Qassam Brigades, the political wing of Hamas. So they put children in front of bombs. Charming. There really is no excuse for the sort of woeful ignorance that the above statement reveals. Both _The Jerusalem Post_ and _Haaretz_ have English-language editions... http://www.jpost.com/ http://www.haaretz.com/ Both of these papers frequently publish anti-Israeli government articles, and denounce Arab deaths when Tsahal are judged to have gone over the top. You'll be sure to let me know what happens to Arab journalists in the Middle East when they criticise Hamas. Won't you ? Doesn't the stupid Charlie know that politicians have to say things that even they don't believe? I find the issue of 'refugees' to be particulatrly, erm .. amusing. Around 600,000 Arabs were displaced from Palestine in 1948. A roughly equal number of Jews were chased from the surrounding Arab territories. The Jews were absorbed by the state of Israel. Why don't Syria, Jordan, Egypt etc absorb the Arabs? The number of 'refugees' now numbers roughly five million people, most of them born after 1948. Perhaps you, genius, could tell us what other conflict in the history of the world, has ever seen the status of 'refugee' passed on from father to son. Hmm? It's never happened before. There is _no_ provision in international law for this. The status of 'refugee' is applied to the person who has to leave a country due to conflict. It is _never_ applied to his sons or daughters. Maybe you think young Mohammed should get to go back to Israel when he was born in Sweden in 1998 and his father worked on a Tel Aviv construction site for a month in 1952, but I don't, and despite my searching, I can find no precedent for this. Or I have a better idea. Remember this? http://minilien.fr/a0k8mw Why not dig around the Internet and read Resolution 242. Then get back to me and tell me where it mentions the word 'Palestinian'. Or maybe I should save you some time, eh? It doesn't. It was not until 1948 that the Arabs decided to start to demand 'self-determination' in the name of 'Palestinians'. In fact, the vasy majority of those who call themselves 'Palestinians' are in fact Jordanian or Egyptian. Where was this 'Palestinian' state? Where was its capital? What was its currency? What were its laws? Who was its head of state? Name one treaty that it passed with a foreign power. What about its armed forces? Have a read of the British Mandate. See Arabs mentioned? Nope. None of these questions you'll answer of course. You'll just call me a '****', and the sycophants who'd agree with you that the earth is flat as long as I said it was round, will clap their hands like stupid fucking seals, and slap your back and fete you as if you weren't the woeful ignoramus your posts so far have demonstrated you to be. Israel currently occupies around one tenth of one percent of the total territory in the Middle East. The rest is home to twenty-one Arab states. Yet this tiny land is so important to Arabs that they espouse the eradication of Israel and the death of every Jew in the area. And they are unwittingly supported in that quest by ignorant idiots like you who have no idea whatsoever what you're talking about, help the cause of the terrorists by trying to put a democratic state whose citizens (Arab and Jewish) have full civic rights, on the same moral footing as a band of thieving murderers whom you couldn't trust if your fucking life depended on it. The facts are that the Jewish people's claim to the land of Israel is in full compliance with international law. As I've tried (in vain, sadly) to point out to the stupid fucks who populate UKRM, the dispute in the Middle East has nothing to do with 'land', and everything to do with religion. The presence of a Jewish state among Arab states is an affront to Muslims. This is why, whatever concessions Israel makes, whatever land is 'gives back' to Arabs, they are only postponing the next round of attacks. 'Oslo is a Trojan Horse', as Faysal Al-Husseiny once famously said. Get back to me when you've educated yourself. D.
Deliberately not snipped. A superb assessment. Oh, and before I forget - a large glass of claret, please.